5th Edition
The full Player's Handbook Core Rules. Everything you need to know to play the game is right in here. Make your characters and have a blast with it. Your DM, Jim, will handle the rest.
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5th Edition
New! New! New! Just added. This book contains all new information and game options for the 5E game, including new class options, feats, spells, etc. All the goodies!
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Created by Doug 'cause I love the idea of this silly little guy. He'll dip into Rogue a little bit, but mostly all Bard. He does not take him self too seriously. If Jarek ever dies, I'll pull this guy out of my hat.
He has a pet Squirrel named "Squeakers" who he can communicate with and is never far from his side.

SKARZZ - Lizardfolk Barbarian
Skarzz is a strong and fierce warrior of his clan. He lives for the glory of battle and has little respect for those not proven in battle. He works closely with his comrade towards the goals of his clan. Currently, they are working with the human-types to destroy the Bullywug Shaman and lead an uprising to overthrow the human scum who inhabit Castle Naerytar.
TETSUO - Neal's character to use for the upcoming Strahd campaign. He is a wise and serene monk from the far east.

JANLYNN SHIELDHEART - Human Life Cleric (Lathander). Janlynn is Deb's awesome new character for the next 5th edition adventure. A first for Debbie I believe as she has never made a cleric before.

Tel’Akkiir’Quisiir - Human Life Cleric (Lathander). Janlynn is Deb's awesome new character for the next 5th edition adventure. A first for Debbie I believe as she has never made a cleric before.
BRONN - Dwarf Paladin/Cleric (Clangeddon)
Created by Doug for Jim's Return to Illefarn adventure. The idea is for him to be the cousin to Don's Dwarf character. Couple of crazy dwarves.
He has a Pony named "Stinky" who hauls around the cart Bronn rides in.

SCHNICKTICK CRYSTALFIST - Neal's character for the Return to Illefarn adventure. A Deep Gnome I think?

Uphir - Dragonborn barbarian from the High Moors.