Found in Leader's Footlocker
Cloak of Protection +1 (Needs attunement) UPHIR
4 x potions of healing HANDED OUT
Mess Kit
Flask w/ flamable liquid (Not lamp oil)
Leather wrapped thieves tools NIM
Spell book w/ yellow leather cover AKKIIR
Found in crate
Bunch of torches
Leather sack with a bunch of tallow candles
2 x clay flagons and pitcher. (Stained. Old. Dusty.)
Found in Armoire
Iron candlestick
Old robes
Items in Niches (We only took 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 & 11)
#1 - Small glass bat (Magic)
#2 - Chunk of Amber with black lightning bolt captured within it. (Magic)
#3 - Leather doll representing a witch with a bulging belly (Something inside?). Tag with writing.
#4 - Rag doll designed to look like a bloated zombie. Stuffed with rice.
#5 - Small wooden doll hinged at the middle. (Barely the size of a hand). (Magic)
#6 - Small metal coffin. (Magic)
#7 - Old black rusty iron tea kettle (Magic)
#8 - Donkey jaw bone with scrimshaw carving. Rotten and obscured by dirt and soil.
#9 - Small wooden flute inlaid with copper wire. Emits a low middle C note. (Magic)
#10 - A thin silver necklace with an ivory pendant (Yellowed and cracked) of a robed woman supplicating.
#11 - Scratched white marble lying in a rivulet of water. (Magic)
#12 - A single playiing card with a picture and text indicating it is a tax collector. The number 8.
#13 - Large canine tooth with 27 etched tally marks upon it. (Dire wolf sized).
Found on Shackled Skeleton
Gold ring in a bag (25g) UPHIR
Akkiir - In his nightmare he was strapped down spread eagle upon a table. He could hear voices around him. When he turned to look he could see that the flesh was pulled back on his right arm with his bones revealed beneath. He looked and saw that all of his limbs suffered the same fate. The voices were talking about continuing to flay him alive. Pain and terror.
Uphir - Her nightmare took place in the barn. The rest of the troupe were dead and being devoured by undead and Uphir could do nothing to stop it. Then she was overwhelmed and found herself being devoured as well.
Tetsuo - In his nightmares he has re-lived something terrible from his past that has horrified him. He has not elaborated.
Nim - In his nightmare he awoke with our group under attack in the very room we bedded down for the night. Superior forces, numbers and strategy overwhelmed our team, but they cruelly spared only his life. A militia from a nearby town came to investigate, and finding only Nim and his dead allies, he was tried and convicted of killing everyone. He could not disagree with the conviction, as Ilmater had left him so he was already divinely judged anyway. He accepted his fate and was pilloried in the town square. He was killed after as the final punishment for his failures.
Finn - His nightmare saw him being wounded and captured by one of the cursed Knights of Dragon Down. He was dragged to a dark castle and put into it's flooded dungeon. He was tested by an evil half wolf - half man creature to serve him. Finn declined and soon found himself drowning.
Janlynn - She has not said really anything about her nightmares.
Found in various footlockers (UPHIR)
3 x precious stones (Moss agates 10g ea.) SOLD
Ivory Hairbrush with silver bristles (25g) SOLD
Black Eyepatch (W/ gem) (50g) SOLD
Silver short sword (AKKIIR?)
Pouch of silver & gold (11g + 60s) NIM (GROUP)
Madam Eva's Tarokka Readings
1. "This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you understand your enemy." She turned the Elementalist card, which was the Five of Stars. “The treasure is hidden in a small castle beneath a mountain, guarded by amber giants.”
2. “This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope.” She turned the Shepherd, which is the Four of Glyphs. “Find the mother - she who gave birth to evil.”
3. "This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of Sunlight.” She turned the Charlatan, the Seven of Glyphs. “I see a lonely mill on a precipice. The treasure lies within.”
4. “This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.” She turned the Seer. “Look for a dusk elf living among the Vistani. He has suffered a great loss and is haunted by dark dreams. Help him, and he will help you in return.”
5. “Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!” She turned the Marionette. “Look to great heights. Find the beating heart of the castle. He waits nearby.”
Janlynn's Tarokka Readings (Re: Gertruda)
1. The first card shows history. The Shepherd was drawn. This reveals the truth of our meeting with Mary, and her sharing with us the plight of Gertruda.
2. "This is the protection card. The Charlatan was drawn. Gertruda is being deceived by someone and revealing this truth to her will aid her.
3. This is the power card. The Elementalist was drawn. Janlynn saw a small castle looking through amber in an inderground cavern.
4. This card reveals where help may be found in this matter. The Executioner was drawn. Janlynn received no reading from this card. I am unsure if this is a good or bad thing.
5. This card gives clues as to the main obstacle or enemy ahead for us. The Dark Lord was drawn. Janlynn immediately received a vision of who she knew to be the Devil Strahd. He seemed to turn and look directly at her. She was shocked and dropped this card, visibly shaken.
Investigate Wolf Hunters
Investigate Shaking Wagon
Speak to Rictavio
Visit Rictavio at Khazan's Tower
InvestigateWachter family
Cat Girl
Investigate Baron
Purple Lights and skeleton cats and children
Baron and wife insight on Ireena
Find out about young man in attic room
Find out what happened to dragged man
Find Dusk Elves living by Lake Zarovich
Kasimir is the suffering dusk elf
Preparations for mountain travel
Ape man
Amber temple on Mt. Ghakis
Find 'Knowledge of the Ancient'?
Investigate Winery
History of Winery
Clear winery
Purify wine
Investigate Old Manor House (Arganvostholt)
Home of knight brotherhood who stood up to Strahd
Worshipped/ led by a Dragon
Destroyed by Strahd
Investigate Vistani living by Lake Zarovich
Investigate Undertaker
Find Bones
Deal with Vampires
Investigate Strahd Von Zarovich
Find Mother
Find Holy Symbol
Find out more about brother Sergei (History might lead us to the weapon)
Find Truth about Visilli Van Holtz
Find Ireena
Follow Izek Strazni
Talk to Izek Strazni
Deal with Hags
Destroy Night Mother
Retrieve Titanite Stone from Night Mother's
walking stump
Kill Juniper, Ophelia, Bella
Find sword "Blade of sunlight", perhaps
belonged to Strahd's brother Sergei
Investigate ruined city of Berez
Investigate Bat Cave (hag sanctuary?)
Burn windmill
Three Innes Hag Covens
1 Bower Hag Coven
Green Hag Covens
Yester Hill
Destroy Black Water Banyan tree
Retrieve Titanite Stone
Destroy corrupted druids
Investigate ambush site
Destroy "The Huntsman"
Find Small Castle/Amber Giants 'Under Mountain'
Find 'Knowledge of the Ancient' (?)
The Summit of Mt. Gackus has cave of amber
Find Mother - Ravina (Ravenloft named for her)
Find Holy Symbol (?)
Find Wanderer on Mount Baritok
Investigate Isaac Strasni
Unusual arm. Cruelty.
Lake Zarovich monster
Missing Sister (Presumed dead)
Find Gertruda
Blinsky Toys
Speak to Gadof Blinsky
Find Construct (Fritz Von Weerg)
Investigate Krezk Anomalies
Deliver remaining wine
Investigate Abby
Investigate Abbott
Janlynn's Tarokka Readings (Re: Where are the bones of Saint Andril?)
1: She drew the Four of Stars. "The Abjurer". This card shows the past. It shows young, dirty hands reaching for the floor of the church.
2: She drew the Eight of Coins. "The Tax Collector". This card shows one man paying another man. The man paying is well dressed and afluent looking, while the other man wore a dirty neck scarf. This relates to crates or crated goods of some sort.
3: She drew "The Raven". A high card. Nothing was revealed.
4: She then drew another high card "The Artifact". This card shows that the bones are in a sack in a dark place.
5: The final card was "The Marionette". It showed the man with the scarf looking out through a black painted wooden door with a look of terror on his face.