NG hm B6
Religion: Faerûnean Pantheon Family: MacLir
Homeland: The Moonshaes
Current Home: Shadowdale
Travels: Eastern Heartlands
Group Affiliations: The Crimson Reavers
Height: 6'0" Weight: 195lbs Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Deep green Race: Human Ffolk Age: 21 Complexion: Tanned Build: Trim and Athletic

Flannigan is a rugged, handsome young man of 20 winters. He has extremely well defined physique with long, lean limbs and broad shoulders. His skin is quite tanned throughout the warmer half of the year and only fades a little during the cooler half. Flannigan has scintillating, emerald green eyes and long, thick, deep brown, wavy hair. His hair is usually unkempt, with the occasional thin braid at the temple, adorned with bits of beads or bobbles for colour. His face is angular and well defined. His tanned features contrasting with white teeth, flashing out in radiant smiles. Their gleam reflected in the sparkle in his devilish eyes. His hands and feet are slightly large with long strong fingers, the hands of a musician.
Flannigan dresses for comfort as well as style, and his dress often carries a rustic flair, reminiscent of his youth.
Young Maclir is presently enjoying his first escape from his mother’s protective wing and his father’s new acceptance. Brimming with energy and life, Flannigan is reveling in wanton, bawdy, earthly delights. Flan is determined to do everything with flash and flair and excel at whatever he puts his mind to. Flan will work
hard to achieve his goals and always seeks to outdo everyone in everything he tries.
Flannigan views life as an adventure filled with excitement and the occasional necessary evil. Raised outside of civilization, surrounded by mages and druids and farie folk, Flan feels that life is a game, and anything is within the rules as long as no one is hurt, badly. The only time a rule shouldn’t be broken is if it can only be bent of if you get caught.
Flannigan holds no loyalties outside of his friends and family, but his first loyalty is to himself, always. Flannigan is not vicious or mean, he would never go out of his way to harm or cause grief to anyone.
Sometimes, however, Flannigan’s youth and inexperience cause him to hurt someone unjustly, when he finds this to be the case he will try to make amends. Unless the person insists on being miserable, then let them get over it whenever the get around to it.
Flannigan considers fighting and swordplay a necessary evil, the smart and tough guys have the neatest stuff after all. So when all else fails, Flan will go to the sword to pull his butt out of the sling. Flannigan has a gypsy’s heart and his true loyalties are to himself. Should someone get quite close to him, much as many of the Reavers have, then he will do his best to see no harm come to them. After all, great fun can be had during fights or chases or hiding or whatever! Life is an adventure, do not take it seriously, enjoy it.
Years of carefree living and a wild fantasy upbringing have molded an extremely agile and crafty individual. Flannigan is also a product of his parents in his physical makeup. The wild life of an energetic upstart has carved a fast-moving, fast-thinking, extremely healthy, ruggedly good-looking young bard. Flannigan does
not go on about his appearance or outstanding characteristics, however, one cannot help but notice the effects of his attributes, and when praised, is prone to showing off a bit. Flannigan loves attention.
Flannigan has two results he is determined to achieve in his lifetime. For now, party, seek, do and find and one day, he will be famous. His mother so much as told him he had to, and all great bards are famous. As to how he plans to do this, he does not have a clue, but he will, so why worry? Flannigan does not consider
himself to be actively adventuring, life is an adventure. If one was to ask Flannigan what he would be doing if he was not adventuring, he would not understand.
Someday Flannigan is going to go on the adventure that will make him famous, it will involve terrific battles and chases, crashes, clashes, splashes and dashes, swinging, running and laughter. Flannigan will be witty and everyone who opposes him will be made to look the buffoon. In the end, after a close call, and some quick thinking, Flannigan will be famous, and get the girl.
Flannigan was born one crisp clear night during the Feast of the Moon, 1340 DR., to Duncain (1320- ) and Lillia (1322- ) MacLir in sleepy little MacSheehan on Gwynneth in the Moonshaes. On that evening of celebration, Selune was at her apex. In the cold night sky she bathed the night in her majesty, looming larger than seemingly possible. The darkness yielded to her presence and she moved gracefully amongst the stars, her handmaidens in tow. Lillia, born of fae magics, took this as a sign and decreed her son would one day stand with heroes of legend.
The Nursemaid, a typically superstitious woman of the Fflok, witnessed Flannagan’s birth and came to a very different conclusion. This night was known for its wild nature, and given his mother’s half elven heritage and the baby’s intense eyes, green from the moment of birth, she knew, in her heart this was no natural birthing. To her rustic ways, this seemed an ill omen. Word of his birth spread on the back of the winds and soon the new family was forced to flee their home to protect the child from the dreadfully superstitious peasant Ffolk.
On that crisp winter night, with Selune leaving a glittering path for them upon the snow’s crust, they fled for the safety of Myrloch Vale. They traveled by secret ways, known only to the Elves of Synoria and their Descendants, into the Vale of the Druids and their fairy kin. On the slopes of the ringing mountains, nestled in a narrow river valley, at the head of the timberline, they came to the home of Bucain (714 - ), Lillia’s Elven mother.
For fourteen years Flannigan was raised in blissful ignorance of the fantasy world in which he lived. His childhood was entirely unlike the upbringing most other children received. He played for hours with pixies and nymphs, he spent many moons with trents and leprechauns, learning extensively about a world foreign to man. From his Mother, Flannigan also learned about a world strange to him, to prepare him for a time when he would rejoin the world of man and claim his place in history.
To Lillain and her mother, Bucain, Flannagan was a gift from Selune herself. He consumed nearly their every waking hour. He seemed to have more energy than a dozen children should and would often rise first and still get to sleep last. But they fed his mind and body vigorously in spite of it making their work
that much more challenging.
To Duncain, Lillia’s love for her son was too much. It was impossible for him to believe that his wife had become so consumed by her passion for this boy, even if it was her own son. Duncain had heard tales of Myrloch Vale but had never dreamt of going there. His love of mankind and need for social contact outside his
family was too strong, he could not stay so long in such an isolated place. He left his wife and growing son to rejoin mankind and claim his rightful place in history. After all, he was Duncain MacLir, first of three sons of Orrik MacLir (1297- ), masterful bard of Ffolk legend. However, fate once again intervened to thwart Duncain’s ambitions. As he slipped out of the Vale, Duncain succumbed to the wiles of an alluring Dryad and became lost to the world for twelve years.
After his release by the Dryad, Duncain returned to his wife and was finally able to convince Lillia to leave the Moonshae Isles with him forever. Duncain was disgusted with the surreal Vale and the superstitious Ffolk and was determined to recapture his chance at glory that was so nearly taken from him by his captor. However, time and fate had played their hand. Duncain and Lillia would never again regain their love for one another. It was lost the day he chose to leave his family alone in the wooded Vale. Between Lillia’s obsession for Flannigan and Duncain’s bitterness, a never healing rift grew into their lives.
Duncain led his family to the Sea of Fallen Stars where he purchased a home for his family in Marsember, at what he thought was a safe distance from his past. Shortly after their arrival, Duncain began a campaign of self-destruction he would not soon recover from. His corousing, womanizing and drinking became legendary. Duncain took foolish risks for attention and “the thrill”, he joined up with the Company of the Gryphon to attempt to exceed his stunts and to give him an excuse to be away from home for long periods of time.
To all of this Lillia was ignorant, she was enraptured with her love and adoration for her boy. Every waking hour was spent teaching him and playing with him. Certainly a well-educated young man, Flannigan did not become the mage many suspected would be the outcome of his scholastic dedication. Indeed, when
Flannigan became concerned with life outside the range of his mother’s influence, his years of wild living was once again rekindled in him, reborn, and yet reformed.
Flannagan became an unruly youth, and managed to get into quite a lot of trouble at times. This greatly upset his mother, who became cross at the boy, revealing a side of her he had never known. Flannagan’s father felt little concern for his son’s exploits. “The actions of a growing boy is all,” he would say. The feelings of the two men increased and Flannigan in short order became Duncain’s confidant. At great lengths, Duncain would embellish upon the young man the tales of his exploits and during this time Flannagan absorbed his Father’s tales with wide eyed wonder. Then, after nineteen winters, Flannigan struck out on his own.
The life Flannigan has led has formed an outstanding individual, unique in many ways, but certainly influenced by his parents upbringing. Flannigan immensely enjoys his new found liberty, he takes every opportunity to live life to the fullest. Years in Myrloch Vale have created an inquisitive youth with an uncanny love for energy, life and excitement.
Extremely well educated and intelligent, numbers, logic and magic seem to come easily to him. Flannigan is energy and life, unfortunately, much of his energy goes toward emulating his father. Although this may only be a phase, one can only wait and see. Flannigan wants to touch, do, see, smell, hold and try everything and does not know where to begin.
Crimson Reaver
AC: 0 HP: 43 Spells: 3, 2
SAVES: Po: 12 W: 12 Pe: 11 Bw: 15 Sp: 13
Dagg Att: Thac0: 13 (d4/d3 +d4 +2 dmg)
Offhand Att: Thac0: 17 (d4/d3 +1 dmg)
Str: 15 Dex: 18 Con: 16
Int: 19 Wis: 12 Cha: 17 Com: 17
PP: 25% (+5) DN: 25% CW: 55% (+10) RL: 85% Legend Lore: 30%