Thom Lergret - Thom is the Father of missing Laurel and Jonas Lergret. He is a prominent farmer in the area.
Councilman Will Moranni - Will is a well respected, elderly stateman from the town council.
Rom Greenhome - Rom is the father of the missing young man, Brock.
Town of Gelden Fields - The village of Gelden FIelds is a peaceful farming community in the agricultural lands just off the Uldoon Trail between Berdusk and Asbravn. They are independant from any larger urban areas and rule themselves by a council of Elders. They are generally a law abiding folk who just want to farm, provide for themselves, and successfully bring their goods to market in Asbravn or Berdusk. This area near the Sunset Vale has several small farming villages, just like Gelden Fields, and they trade extensively with each other and come together for festivals, events and marriages.
Ruins of Greycliff - A 300 year old ruin of a keep that once commanded the surrounding lands as far as their warriors could ride in a day. Morvallis was a cruel Lord and eventually the people of the land rose up against him and overthrew his rule, destroying the keep and trapping Morvallis and his Necromancer, Tuv Varis, in the dungeons beneath the keep. Eventually the two obtained immortality through undeath and were forced the remain entombed all these years. To this day the keep has always been in folklore as a cursed place to be avoided at all costs, even if they don't remember exactly why. Now they know that the evil is finally destroyed in this place, thanks to the PCs.



The group decided to rest the rest of the night and when they got up, they healed a little more and saw that the 2 boys condition had not gotten any better. They needed to get the kids out of here sooner rather than later. They made their way back to the small entrance tunnel but were ambushed by Morvallis a couple of times along the way. Once he appeared to block their way and began to battle them only to be found out as an illusion.
Morvallis' voice taunted them as they travelled and again he attacked them in the pit corridor by casting an illusory fireball at them, but they were mostly not fooled. They decided to charge him and finally battled him face to face in the corridor leading to the entrance tunnel. They saw that Morvallis had taken a Wight arm and attached it to his shoulder to regain use of his sword arm. He battled viciously using spells of fear and confusion as well as his sword, but the PCs overwhelmed him and he teleported away (Again!).
The PCs managed to get the kids through the tunnel and found that the two fathers were still there waiting and they bid the farmers to get their kids back to town quickly and warn of what happened here. The PC's still had a few hallways to explore - and to try to finish off Morvalis - AGAIN, so they went back in.
The western-most north door in the throne room led to a private bedroom with the debris of furniture laying about the room, a fancy mirror and a chest underneath the debris. Scratched markings were upon one wall and tapestries hung from some of the walls. An immovable glowing globe provided light to the room.
When they explored the other doorway, they entered another living chamber/ bedroom. This time the room was occupied by a green glowing semi-transparent apparation (Class 4 Full Torso Floating Manifestation). The ghost tried to attack but was unsuccessful, then it tried to possess a member of the group but was ultimately defeated before it could succeed. Some hidden treasure was found behind an armoire and a book was found under the bed.
Having looted the place, they were deciding on what to do with the writhing, moaning mass of undeath hanging on the wall of the throne room. They managed to establish slight communication with the entity. It suggested that killing Morvallis would allow it to be killed as well. It also suggested there may be something in the book they found.
The book was a memoire of the Necromancer Tuv Varis, Wizard to Lord Skorig Morvallis. It told the story of The ruins of Grey Cliff, which are the remains of a once powerful Lords keep in the area long ago. A few hundred years ago the Keep was occupied by an evil Lord (Skorig morvallis) and his men. He ruled the surrounding countryside with an iron grip and terrorized its populace. In the later years of his reign, he became obsessed with attaining immortality and attained the services of a Necromancer named (Tuv Varis).
Skorig was fascinated by the experiments of Tuv and watched as he created many undead minions to serve him and Skorig was happy to supply him with an unending stream of fresh bodies. These morbid and dark activities and Skorig’s ever visible insanity and misuse of his people came to a violent climax. People from the surrounding lands, and from within his own keep and with the help of several powerful adventurers, attacked the keep in a desperate push to remove Skorig from power once and for all. As his Keep was being ripped down all around him, Skorig and Tuv fled to the underground chambers beneath the Keep – where the Necromancer kept his lair.
Trapped beneath the ruined keep, Tuv did manage to give Skorig his immortality, even if it was not exactly what he expected it to be while Tuv eventually managed to attain a sort of almost Lich-like state himself. Skorig was angry that he was transformed into a Wight King and became truly insane, and his paranoia was beginning to turn towards Tuv.
It is supposed now that Skorig had his revenge and defeated Tuv. He kept the undead body of Tuv hanging on the wall in his throne room to torture for all eternity.
While the PCs were discussing this information, Skorig Morvallis attacked again with his damnable confusion powers. The PCs could not find him anywhere - he was not a target! He was continuing to assault their minds with confusion and it would only be a matter of time before he has them all under his thrall. They swung their weapons about, they attacked the throne, they cast spells into various parts of the room to hit him - all to no avail. Again - more accursed confusion attempts.
Just as a frantic feeling was falling over the party, the form of Tuv, hanging upon the wall, was trying to draw their attention to the Porticullis. Kojiro picked up on this and called out to his comrades that Morvallis was there. The NPC cast a wall of ice beyond the porticullis and dropped it upon the invisible form of their enemy. At the same time Kojiro thrust his blade through the bars into the belly of Morvallis, killing him. The invisibily illusion was swept away as was the confusion on members of the group, and his still body was laying there just beyond the entranceway.
The PCs quickly finished looting the rest of the dungeon and made their way back to Gelden Fields with their spoils. They came back as heroes and shared their stories with the townspeople. A local, low level mage offered to identify their magic items for them and they were picked by the PCs. The NPC just wanted the Wizard scrolls and nothing else from the magic pile.
The PCs decided to gift the book (Memoires of the Necromancer Tuv) to the town, so that they would know their heritage and the true story of their history in the region. The girl revealed that the three of them were just having fun hanging out at the ruins when one of the boys dared the other to explore the graveyard. They discovered the cracked mosoleum and entered. They were quickly attacked by undead, paralyzed, and brought befor the Undead Lord. He drained the life energy almost completely out of the boys, yet left the girl alone to taunt and torture as she would watch her brother and friend slowly turn into undead.
However, the two boys began to start to feel better with time and all agreed that they should heal fully from their ordeal. The PC's stayed a few days spending some of their loot and then, one by one, wandered off to seek their fortune and adventure elsewhere.
Following the trail further, it lead to an overgrown graveyard and ultimately to a cracked open masoleum. The tracks indicated the children had crawled inside. As a rain storm moved in overhead, the PC's crawled inside to investigate. The crypt looked as if it had been looted long ago, but there were signs of the children, and it seems that they had followed a narrow rough hewn passage deep into darkness.
Following the claustrophobic trail of the children, the PC's found themselves in a much more comfortable underground passageway of superiorly masoned stonework, fully 10' wide and almost 20' high. Heading south they soon came to a porticullis protecting a large room beyond. Beor had the solution to the porticullis by using his Rod of Lordly Might to pry it open.
This 50' x 50' room looked like a prison/ torture chamber of some sort. It did not have any current living prisoners, but the PC's did encounter two mournful and evil female Spectres who tried to attack, but were driven off by the priest's turning abilities. No small amount of treasure was found amongst some rubbish in that room. Ka-Ching!
Going North the PC's encountered a deadly 50' deep spiked pit that tried to consume Krular and were attacked by some Blood Skeletons, who at first played dead (Pun intended). After the skeleton room, they went through the Chandelier Room and into the Impassable Stairs room - with stone stairs leading up, that have irrepairably collapsed from above and filled with rubble.
As the PC's were investigating the room, a starving, gibbering, slathering horde of undead rushes out upon them from the south passage - climbing on the walls and ceilings as well as the floor to get at the group of PC's.
The village of Gelden FIelds is a peaceful farming community in the agricultural lands just off the Uldoon Trail between Berdusk and Asbravn. Our PC's have stopped there on their way to wherever they were going and the adventure begins with them sitting in the Maiden's Rest Inn having drinks and conversation.
Soon the Inn is all abustle with townsfolk filling the common room. It seems that some young people have gone missing. The initial search of the village and surrounding farms did not find them, so they are preparing a search party. Our selfless PC's quickly interceded and offered to help. Chakk and Garvin were trackers and after much searching around the village, picked up the trail of the young ones heading north...

Following the elusive trail led the PC's to a hilly region that scared away most of the accompanying townspeople. It seems there is a cursed ruins in the hills that is deep rooted in their society to avoid at all costs. Nothing but death awaits there. The PC's and 2 of the parents were all who remained to go forth.
Atop a steep hill, a ruined keep sits dark and forboding, silhouetted against a darkening sky. It seems the children had come this way and visited the husk that remained of the keep. From the graffiti it seems as though this place does not hold the same fear to the young ones as it does to the older members of the village.



The concealed door had some form of evocation magic on it and the party felt it was prudent to "Knock" the door and to not touch it on the way down the corridor assuming it was a trap. Beyond the concealed door the passage wound eastward through the dungeon, eventually coming to a small room with half a dozen skeletons standing guard, and the passage continuing beyond. Beor quickly turned them all to dust and the group continued on their way, turning northward until they came to a large room with an open porticullis.
This was the hall of the evil entity known as Morvallis who had cast an illusion upon the chamber to make it seem as a richly appointed throne room. The PCs felt something was not right with the scene as Morvallis envited him into his court, with his bard and 6 glorious looking Knights, and they managed to perceive through the illusion. Morvallis was dissapointed that his game was so quickly ended and dropped all pretense of his grand hall.
Morvallis was a dark, hooded form sitting upon an aged stone throne, a young teenage girl sat sobbing beside his throne and 2 other sickly looking youths sat crouched and shivering against the south wall. The six Knights were in fact undead skeleton warriors in ancient, ragged plate armor. The priests tried turning them, but they and their master were unimpressed with their attempts. The warriors were sent in to attack while Morvallis stayed back out of the fray.

It was a pitched battle against very powerful opponants - made all the more difficult by Morvallis taking 3 of the 5 PCs out of the fight at the very beginning by beguiling them with a confusion spell. Much must be said about the fighting prowess of Beor and Kojiro as they fought desperately against all 6 of the foes. Chakk managed to have a couple of rounds to help in combat in-between being confused. After a few minutes of fighting and half of the skeletons destroyed, Beor decided to bring the fight to Morvallis while Kojiro fought the remaining.
Unbeknownst to the heroes, Beor physically attacking Morvallis forced him to stop using his confusion power, which a few minutes later would prove to be decisive in the battle. Kojiro finished off the remaining skeletal warriors in time to see 6 more pour into the room from a north doorway. Once again, wounded and in desperation, Kojiro was able to see through the new skeletons as being merely another illusion!
Both heroes fought a moving battle against Morvallis and his very quick and efficient blade. They were desperately wounded and would soon fall, but the confusion spell wore off and Krular and Chakk were back in the fight. Kojiro and Beor did some quick healing and soon everyone was against Morvallis. Chakk cut off Morvallis' right arm at the shoulder, and as his arm and blade hit the floor Morvallis uttered a curse and vanished into an inky vortex of shadows.
The girl seemed to be fine physically and completely terrorized otherwise, but the two other youths looked in desperate shape - sallow, sunken cheeks and dark ringed eyes, with slightly grayed skin. They were uncommunicative, but they did still have a weak pulse, they were cold to the touch but they were not undead. Yet.
Unlocking the north doors and setting off an acid trap in one of them showed 2 new passages heading off north. The group were all wounded and mostly out of spells and needed to decide their next course of action. That is where we left off.


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