The heroic Crimson Reavers began as a specific idea that I had to take a group of characters and set things in such a way that they would be a group that would stay together, and I could tell their entire story from beginning to end. This would also be a low treasure and magic item microcosm of our campaign with an emphasis on role-playing and campaign building – The adventurers would leave an indelible mark upon the people and places they would come across, and their localized fame would grow with them as they leveled.
To help mold things, I had certain rules for this group. They all had to be good and they all had to love each other as family, or at the least, best friends who shared such a strong bond they would stand by each other through thick and thin. To help facilitate this I tied their story into their parent’s story – The Company of the Griffon was a famous adventuring group primarily operating in the Cormyr area and the Eastern Heartlands. The Crimson Reavers are made up of their children, who have grown up together.
On this page, we will explore their story and adventures both past and present. We will share humorous personal stories and intense dramas. The group are now mid-level and have traveled and adventured throughout northern Cormyr - to Shadowdale, - to deep in the ancient elven forest of Cormanthyr, and finally - to Selgaunt in Sembia. Now their story becomes even more interesting as they enter into the beginning of their overarching story arc that will culminate in ultimate fame, fortune and heroics – many levels down the road. Where will they go with their limitless possibilities?
DM Doug - February 01 - 2015
Map of their Journey thus far

Crimson Reavers' Adventures
The group that would become known as the Crimson Reavers began their career together in the picturesque village of Eveningstar, in Northern Cormyr. There - Kane Silverhorn, Gaerun Burr, Flannagan MacLir, Maeric MacKurdy, & Grayel Norric met to begin their adventuring together. The mysterious Haunted Halls of Eveningstar loomed down from the foothills of the Stormhorn Mountains and they beckoned to the young adventurers. Soon they met a young wizard named Dag D'embravon who joined their troop. Their first grand adventure turned out to be one of their most challenging, with two of their group falling - Dag to a Doppleganger and Maeric to a nasty Kobold pit trap. Soon the group would meet up with an adventuring elf named Crowe and another of their friends, Alea, would catch up to them in Eveningstar.
A call for help from an associate of one of the group (Kane I believe) brought the group on the long journey to the Dale Lands, specifically the oppressed town of Dagger Falls, in Dagger Dale. Soon they found themselves caught up in saving the town from The Doom of Daggerdale.
Successfully saving the town of Dagger Falls, the group decided to head to the somewhat famous village of Shadowdale. En Route south, Kane received a missive from his father and had to excuse himself while the rest of the group carried onward to Shadowdale. Soon the adventurers found themselves Beneath the Twisted Tower trying to stop a drow plot. The adventurers emerged from this as true heroes of Shadowdale and somewhat famous around the Dale.
As members of the group begin to become familiar with townspeople and mentors there, Crowe had been digging around and pestering Elminster and his scribe Lhaeo for information to the lost Tomb of Argon. Suddenly Elmister decided he would be unusually helpful and gave the group directions to the Tomb. This harrowing journey brought them face to face with Argon the Watcher and having bested his dungeon, he gifted to them each a powerful artifact from the distant past, with the warning prophesy that they would need these in the dark times ahead.
This truly was the life. The people of Shadowdale loved them and they had a comfortable existence in the homey village of Shadowdale. This peaceful repose was shattered by an army of attacking gnolls and the subsequent discovery of a hidden shrine to Dark Talona and the defeating of it's insane Priestess. This Strife in the Dales also involved disrupting a small army of Bandits and Slavers, rescuing the people taken from Shadowdale and elsewhere and bringing many Bandits to justice in the dale. The spoils of their campaign were given to the Lord of Shadowdale to help feed the villagers in the coming harsh winter.
This truly cemented the heroes in the hearts of the people of Shadowdale. Not only were they young, handsome and heroic adventurers, but now they were accepted amongst the people as one of their own. The newest Heroes of Shadowdale! In the people's minds, they were the next Knights of Myth Drannor.
Amongst all of this adulation, a magic portal soon whisked the heroes away to distant Selgaunt, in Sembia. This was the home city of Gar, and they quickly found out that Nana had somehow managed to get Gar and all of his friends to Selgaunt in time for her birthday. But Selgaunt held more than parties and fun for the Reavers. The girls just could not let a mystery go without investigation and soon they found themselves involved in solving the riddle of The Curse of the Antelope.
With their new prize, the renamed Spirit of Vengeance bore them home along the rivers of the Dalelands back to their home in Shadowdale. With hardly a moment to gather their bearings they were thrust forth in defense of Shadowdale once again, this time to thwart the approaching army of Bandit Zhentilar which are set upon conquering the village.