A new group of young adventurers have taken up residence at the Pair of Antlers Inn in the bustling city of Elturel. Soon their desires are met as they are hired to aid the exotic Silvo in his rush to head north with his small caravan of roving wagons. Little do they know that their quest for adventure will take them on a dark and terrifying path towards evil as they fall under THE CURSE OF STRAHD.
Elturel & The Fields of the Dead
Elturel is a major city on the River Chionthar in the southern Fields of the Dead. Helm is a major religion in the area and well equipped Hell Riders patrol the areas far afield around the city offering their protection to travellers and famers in the area.
Silvo - He is the silver tongued employer of the adventuring troupe. He is of the Vistani and has a thick accent. The Vistani are a wandering people who live in their brightly colored caravans. Silvo is a man of great humor and love of creativity and music. The PCs have learned that he is also working for the devil Strahd and is the one who lured us to Barovia. When next they meet, it won't be a pretty scene.
Oleg - He was a Vistani and one of Silvo's drovers. The group never got to know this man very well, but were forced to watch his most brutal death as he fell to undead moss dogs. His body was left behind amidst the wreck of his ruined wagon.

The Pair of Black Antlers
The Pair of Black Antlers is a famous Inn/Tavern in Elturel that caters particularly to advennturers. Uphir, Janlynn and Finn stayed there while looking for adventure for the Company of the Wolf. It is there that they met the rest of their troupe as well as Silvo, their first employer in adventure.

Tora - She is the only survivor of the wolf ravaged farm that Uphir, Janlynn and Finn discovered on the road to Elturel. The new heroes slew the remaining wolves and rescued the woman from a tree. She gave Janlynn a rather unique gift - A deck of strange (Tarokka) cards. She burned down her farm and then joined the caravan south.