A new group of young adventurers have taken up residence at the Pair of Antlers Inn in the bustling city of Elturel. Soon their desires are met as they are hired to aid the exotic Silvo in his rush to head north with his small caravan of roving wagons. Little do they know that their quest for adventure will take them on a dark and terrifying path towards evil as they fall under THE CURSE OF STRAHD.
Yester Hill
This large hill is sacred to the Druids and is where they perform their dark rituals. The druids serve Strahd as well as the Night Mother, grandmother of all hags. They bury themselves and the bodies of souless children and, through the power of the Black Banyan's corruption, turn them into Lost Children. Somewhere within the Banyan tree sits the Titanite Stone which gives the unholy ground its power.
NPC - The

On a great mound, sacred to the druids of this cursed land, sits dark cairns and standing stones reaching up as if the dead were rising from their graves.
Atop the hill and within it's concentric rings of piled stones sits a circular walled enclosure. Within stood half a dozen black and twisted stumps of trees, mishapen and corrupted, in their own dark circle. Within these dark stumps is believed to be the body of the souless children who are to be transformed into Lost Ones.
South and west stood the giant Black Banyan Tree with it's hanging roots twisted about and within many smaller trees encircling it. Where once stood a mighty oak, it had become almost completely strangled and absorbed by the ichorous corruption of the Black Banyan tree. Movement could be seen within.
When the PCs went to investigate, a swarm of Lost Ones erupted from the trees and rushed to attack. This included children, wolves and the larger lost children as well.
This battle was fought and won with great success.The heroes set the giant Black Banyan Tree on fire

and battled against the Druids who responded. They freed four of the six children from their tree prisons, the others having already died. The children rescued were not soulless children, but rather young members of the tribe of the druids. When the PCs business there was completed, they let the children leave to return to their tribe.
Interestingly, Uphir managed to gain a powerful magic weapon out of the experience, being guided to it from a ghost of the past.