NG md F7/C8
Religion: Moradin & The Dwarven Pantheon
Family: Baragund Mastercrafters
Homeland: The Stonelands
Current Home: Thunderstone (Cormyr)
Travels: Eastern and Western Heartlands
Group Affiliations: The Lords of Thunderstone
Height: 4' 4" Weight: 226lb Hair: Long Salt and Pepper hair and tri-braded beard Eyes: Pale Blue Race: Shield Dwarf Age: 118 Complexion: Dark, scarred and leathery
Build: Solid and well muscled

Beor is not a young Dwarf anymore, and it is starting to show in his weathered complexion, crow's feet, and strands of white in his once dark hair and beard. He isn't bothered too much by this as he knows it also shows up in his face as wisdom. Beor is of average height for a dwarf, and build very solid from decades of hard work and fierce combat. His face and hands show a map of scars that prove his war stories are true but hard fought. What can be seen of his skin is very deeply tanned and his beard is still much blacker than it is white. His hair is generally unruly but kept maintained via a steel helm, but his beard is very meticulously kept in a tri-braid, with a large 5 piece plait in the middle and a smaller 3 piece plait on either side. He is almost always armored in well oiled chainmail with as many metal plates as is permissible by the church. All his armor is kept in the best of shape, and damage is either repaired as soon as possible, or immediately replaced, so his armor almost always looks new.