The Bow of Auramar is a somewhat iconic artifact in the elven history of Cormanthor. Every elf-child is told the stories of the mysterious and heroic elven maiden Auramar ip Marellanon and her fantastic exploits defending the elven kingdom from evil. She was a free willed creature who served the nation of elves but would follow no King. She would ride in on her magnificent white horse Anaharae, firing mystic bolts of power from her enchanted bow to save the day - saving the king and nobles on many occasions, though the king had branded her an outlaw because of her wicked tongue and chaotic ways. Her exploits were many and always exciting - captivating the minds of those hearing of her stories.
The ivory colored bow was said to have been made millennia ago, in the deepest depths of elf time, from a fallen branch of the ancient father tree, Aradoness (‘Great Peacekeeper Arael'lia – ‘Heart Oak’) by Rillifane Rallathil himself. Those who wield the bow are considered Arael’Sha (Heart Friend) and only a true hero may ever wield this potent weapon. The bow has a strong pull and is carved with intricate elven runes and woodland scenes along its shaft. Interspersed therein are mystic runes which glow with a brilliant blue when the bow is fired or a power is activated. New runes appear as more powers are unlocked. The wielder of this weapon is destined to be a famous archer and hero, regardless of their class.
When the bow fires - an arrow shaped bolt of mystic blue energy shoots forth into the target, discharging a small blast of energy upon impact. The arrows are solid appearing yet if pulled out of a target they become insubstatial and dissipate into a blue mist. If not removed from the target, they will stay solid for 1-3 turns before dissipating.
01 - Proficient. Gives Thac0 of a Fighter with this bow.
02 - Expert. Gives Specialization with this bow. [Grants the wielder single specialization in this specific weapon (+1 to hit/ +2 on damage), not all weapons of this type. The wielder may also choose to double specialize, etc. when he gets another WOP available as per his current class WOP progression (Not a Fighters)]
03 - [+1] to hit and damage. Gain additional [+1] every other level until Lvl 11. Arrows dischange blue energy upon impact for d4 extra damage.
03 - Transform. At will the bow can be called forth from bracelet form into the Bow of Auramar or from bow to bracelet. This transformation is instantaneous, even at any point during a combat round with no speed factor penalty.
04 - Mystic Arrows. The bow fires mystic energy arrows without the need of an actual arrow. The bow is considered always noched - this provides the user with First Strike in a combat round.
04 - Split Shot. (1/encounter) - Can shoot up to 3 targets in a forward arc as a regular attack. Roll for each target.
05 - Elven Mount I - Summons the noble horse, Anaharae. 3 + 3 HD (27 hp). 36" mv. Horse can understand Elven and can understand complex instructions - and can communicate with the user through empathic communication. She can appear with or without saddle. She grants her rider horsemanship with a +2 bonus while riding her (As she works as hard as the rider to keep the rider on her). The horse can be summoned or dismissed at will and may be active for a total of 12 hours in a given day. Summoning the horse takes a full round.
05 - Root I (1/encounter) - On a failed save vs. Spells 1 target is rooted in place by bands of energy writhing up from the floor/ground. They are completely wrapped up in the writhing energy bands and cannot move from the spot for 1 round/level. A successful save means target is slowed for the duration of the effect as the roots continually try to completely bind him. The target attacks with a -4 to hit and on damage. It requires a successful hit with the bow before the root effect can discharge - Once declaration of using this power is made, the target must be hit with one of the arrows in that round. If all attacks fail to hit, the power is used up regardless.
06 - Net I (1/day) - As entangle spell with an AOE - 20' radius. Failed save means targets are completely entangled in writhing bands of blue energy and are immobilized for 1 round per level. A successful save means the targets are immobilized for 1 round and thereafter slowed to 10' per round to escape the area of effect.
06 - Split Shot II - One extra use of Split Shot per day.