CG Forest Gnome Bard - 1 / Warlock - 1
Religion: Lords of the Golden Halls
Homeland: Glimmerglade
Current Home: Elturel
Travels: Not far so far
Group Affiliations: The Company of the Wolf
Height: 3'8" Weight: 45 lbs Hair: Long Black Eyes: Green Race: Gnome Age: 40 Complexion: Light Brown Build: Slim and short
Finn's specific appearance varies quite a bit depending on what role he is playing at the time. He has naturally long, black hair which is usually quite dishevelled. He keeps his beard and moustache impeccably well groomed and waxed. He is quite proud of his moustache, as any gnome would be. His flattish face holds large emerald green eyes set wide apart, a somewhat flat nose, earrings in his ears and a perfect set of pearly white teeth in his wide smiling mouth.
He is fond of wearing his well worn wide-brimmed hat, and usually carries a pouch on him especially for Squeakers. He will wear leather armor when adventuring. His general attire swings widely from beggar to commoner to merchant and noble, depending on the part he is playing, and he is quite adept at disguises. His adventuring heroic attire features a royal blue surcoat over a long white frilled shirt, with a white ascot at his neck. He has black high boots and brown leather pants and his ensemble finishes with black half-gloves.
Most forest gnomes are shy and reclusive creatures who hide themselves from strangers to their forests – Finn is a bit of an exception. Oh, he has the same exuberance for life and fascination with exploring, investigation, creation, and play. He has an excitement for almost every moment of his waking life and expresses his thoughts as if he can’t get them out of his head fast enough. But Finn most of all, unlike his shy kin, dreams of being a great adventurer – travelling the world and packing as much fun and excitement into his centuries of life as he can, with an almost addictive hunger.
Finn is a very talented performer – Musician, singer, poet, actor, and comedian. He loves to entertain and create new delights for his audiences. He uses magic liberally in his most entertaining performances with illusions and telekinetic effects. He loves joking and pranking at every opportunity, all in a good-natured way of course (Although his wit can tend to range towards the sarcastic side of things a lot of the time).
Finn is honest to a fault, unless he’s not. He talks almost non-stop – He has a story for every situation. No matter what. Much of his monologuing harkens back to his homeland and extended family – this crazy uncle or that insufferable cousin, etc. He relies on his monumental charisma for much of his skills. He is a practiced deceiver and can play the persuasive con-man when called upon to do so. He has many costumes and disguises. He is sometimes sneaky when he must be and if he feels frightened, he can revert to his gnomish roots - being prone to just disappearing. One minute he is there, the next he has surrounded himself in an illusion of that ale barrel or sack of wheat. Wait a minute, was that there before? How many chairs were at this table a minute ago? Etc. But mostly he is bold and brave, because that’s how adventurers are in the stories.
Finn is chaotic good. He enjoys surrounding himself with other good creatures who enjoy having fun. He is amused by many of the strange laws of the human lands, and doesn’t give them too much consideration overall. The underlying root of who he is, beyond all the bluster, bravado, and acting, is that he is a good gnome. A diminutive Fey creature with as pure a goodness as you could ever hope to find. This manifests itself in his consideration for others, his mission to make everyone have a good day – regardless of the situation, always wanting to do the right thing, and having the heart of a hero.
Finn's constant companion and traveling partner is Squeakers, his pet squirrel. He can communicate back and forth with him in a simple fashion, and they have been close for so long that Squeakers has become quite domesticated - for a squirrel. Finn even uses Squeakers in some of his acts and does his best to make the animal come across as anthropomorphic as possible, even having him wear tiny costumes for certain acts. It's hillarious and Squeakers really seems to enjoy the attention.Finn is constantly finding things hidden on his person that Squeakers has pilferred and is storing away for a rainy day. When not in his pouch, Squeakers will usually be found clinging to Finn somewhere or

Str: 13 (+1) Dex: 18(+4) Con: 15(+2)
Int: 16 (+3)* Wis: 15 (+2)* Cha: 18 (+4)*
*Advantage on saves with Int, Wis & Cha
AC: 15 HP: 10 Pass Per: 12 Prof: +2
Spd: 25' Long jump: 13'/6' High jump: 4'/2'
Rapier (d8, +6/+4); Dagger (d4, +6/+4);
Sling (d4, +6/+4); Hand X-Bow (d6, +6/+4)
Eldritch Blast (d10, +6/0)
Acrobatics (+6)
Deception (+6)
Cittern (+8)
Fiddle (+8)
Disguise Kit (+2)
Performance (+6)
Persuasion (+6)
Pipe (+8)
Drum (+8)
Bardic Inspiration: 4/day (LR)
Cantrips: Minor Illusion; Vicious Mockery;
Prestidigitation; Eldritch Blast; Message
Fey Presence: 1 (SR); Regains spell slots (SR)
Spell DC: 14 Att Modifier: +6
Bard Spell Slots: 2 x 1st
Warlock Spell Slots: 1 x 1st
1- Faerie Fire 1- Unseen Servant [R]
1- Detect Magic [R] 1- Healing Word [B]
1- Hex 1- Expeditious Retreat