May 15, 2017
Akkiir, Finn, Janlynn, Nim, Tetsuo, Uphir (DM Jim)
Current Adventure
A new group of young adventurers have taken up residence at the Pair of Antlers Inn in the bustling city of Elturel. Soon their desires are met as they are hired to aid the exotic Silvo in his rush to head north with his small caravan of roving wagons. Little do they know that their quest for adventure will take them on a dark and terrifying path towards evil as they fall under THE CURSE OF STRAHD.
(Jun 29, 2015 - Aug 24, 2015) Jun 6, 2016 - May 8, 2017
Jarek, Davion, Mara, Xedred, Zath, Miathrana (DM Jim)
Adventure Paused
When forces of evil begin their march to conquest, who will stand against them? Why do some answer the call of heroic adventure while others cower in darkness? There are those who are victims of their fate and those who rise to forge their own. Are you willing to face the growing war machines of the oppressor and lead the world in a battle for control of it’s own destiny? Few would dare.
Aug 25, 2016
Chakk, Amnesty, Krular, Beor, Kojiro (DM Doug)
Adventure Paused (Only a two weeker)
A strange fog and a little village off the beaten track sets up this adventure for some creepy, atmospheric fun. Our adventurers find themselves traveling the Dusk Road between Asbravn and Iriaebor, a stretch of highway that connects to various farming hamlets on the way southeast out of the Sunset Vale. Soon they find themselves engulfed by a mysterious Fog as an even stranger story begins to evolve.
Mar 14 - May 30, 2016
Killian, Drake, Trilidir, Var, Torin, Flynn, Xander (DM Doug)
Adventure paused indefinitely (Marpenoth 13 - Nightal 16, 1362)
The calamities of the previous months have left the Realms with an uncertain, vicious winter laying ahead of them. The Vanguard of Argus have returned from war and now must make decisions to mark the course of their Order, their Homes, and the lives of their loved ones. They must prepare for the coming storm.
Sep 07,2015 - Mar 07, 2016
Thorvoldd, Jade, Gem, Jadarl, Abstract, Tsallok, Torin (DM Don)
Uktar 30, 1362 DR
The final chapter of DM Don's on-going campaign adventure, the Fury Wars. This collosal adventure finds the Daggerford Dozen facing off against an ancient evil from the deep north. The north is moving south, with waves of monstrous creatures as it's vanguard. Can they stop it in time?
The Holy Chalice
DM Doug - May 23 - 2016
Connections - The Vanguard of Argus
Nicholas felt its power tugging at his imagination while he read from a thick tome in his richly appointed private chambers. He had been having a hard time concentrating all that morning, with an intangible itch in the back of his mind. Now the itch was getting more intense - more demanding. In his mind’s eye, quite suddenly, Nicholas saw a flash of deepest and pure blackness, at once repulsive to him and at the same time compelling him with its immense depth. With a shudder through his body, Nicholas put down his book and knew that he must examine the artifact kept below.
He made his way through the corridors, absent mindedly greeting those he passed without really being aware of more than putting one foot in front of the other. If he was right, this was much different than the last time the chalice “Spoke” to him, much more subtle. He had hardly had time to learn the ways of this ancient holy chalice since its recent awakening – it was clearly the one in charge and he would have to rely on his prayers to wise Tyr to guide him forward. Soon he was passing through the Nave and down the corridor into the chamber of the Chalice.
Entering the holy shrine, he noticed an acolyte studying a papyrus in the room, who turned to greet him. The chalice was quiet and had no obvious effect on its environment; in fact the reaction of the acolyte told him the font had not acted in any way other than its usual inert way. Perhaps it was all in his imagination after all…. But he knew he would have to check to be sure. Smiling paternally to the young cleric, he gathered himself for an unknown potential reaction from the ancient device.
God Talk (Volume 1)
DM Don - Mar 7 - 2016
Connections - The Daggerford Dozen, Midnight's Watch, Crimson Reavers
Mask knew he couldn't avoid him too much longer, things hadn't gone the way Talos had hoped and with his temperment it was probably best to let things cool for a while, but leave it for too long and the avoidance would become a problem of its own. He entered Wayrock Tower and found Talos seated on the steps, his molten core glowing through small cracks in his surface.
"You have gone to great lengths to ensure this meeting, should I be flattered?" Mask quipped.
Talos remained frozen in his position on the stairs. "Flattered, concerned, contrite maybe even humbled, all of which I doubt you are actually capable of, but perhaps that is our inherent nature as Greater Gods?" he said in a voice equal parts grinding fault line and steam vents.
"Deep stuff. Maybe we should start a book club?". In his deep cowl only the unnaturally laser red grin and eyes were visible. The grin grew wider, and his eyes narrower, reflecting Mask's approval of his own humour.
"And review the Cyrinishad?". As he spoke, Talos moved for the first time to gauge Mask's response to the first shot of this confrontation.
"The what?" Mask tried his best to sound sincere.
"The book you transcribed to scrolls in order to convert powerful mortals to Cyric. I know of your dealings and your grand plan." Talos accused.
'Well that's inconvenient', thought to himself. "That you think there is just one plan, is so naively adorable" Mask said with obvious condescension.
"M...a...s...k!" Talos said in along drawn out, rising warning. His fist clenching and spilling lava onto the floor as the sky outside the tower lit up with a simultaneous display of both thunder and lightning.