CG ef M12 T13
Religion: Mystra Family:
Homeland: Krynn Born: 1214, Year of prideful tales
Current Home: Loudwater Current Year: 1360 DR
Travels: The North, Western Heartlands
Group Affiliations: Drake, Killian, Var, Tril, Fafhard, t’ycel
Height: 5'6" Weight: 119lbs Hair: White-blonde Eyes: Pale Violet Race: Elf Age: 141 Complexion:
Quick wit and sharp tongue has managed to define Flynn. She enjoys the company of fellow mages and people of importance or power to the point of distraction. She covets magical scrolls and books and has a vast collection of both. Being a master thief has helped her acquire several additions to her library and she has been known to share the wealth of her knowledge with those she deems worthy of such information.
Flynn has made quite a mark on Faerun since her arrival from Krynn. She has been recognised for her deeds and actions by powerful wizards and dark organizations alike. She has Befriended the High Lady Alustriel of Sliverymoon, Khelben Arunsun of Waterdeep, Sir Drake Shadowborne of Cormyr, Fafhrd, hero of the realms and Almelior Amantes of Secumber to name but a few. She has recently made the acquaintance of Ajeroth Akassari, Lord of the Midnight tower for which a swapping of information could prove beneficial.
Trust comes easy with Flynn; she has been around a lot of years and is a fairly decent judge of character. She shows absolute loyalty to her friends and allies, which are many and the equal and opposite to her enemies, for which there are a few.
She has taken it upon herself to liberate the towns of Loudwater and Lorkk from the Zentarim after arriving and finding the towns were overrun with slavers. Destroying the slave breading operations in the mountains, driving Lord Fzoul(High lord of Zhentarim) and his forces out of the north by ambushing him in Skull Gorge, freeing thousands of slaves and defeating hundreds of guards.
She has little tolerance for evil people who take advantage of others and will not abide slavery. All of her staff is liberated slaves looking for work and a home that have asked to stay on at her tower. She pays her staff well for the work they do and asks very little of them outside of their basic duties.
Saving King Tristian Kendrick, of the Moonshae Isles from the armies of fallen god (Bhaal) worshiper has put her in great favor among the royals there as well

AC: -8 HP: 46 Base Thac0: 14 Spells:
SAVES: Po: 7 W: 5 Pe: 6 Bw: 8 Sp: 5
Melee Attack: Thac0:
Str: 13 Dex: 19 Con: 13
Int: 19 Wis: 12 Cha: 14 Com: 14