CG hm R8
Religion: Uthgar (Grey Wolf) Family: The Grey Wolf Tribe.
Homeland: The High Moors
Current Home: Wilderness of the North
Travels: Western Heartlands & The North
Group Affiliations: None
Height: 6'6" Weight: 245lbs Hair: Long black Eyes: Icy Blue Race: Human Age: 28 Complexion: Deeply tanned; Tattoos Build: Athletic and muscular

Chakk always travels light and doesn't carry much gear with him. His usual garb is light, loose fitting clothing - cloth pants, kilts, shirts & vests of earhty colors. His clothing is usually well worn and broken in and half the time he will be shirtless. He will wear jewely, favoring arm bands, amulets, headbands, etc of the finest Uthgardt craftsmanship of intricate curvilinear designs. Chakk's impressive body is covered in swirling shamanic tattoo's of power - granting him the strength of the Great Grey Wolf.
Chakk was born to the Barbarians of the High Moors, specifically to the Tribe of the Grey Wolf. His tribe worships the totem aspect of Uthgar known as the Grey Wolf. His upbringing was harsh but filled with the vitality of free life amongst the stark beauty of the moors. His father (Aeior) was a great Tracker and hunter as well as a respected blacksmith among his people. Chakk's mother (Ilsgrid) was a warrior as well as a mother, running the household for him and his siblings. Chakk has an older brother (Alric) and an older sister (Maris) as well as a younger sister (Elsid) and brother (Aeiorin).
Chakk apprenticed under his father in the arts of hunting, tracking and fighting until he became a proficient Ranger of his Tribe. He aided his people in hunting and raiding and had as fierce and proud a warrior spirit as the greatest among his brethren. He did have a unique interest and thirst for travel and adventure. He will forever be a Grey Wolf Tribesman, and will always be ready to raise his spear against their enemies, however he felt the need to see the world. To see what is out there.
His initial contact with the other civilizations of the north was very much a "Fish out of water" type situation as he learned their ways. Some of their customs were laughably effeminate to his eyes, but others impressed him in their ingenuity. He experienced distrust and bigotry at first and he had to overcome his own discomfort with civilizations use of magic. So much magic.
He learned to always keep his head up and always be true to himself, and his honor. He has fought all who chose to dishonor him and treat him as a barbarian country bumpkin. He has earned his honor among 'civilized' men. And now he walks the north as a sellsword and experienced tracker. He will head home from time to time and stay for exteded periods, but the call of adventure is in his blood and he cannot stay anywhere permanently.
Chakk has much distain for civilized man's rules and laws. He follows the simple laws of his people - laws of common sense. He has no use for any others. He will not bow down to any regal dandy, nobleman, or king. He will meet every man equally, with a level stare from his icy blue eyes. Their worth is not judged in his mind by the amount of wealth they have, but by their deeds and their honor. If that is found to be lacking he will treat them accordingly.
Chakk's alignment is chaotic good and as such he chooses to fight on the side of good and against evil. He will fight for the underdog. He is a warrior of the Uthgardt people and fighting and killing for ones home- land and kinsmen is as natural as breathing to him, but he will not kill unless he has to and although he is a sellsword, he is not a hired killer.
His immediate goals are to continue to explore the North and learn as much as he can and continue to amass his riches. His eyes are open to adventures along the way.
Warrior of the Grey Wolf Tribe of the Uthgardt
AC: -6 HP: 104
SAVES: Po: 7 W: 10 Pe: 9 Bw: 10 Sp: 11
Melee Attack: Thac0: 10 (d8/d12 +5 dmg)
Offhand Attack: Thac0: 10 (d6/d8 +4 dmg)
Str: 18(66) Dex: 19* Con: 17
Int: 11 Wis: 13 Cha: 11 Com: 13