The Shield of the Broken Tower is a medium kite shield with a straight bottom of jagged teeth of steel, rather than coming to a point. It is of the finest steel, lacquered in black with trimmings and embossing in gold. Much of the surface is covered with intricate interwoven designs in gold. There is a design in the center of the shield of a cracked black tower (Like the silhouette of a rook chess piece) on a field of gold.
Unless noted otherwise in the description below, powers which need to be activated have a duration of 1 round per user level. Many powers are always active and some are encounter powers. Encounter Powers may be used the indicated number of times every scene (Defined as a fight, or anytime the DM presents a new situation to the players).
01 - Weapon and Shield Style Specialization. Normally, a character employing a shield in his off hand can shield-rush, shield-punch, block, or trap as if it were a secondary weapon, with the normal penalties for attacking with two weapons. The disadvantage is that the shield’s AC bonus is forfeited for any round in which it is used this way. However, characters who specialize in weapon and shield style can choose to make one of these secondary attacks every round without losing the AC benefit for carrying a shield.
02 - Proficient. This shield allows the user to attack with it (Only it, not any other weapons) as if he was a fighter of the same level. This also confers level based extra attacks per round as a fighter of the users level.
03 - [+1] to AC. Gain additional [+1] every other level until Lvl 11.
03 - Grounding. Once per encounter the wielder of the Shield of the Broken Tower can slam the shield into the ground/floor, sinking the shield's jagged teeth into the surface, and make herself as immovable as a mountain. An oncoming avalanche, a horde of goblins or even a gaggle of giants cannot move the wielder from her spot or knock her to the ground. The user may pivot and attack or defend but as long as she remains locked in place she cannot be moved. She could still take damage in all of the examples above and unconsciousness or death will stop the effect. The maximum duration of the effect in rounds is 2 x the users level.
03 - Shield Proficiency. With this medium shield the character is conferred a -3 armor class adjustment instead of the normal -1 for a medium shield. This bonus can only be used up to 3 times in one combat round.
04 - Repulsion I. Once per encounter, the user of this mighty shield can thrust her shield forth and send a repulsive shock wave blast from the front surface of the shield. This shock wave forces up to 3 adjacent opponents within 5 feet to make a saving throw vs Petrification or be knocked down and stunned for 1 round. Stunned opponents suffer all prone penalties. Stun - Opponent loses all attacks for this round and attacks last on the following round.
04 - Shield Bash I. This special shield punch maneuver is an offhand attack that the user can attack with every round. Because of the Weapon and Shield Style Specialization, the attack can be made without losing the shield's AC benefits. The shield's speed factor for initiative is 6 minus the shield's magical bonus. Normal offhand penalties of -2 to hit with main hand and -4 to hit with the shield, however this can be offset by a character's reaction adjustment from dexterity. The shield bonus is added as a bonus to hit and for damage. The damage is 1-4 for the shield with an additional 1-4 energy damage.
05 - Grounding II. This allows the user to share the grounding to other friendly targets within a 10' radius centered on the shield wielder. Speed factor 3 and duration is the same as grounding I - 2 rounds per user level.
05 - Fireshield I - At will. The Fireshield ability can be activated and deactivated at will with a speed factor of 3. There are 2 options for this effect - A warm shield or a chill shield. The shield immolates itself, but the flames are thin and wispy, shedding no heat, and giving light equal to only half the illumination of a normal torch. The color of the flames is blue if the chill shield is cast, violet if the warm shield is employed. The special powers of each shield are as follows:
A) Warm shield. The flames are warm to the touch. Any cold-based attacks are saved against with a +2 bonus; either half normal damage or no damage is sustained. There is no bonus against fire-based attacks, but if the user fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he sustains double normal damage.
B) Chill shield. The flames are cool to the touch. Any fire-based attacks are saved against with a +2 bonus; either half normal damage or no damage is sustained. There is no bonus against cold-based attacks, but if the user fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he sustains double normal damage.
06 - Wall I - Wall of Force - Once per day. Area of effect: Up to 10' square per level Duration: 1 Turn + 1 round per level
A wall of force spell creates an invisible barrier in the locale desired by the caster, up to the spell's range. The wall of force cannot move and is totally unaffected by most spells, including Dispel Magic. However, a Disintegrate spell will immediately destroy it, as will a Rod of Cancellation or a Sphere of Annihilation. Likewise, the wall of force is not affected by blows, missiles, cold, heat, electricity, etc. Spells and breath weapons cannot pass through it in either direction, although Dimension Door, Teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier. The user can, if desired, form the wall into a spherical shape with a radius of up to 1 foot per level or an open hemispherical shape with a radius of 1.5 feet per caster level. The wall of force must be continuous and unbroken when formed; if its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails. The caster can end the spell on command.
06 - Repulsion II - Once per day. Area of Effect: 10 ft./level x 10 ft. Saving Throw: vs. Spells (With penalty) Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels
When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to cause all creatures in the path of the area of effect to move directly away from his person. Repulsion occurs at the speed of the creature attempting to move toward the spellcaster. The repelled creature continues to move away for a complete round even if this takes it beyond spell range. The caster can designate a new direction each round, but use of this power counts as the caster's principal action in the round. The caster can, of course, choose to do something else instead of using the repulsion attack in a given round during the duration of the spell. A successful saving throw vs. Spells with a penalty equal to the bonus of the Shield causes the opponant to lose a round fighting off the repulsion, but thereafter they are free of it. Those failing are under the full effects of the repulsion for the duration of the spell (Assuming the user keeps repelling them)
06 - Shield Bash II. In addition to the effects of Shield Bash I, on a natural 20 critical hit the opponant is stunned. Stun - Opponant loses all attacks for this round and attacks last on the following round.