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NG ef P5



Religion: Mystra                        Family:

Homeland: Tangled Trees - Cormanthor    

Current Home: Shadowdale

Travels: Eastern Heartlands

Group Affiliations: The Crimson Reavers; Company of the Gryphon

Born: 19 Alturiak, 1239, The Year of the Bloodied Sword



Height: 5'8"     Weight: 110lbs     Hair: Blue/black     Eyes: Green with gold flecks     Race: Moon Elf            Age: 121     Complexion: Pale with blue tinge at edges     Build:







Alea, First and Foremost is a pure elf, true bloodline to the ancient elves of Cormanthyr, Specialty Priest of Mystra, Servant of Midnight and a lady of spells. This is the faith she will spread through the realms as she takes her place among the children of the Gryphon.


Although she is respectful to those around her regardless of their race or calling in life; She will take umbrage to being referred to as anything other than a Pure Elf and or Specialty priest. This is what and who she is. It is fact and there is no mistaking her for anything other than what she is.


Alea believes that there must be some regulation between law and living. Too many laws and regulations limit the potential and rights of intelligent creature’s while too little means chaos. Law and chaos needs to have a healthy balance in order to provide happiness and fair life to all.  Life and freedom is very important, those who deprive good people of this, will force her to work outside of the law in order to do the law keepers work, for which she believes is for the greater good. Although she will uphold the law and try to work within its guidelines, she will take a life to defend her own should it come to that or to defend others who cannot defend themselves.


She will not intentionally harm an innocent, nor lie to gain favor. Torture and murder are not acceptable regardless of the outcome. Evil-doers get what they deserve, death, it will be quick and final by her hand. She endeavors to be kind, merciful and respectful to those she meets and takes no joy or pleasure in the taking of one’s life.


In regards to personal wealth, it matters very little and she would happily part with her financial gains should it have a better use elsewhere. Although not a big drinker or partier, she will take some time for revelry with her companions and friends when the opportunities arise.


Loyalty is important to her, there is very little that she wouldn’t do to help or protect her family and friends and she expects the same in return.


She is a fact finder, likes to have all the information on any given circumstance prior to making decisions.

Specialty Priestess of Mystra, Servant of Midnight and lady of spells; Crimson Reaver



AC: -1     HP: 25     Base Thac0: 18    Spells:

SAVES:  Po: 2   W: 6   Pe: 5   Bw: 8   Sp: 7

Staff Attack:  Thac0: 15 (d6 +3 dmg)

Eldritch Bolt:  Thac0: 12 (d6+1 +4 dmg)

Str: 12          Dex: 16          Con: 14

Int: 15        Wis: 18       Cha: 13       Com: 9

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