NG em M3 T4
Religion: Elven Pantheon Family: House Elentiril
Homeland: Tangled Trees - Cormanthor
Current Home: Shadowdale and the Eastern Heartlands
Travels: Eastern Heartlands
Group Affiliations: The Crimson Reavers
Height: 5'9" Weight: 155lbs Hair: Long black Eyes: Grey with gold flecks Race: Moon Elf Age: 75 Complexion: Pale with blue tinge at edges Build: Slender and Athletic

Crowe has slender, fine features and a lithe athletic build. He walks with the grace of a cat and his movements are fluid and graceful. He has the ageless youthful features of his race and is quite attractive. His face makes him look quite serious at times as he is very thoughtful about most things. Crowe is not the singing and dancing sort of elf and keeps these emotions within himself.
Crowe prefers to wear dark, serviceable clothing - definitely not flashy. When adventuring he has his black shirt, pants and boots that he wears into dungeons and he has a green/brown outfit that he wears when traveling through the wilderness for better concealment when scouting. He travels light and although he carries a backpack into dungeons, he will pass this off to another when he scouts, carefully tying his two large belt pouches closely to his body to reduce noise and restricted movements.
Crowe is young elf who was born in Cormanthyr and studied the mystical arts under some of the greatest elven minds of that nation. He trained under a master thief and his body is as agile as his mind is quick. Crowe considers himself an explorer, adventurer, even perhaps an archaeologist, but never a thief. It would not occur to him to lower himself to stealing from someone. He learned this craft so that he could pursue his quest for knowledge and magic throughout the realms. He has no aspirations of becoming a great wizard. He studies spells that compliment his rogue abilities and help him explore and adventure.
This passion for history and ancient artifacts (Especially of elven manufacture) drives him to explore and investigate ruins and lost civilizations. He reads and studies tomes and scrolls which might point him in the right direction of some long forgotten magic item or lost dungeon. If anything he would aspire to become a sage or collector of ancient artifacts and magical devices. It is the stories behind these items and places that fascinate him, as well as the dangerous task of achieving these goals.
Crowe is a quiet observer who ponders over the small details. He is not quick to anger, but if it is something that he feels strongly about he will hold fast to his beliefs and convictions. He likes being mysterious and does not reveal much about his personal life and history (At least not yet). He keeps his spells a closely guarded treasure and is reluctant to share that knowledge with others. He is proud of his abilities but is not a show off. He considers his magical abilities a gift and uses them with discretion and reverence. Crowe is Neutral Good, but leans heavily towards True Neutrality. He is certainly somewhat more sedate than other elves and chooses to keep his songs, dancing and reverie a private affair. He is not as xenophobic as many of his brethren, but he does feel that he is more evolved than humans and sometimes this comes off as snobbish.
Crowe has no specific code of ethics that he follows. He has his goals, and often thinks of himself before others, but he will not endanger or overtly mislead others to achieve his goals. Murder and lies cannot justify an end to the means for him. There are lines that he is not willing to cross, and he accepts the fact that he may not achieve that goal, or will have to find alternate means to do so. He does not consider himself a hero by any stretch of the imagination and considers discretion the better part of valor and often chooses to let others handle their own problems. That being said, Crowe finds it immensely gratifying playing the part of the hero with the Crimson Reavers. They are such strong personalities with strong convictions that he finds himself doing things that otherwise he would choose not to. And he is starting to like it.
He enjoys travelling with the Crimson Reavers and genuinely likes his fellows, although he does feel somewhat like an outsider amongst them. They all have such strong ties with one another and such rich history. Crowe is merely someone whom they met and chose to allow him to travel with them. He feels this keenly, but is not overly bothered by it. He knows that he has his own goals that will eventually take him elsewhere and he chooses to enjoy their company while he is with them. He most closely relates to Flannigan, as they share similar interests in lore and history.
When his people chose to leave the forests of Cormanthyr, he stayed behind with the many young elves who chose the same. He continued his studies and decided to explore Cormyr, as the lands of Cormyr were once the ancient forests of his people. He travelled through Northern Cormyr and learned the history of the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar. His interest peaked, he set off to find treasure long forgotten in those dusty halls. It was in the Haunted Halls that Crowe encountered the Crimson Reavers battling for their lives against a tribe of Kobolds. He joined them in their exploration of the dungeon and has stayed with them ever since. He feels the pain and loss they feel for their two fallen comrades.
Crimson Reaver
AC: 0 HP: 20 Spells: 2 1
SAVES: Po: 13 W: 11 Pe: 12 Bw: 15 Sp: 12
Bow Attack: Thac0: 9 (d6+d4 +5) 3/round
Melee Attack: Thac0: 18 (d8/d12 +1 dmg)
Offhand Attack: Thac0: 18 (d4/d3 +3 dmg)
Str: 16 Dex: 19 Con: 16
Int: 17 Wis: 11 Cha: 12 Com: 15