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#33 – May 8 – 2017
The group heard back from Maxim and Zygy, who sent an agent to help gain control of the facility at the portal site as well as to meet and negotiate with Floki. Floki agreed to meet at Naerytar to negotiate with Zygy in person - hopefully drawing Floki into the fight against the dragons. An offer was also made to exchange magic items and gain more power for the group if they were willing to give up Ix's evil sword. They jumped at the chance and all were justly rewarded.
From here on the heroes will journey to Waterdeep to meet in council with their benefactors. This is where we decided to stop and jump off into the Curse of Strahd adventure, which was started this week. Here is a link to the magic items people got.
#32 – Apr 17 – 2017
The trapped rug of smothering on the floor was defeated and Ix's room was searched - but the Mask was not found. While searching it was noticed that Floki's stone guardians were walking across the courtyard to the lower castle entrance. They were watched carefully by Mia and the team as their intentions were unknown. The stone automatons broke through the doors of the Red Wizards chamber and began battling those within. The team fired at enemies through the statues, and eventually were able to enter the room and join the fight. The fight was over quickly as the statues were a devestating force upon the cultists. Soon the battle was over, but the Red Wizard had turned invisible and escaped.
Mia heard noises coming from the tunnels below and summoned the rest of the group. Exploring the tunnels down to the dragon hoard room, they found the slain body of Glazel and talked briefly with Floki there before ascending again. They discussed their successes with Floki and talked about the sharing of some of the magical treasure as well as the possibility that Floki might want to join the fight against the Cult of the Dragon with the PC's powerful associates. Floki was willing to make their aquaintance.
The PC's earned some magic items and dispersed them throughout the group, and then sent a sending to Maxim Onthar - Lord Paladin of the Order of Argus. That is where we left off.
- Diggly Doggly Duggly
#31 – Apr 10 – 2017
The PCs made quick work of the cultists and any other stragglers who wandered into the barracks. They then sought to lure some of the Dragon Fangs and Draconians to the barracks under the pretext of needing them to sort out some dispute and another hard won battle was had. Their last ploy was to try and get the other half of the Dragon Fangs to come to their killing chamber, but instead Ix was warned and seemed intent on sieging the barracks to get to the bottom of things.
Rather than wait for Ix and his troops to set themselves behind their cover, the PCs rushed out to the attack in a rush.This was their toughest battle yet, battling Ix, a golem, the remaining Dragon Fangs, and several Draconians and 2 frost drakes. Attacks were concentrated on Ix first to successfully defeat him while enduring breath attacks from the draconians. An exhausted group of PCs emerged from this monumental battle having defeated all of the opponants opposing them. But that was not the end...
They needed to capture Ix's strange mask from his trapped and locked chambers, and then sweep away the remaining cultists (The Red wizards and his guards, another golem, and 2 Dragon Fangs). As the group was clearing the castle, Glazel the White Dragon returned in a fury, ripping into the front of the castle, digging through the ruined main entrance doors to get at those inside. Some of the PCs took cover in the Dragon fang room, others ran down the hall and around the corner by Ix's chambers, while Mara ducked around the corner, bracing her shield, and taunted the Dragon. :)
Just as the PCs were wishing they wore their brown pants, Floki returned on his gigantic Roc and began battled the great dragon. Both were seen decending beyond the walls and their view, battling ferociously. Currently the remaining cultists are barricaded in the Red Wizard's chambers. Ix's door is being opened by Xed and Mia.
#30 – Mar 27 – 2017
Communicating with Floki brought about an accord. He had no love for the cultists and their dragons and said that when the castle finished it's return journey and the dragons left to hunt, he would work with them to overthrow the cultists. To be precise - He would take care of the dragons IF the heroes would take out the cultists. He is hedging his bets for sure.
The group communicated with both Zygy and Maxim on their purpose and began their assault in earnest. They chose to eliminate the newly arrived cultists in the barracks first, before moving on to Ix and the rest of the compound. This is where we left off.
The Governor - ?
High Priest of Chauntea - ?
Orlanthar - Monk who was investigating the Cult of the Dragon around Greenest. Asked PCs to investigate further, then bring their findings north to Elturel. He told them to meet with his contact - Sir Maxim Onthar at "The Pair of Black Antlers" Inn.
Caravan Master - ?
Armor Vendor - ?
War Captain Sir Jare - A Captain of the Hellriders of Elturel. Who the PCs encountered and were given an escort to Elturel.
Sir Maxim Onthar - Contact the PCs were given by the monk Orlanthar, whom they were told to seek out in Elturel. Their benefactor/employer?
Venor - ?
Barge Captain Edomere - Captain of the Barge, "Betty". Middle aged, rough, unkempt, dirty. A get shit done guy.
Ackyn Selebon - Maxim Onthar suggested this person as the PCs contact in Baldur's Gate.
Zora - The PCs young guide throughout Baldur's Gate.
Ithtyl Calantryn - Owner of the Three Old Kegs Inn/Tavern.
Lady Aelith Elendara - Owner of the Elfsong Tavern in Baldur's Gate.
Acrany - A Dirty, Smelly, Grumpy man. He deals in cured furs and uncured hides.
Beyd Sechepol - Male half elf. Sells beer for the caravan. Decent bartender who is diplomatic and good at solving arguments.
Edhelri Lewel - Female Moon Elf from Amn. Deals in exotic wood from Chult.
Lai Argesstun - Male Gold Dwarf who is only interested in money. He deals in scented cooking oils and perfumes.
Lasfelro the Silent - He is a human male who had the gargoyle on his wagon. He is a bit of an enigma as he is silent 99% of the time and the other percent his is laughing, singing and telling jokes. One can never know when he might switch.
Newhar & Selvik Serelum - These brothers were hauling elven woodcarvings. Newhar is quite talkative but Selvik does not speak. Newhar uses sign language to talk with him. One of the brothers was murdered on the trip north.
Nyer hite Verther - A human male who is quite friendly and foppish. He carried silk from Calishite.
Oyn Evenmore - A human male who is not fun to talk to. He is stubborn and very opinionated. He deals in Exotic birds from the south.
Smardag the Hooper - A human male with starry-eyed optomism. He was hauling crates of fragile porcelain.
Jamna - Female Gnome. She was also interested in the wagons of the cultists. The group decided they did not trust her and would not work with her. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.
Carlon Amothy - We found this scoundral buried up to his neck in the road. We rescued him, but when questioned, he acted shady and sarcastic. It was thought that he was probably involved with some bandit group.
Duke Hazza Daggerford - Ruler of Daggerford.
Ziggy - Young copper dragon who attacked us on the road due to "Dragon Rage". He is concerned about what the cult is up to as well. First met Ziggy (In human form) in Duke Hazza's castle.
Fulan Mondath - High ranking cultist who was running the operation in the Cult of the Dragon Camp. She lived after encountering the PCs but she was solidly beaten by the team, who convinced the Kobolds that they outranked her by Zath disguising as a Dragonborn leader.
Rezmir - Dragonborn cult leader of the Cult of the Dragon. Defeated by the PC in the southern Cultist encampment.
Ixx - Dragonborn cult leader who resides at castle Naerytar.
Kobolds - Many clans of Kobolds were brought together to serve the cult of the dragon in the mountains south of Greenest and the PCs fought many of them in their investigations.
Stone Giant - On the road to Elturel, a giant ambush was discovered. The giant wanted one of the PCs horses in toll payment for them to continue. The PCs challenged and eventually defeated the giant. Most notably, this is the encounter where Jarek was used as a shield and weapon by the giant against his friends. :)
Trolls - On the journey north from Baldur's Gate, the caravan was ambushed by a small group of trolls who ultimately made off with one of the horses of the caravan, with the PCs managing to kill one or two.
Giant Frogs - The Mere of Dead Men is home to many strange and frightening creatures, including Giant Frogs.
Crocodiles - The PC fought off large crocodiles on two occassions within the Mere of Dead Men.
Bullywugs -
Lizard Men -

The Mere of Dead Men
Castle Naerytar
Lizard Men
Dragon's attacking caravans and the town of Greenest?! Our young PCs are quickly thrust from the world of boring caravan guarding to becoming heroes. Heroes whose destiny lies in following the clues and trail of stolen treasure from the borders of Amn to the far north to find out just what the Cult of the Dragon are up to.
Soon the heroes begin to glimpse the nature and importance of the mystery they have found themselves in the thick of. The good dragons and organization of mankind are drawing together to face off against potentially Faerun's greatest threat - The coming of the Dragon Queen Tiamat to the world. This must be stopped at all cost, or the Forgotten Realms will become a smoking ruin of fire and destruction as she remakes the world into her image of chaos.