The Blade of Binn òran is a long broad bladed, slightly curved dagger of the finest steel, forged by a master weaponsmith of ancient origin. The hilt grip is beautifully made and has an exquisite gold pommel. The forged steel blade is single edged for slashing and has arcane flowing runes running the length of the blade. The runes glow blue when a power of the blade is activated and when the blade is swung - giving the slashing blade a streak of blue as it swings. As the blade grows in power more runes will activate. Whichever instrument the blade is morphed into will also have this series of runes engraved on it and it will behave the same way.
All powers of The Blade of Binn òran have a speed factor of 3. Range, duration and area of effect are all as per the appropriate spell unless otherwise noted in their descriptions below.
01 - Proficient. This blade allows the user to attack with it (Only it, not any other weapons) as if he was a fighter of the same level. This also confers level based extra attacks per round as a fighter of the users level.
01 - Blade Morph. Can change to and from the Blade of Binn òran to any hand held musical instrument on command. Speed Factor 3.
02 - Expert. Grants the wielder single specialization in this specific Blade (+1 to hit/ +2 on damage), not daggers in general. The wielder may also choose to double specialize, etc. when he gets another WOP available as per his current class WOP progression (Not a Fighters).
02 - Musical Instrument Proficiency. The wielder automatically is considered proficient in the use of whatever instrument the Blade is morphed into. This holds true only for this specific instrument and does not give the user proficiency will other instruments.
03 - [+1] to hit and damage. Gain additional [+1] every other level until Lvl 11.
03 - Charm I - Charm Person. Range: 120 yards Duration: Special Area of effect: 1 person
While playing this instrument, the wielder may Charm a listener as charm person spell at will. Can only have up to 21 hd of people charmed in this way. A successful saving throw negates this charm. The charm is permanent and cannot be dropped by the user, just as a charm person spell, and the duration is determined based on the targets intelligence and or the users treatment of the target.
04 - Damage I. Upon a successful strike with the blade it will discharge a blast of blue energy that does an additional d4 energy damage. Keep in mind that the user may need to keep track of both die rolls in certain situations where an opponent may have some resistance. (Ie. A skeleton only takes half damage from edged weapons, but it would take full energy damage).
04 - Illusion I - Invisibility. While playing the instrument the player may turn himself invisible as per the spell Invisibility. He need only play a few notes a round to keep the effect going and any notes played have the characteristic of having an indeterminate location and source to those in the area. This ability can be used on command (Speed factor 3). Once per day the player may create an AOE effect that will turn himself and comrades within a 10' radius invisible. Same as above.
04 - Ghost Player. A Ghost Player can be commanded to play the musical instrument for the user for an indefinite period of time. The user must stay within 30' of the instrument for this to function. The Ghost Player only knows tunes that the user does and cannot create it's own music. The ghost player can thereby sustain a magical function of the item for the user so that he may do other things. The instrument is at a height appropriate for an average sized man to play it. (A drum would rest on the floor between the ghost players knees, while a flute would be at mouth level for the ghost player) Once per day for up to an hour the Ghost Player can be commanded to follow the user, thereby allowing the user to move and have the ghost player follow him.
05 - Blade of Defense. While in Blade mode, the magical bonuses of the Blade of Binn Oran may be split however the wielder desires between attacking and a defensive adjustment to AC. Declaration of a change to this allotment must be stated at the beginning of a round and the DM informed.
05 - Aura of Comfort I. The aura insulates the recipient from the effects of nonmagical heat and cold in a range of -20 F (-30 C). to 140 F (60 C). Any time the user encounters temperatures in this range, he maintains a comfortable temperature of 70 F (22 C)., regardless of prevailing weather conditions. Additionally, the spell acts as a shield against rain, snow, and hail, which are blocked by the aura. If a recipient encounters a temperature above or below the stated range, the temperature within the aura is altered by an equal number of degrees. For example, a recipient who encounters a temperature of 150 will actually experience a temperature of 80°F. All physical objects other than rain, snow, and hail can pass through the aura. The recipient can cast spells normally while the aura of comfort is in effect. The spell offers no protection against magically generated weather, such as that caused by Weather Summoning and Ice Storm. It does not protect against fire, nor does it shield against fire- or cold-based attacks.
05 - Charm II - Suggestion - Once per day: Range: 30 yards Duration: 1 + 1 hour per level Area of effect: 1 person. As per Wizard spell of the same name.
06 - Jump I - Improved Blink - Once per encounter: Duration: 1 round per level Speed Factor: 3
The Blade of Bin òran has a very specific and flashy fighting style that is imparted to the wielder. It uses whirling, slashing attacks involving much dexterity, tumbling and jumping. It combines these maneuvers with the ability to teleport the wielder rapidly around the combat area, flashing around a foe or multiple targets with these jumping whirling attacks, hitting them from unexpected angles. The wielder slices the air with the blade and in a flash of blue-white light he instantly moves to the new location, leaving a trailing, rapidly dissipating blue mist at his departure and entry points.
This power allows the wielder to shift his body to any point within 15 feet of his current location. Unlike the lower-level spell, improved blink allows the user to choose the exact time of his jump, the exact destination, and the orientation or facing of his choosing. For example, a user confronted by an enemy fighter could blink just before the fighter attacked, reappearing directly behind his foe for a back attack. If the user blinks away from an attack, his enemy automatically misses — but creatures with multiple attacks may be able to reposition themselves for another swing if the user blinks to a location within reach.
If the user intends to take any action such as attacking, casting a spell, or using a magical item, he must decide before the round begins if he will do so before or after he blinks. If he acts before he blinks, he may be endangered by an attack before he finishes; he can choose to proceed with his action, hoping that he won't be hit, or he can abort his action by taking his blink for the round. On the other hand, if the wizard begins his action after his blink, the initiative modifier of his attack or spell is added to the time of his blink to determine when he attacks. The duration is 1 round for every level of the wielder
06 - Illusion II - Improved Phantasmal Force - Once per day: In instrument mode, the user may cast Improved Phantasmal Force once per day as per the 1st level wizard spell. The user may also create obvious, cantrip like audio-visual illusions at will while playing the instrument.
Cantrip Illusions:
This essentially allows the user to accompany a story or song with creative visuals to entertain friends and fans alike. These are very obvious illusions and will not fool anyone, ever, that they are anything but. The audio is only ever sound effects and such, not understandable speech.
Improved Phantasmal Force: As per the spell
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/ level Duration: Special Area of effect: 200 sq ft / + 50 sq ft / level Speed Factor: 3