The Sword of the Zephyr is a magnificent blade of the finest construction, created by the talented hands of some ancient expert weapon smith. The hilt is beautifully crafted and embossed with gold and the cross-guard is heavily engraved and adorned in gold. The double edged blade is of the finest steel, and running down the inside of the fuller on both sides are a series of arcane runes. The runes glow blue when a power of the blade is activated and when the blade is swung - giving the slashing blade a streak of blue as it swings. As the sword grows in power more runes will activate. The sword is incredibly light and perfectly balanced and many of the sword's powers reflect this. Little is known of the origin of this weapon, but it is known to have been in the possession of Baerin Aerlikson, the founder of the school of sword mastery - Dak D'neir, and it was ancient when he discovered it.
As non melee attacking powers of The Sword of the Zephyr are later gained they will have a speed factor of 3. Range, duration and area of effect are all as per the appropriate spell unless otherwise noted in their descriptions below. Encounter powers are defined as any combat (regardless of how long it lasts) or any new situation the DM stops to describe (Ie. entering a new room, etc.) Because Arcady already possesses the level 1 and 2 abilities, the list of powers shifts up and he gains access to 3rd level powers at 1st level, and it just gets better from there. You will have 9th level powers at 7th, for example.
01 - Proficient. Gives Thac0 of a Fighter with this specific weapon.
02 - Expert. Gives Specialization with this specific weapon.
03 - [+1] to hit and damage. Gain additional [+1] every other level until Lvl 11.
03 - Damage I. Upon a successful strike with the blade it will discharge a blast of blue energy that does an additional d4 energy damage. Keep in mind that the user may need to keep track of both die rolls in certain situations where an opponent may have some resistance. (Ie. A skeleton only takes half damage from edged weapons, but it would take full energy damage).
03 - Quickdraw. Can call The Sword of the Zephyr into his hand at will. This happens instantaneously, even mid-swing, with no speed factor penalty. Range is indeterminate. Several miles?
04 - First Strike. This powerful sword is so perfectly balanced that it allows the wielder to attack with such speed that he always attacks first in a combat round. (As short sword of quickness).
04 - Cleave I. With a great swing the wielder of the Sword of the Zephyr can attack up to 3 melee targets around him in a forward arc. Roll to hit for each. This counts as one of his attacks.
05 - Free Maneuver. The speed of this awesome sword allows the wielder one free sword combat manoeuver per round.
05 - Bleed. Any hit made with the sword cannot be healed by regeneration. In subsequent rounds, the opponent so wounded loses one additional hit point for each wound inflicted by the sword. Thus, an opponent hit for four points of damage on the first melee round will automatically lose one additional hit point on the second and each successive round of combat. Loss of the extra point stops only when the creature so wounded bandages its wound or after 10 melee rounds (one turn). Damage from the bleed effect can be healed only by normal means (rest and time), never by potion, spell, or other magical means short of a Wish. Note that successive wounds will damage in the same manner as the first.
06 - Flurry I. Flurry has a limited haste like effect. It must be announced at the start of the combat round and it doubles the number of attacks the wielder gets for that round only. The wielder presses the attack and astounds opponants with his flurry of rapid, aggressive attacks. This in no way improves movement rate or any other Haste properties - only doubling attacks. It is a purely offensive posture and the wielder may not use any other maneuvers such as parrying, etc. with the blade or with an accompanying shield.
06 - Damage II. This upgrade to Damage I does d6 additional Energy damage instead of d4 and stuns opponant on a critical hit + any other effects of the critical hit. Stun - Opponent loses all attacks for this round and attacks last on the following round.
07 - Critical Strike I. Being a master swordsman with the Sword of the Zephyr, the wielder may call upon a deadly precision attack once per encounter. The use of this power requires it to be stated at the start of the round the intent to make a critical hit and thereby the first successful hit with the sword that round can be made into a critical hit. If all attacks that round fail, the power use is used up regardless. This power does not have a unique speed factor associated with it, it is used as one of your regular attacks.
07 - Cleave II. Gain 1 extra use of this power per day.
08 - Telekenesis. This enables the user to manipulate objects in the same manner as the 5th-level wizard spell, Telekinesis. (400 lbs maximum weight limit). Usable 3 times per day.
08 - Flurry II. Gain 1 extra use of this power per day.