LG dm F1
Religion: The Morndinsamman, Clanggedon Silverbeard
Homeland: Llorkh
Current Home: Illefarn
Travels: The North
Group Affiliations:
Height: 4'3" Weight: 180lbs Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Brown Race: Shield Dwarf Age: 66 Complexion: Dark Skinned
Build: Corded Muscles, wide body

Bronn is a very plain looking dwarf with medium length dark hair and a fairly short beard compaired to some other dwarves. He has a battle scar on his right cheek below his eye. He is very wide with corded muscles and thick tree trunk limbs. He has some tattoos on his body as well (Colorful Phrases in Dethek, pictures and designs). When not in armor, Bronn typically wears his loose fitting undershirt (untucked and half undone usually), trousers, kilt and boots. All of which look like they have seen better days and likely need a good washing (As does he). He also has a common surcoat that he can wear over his undershirt if desired.
When geared up for adventuring or battle, Bronn will wear his dark, well worn, splintmail armor (vertical Iron plates backed by black leather, with leather arms and iron shoulder grieves) over his undershirt, Iron Medium shield (Spikes) on his left arm or his back, with his morning star and hand axe on his weapon belt in their leather loops and his dagger tucked into the belt at his lower back. His forearms are protected by studded, boiled leather bracers, which lay over the tops of his leather wound half gloves he wears. He wears a wineskin, a large belt pouch, and a drinking horn around his belt as well. While travelling he will wear his worn brown leather backpack slung on his back.
Bronn originally was born in Llorkh as part of the dwarven mining community. While not a miner himself he was trained in the warrior trade and has served as one of the dwarves guarding their brethren. Sixty-six years ago, Bronn was born to the warrior Thoradin Battlebeard and the dwarven maiden Thayess and can trace his immediate ancesty back to Baric Stoneheart - a great warrior of Citadel Adbar. Thoradin died in battle forty years ago and Bronn has striven to be as brave, loyal and heroic as his father and his father's father's father in everything he does. Bronn's mother Thayess still lives.
When word of the re-populating of Illefarn came to Llorkh, many young shield dwarves headed off for adventure and to re-discover their ancestry there. Bronn was no different, bringing his mother and all of their possessions, he made the arduous journey to the ancient grand halls of Illefarn to offer his warrior prowess to the new King.
Like many dwarves in the North, he can trace his ancient ancestry back to the shattering of the dwarven halls of Illefarn and the dispersion of the surviving dwarves. He seeks to be an active part of the rediscovering of the lost halls therin, and expects to find his own glory there, fighting the evil denizens of the deeps, and emerge as a hero of his people. While he is awaiting his opportunity for glory in Illefarn, he has begun to explore the lands closest to Illefarn for adventure, glory and a chance to be the hero he is meant to be - Helping those in need: dwarf, human or otherwise.
Bronn in not necessarily as dour and taciturn as many of his fellow Shield Dwarves. He has a somewhat sharp wit and dark sense of humor. He is very practical in his thinking and tries not to let over-thinking a situation get in the way of cutting to the heart of the matter and finding the quickest and most reasonable resolution. He is fairly intelligent and very wise for his age and this shines through in his words and actions. He does not suffer fools easily and tries to let his wisdom guide him in his actions.
As most dwarves, he feels a strong kinship and loyalty to friends, fellow clansmen and other dwarves. He values honor and loyalty above all other qualities and strives to be valorous in his actions. Being Lawful Good, he strongly values the organized rule of law and the good that can come from a society that comes together and strives to grow and be more than they were the day before, as most dwarven societies are. Bronn will generally follow the rules of a society, and will feel guilty if he is forced, for good reason, to break those rules. But he is no saint - who can be?
Bronn is a mighty warrior, destined to be a hero, born for glory, but he does not relish in the taking of lives. He would prefer to defeat his opponants soundly and let them live with the humiliation of it. That is, of course, unless we are speaking of evil humanoids (Like Orcs, Goblins, and the like.) and giants - These monsters he will destroy utterly. Like all his brethern, Bronn remembers the past and his hatred for these monsters runs deep.
Bronn loves his ale and his sharp wit has been known to get him into some interesting bar room brawls. This is one time where his characteristic wisdom eludes him. To Bronn this is all good natured fun, a way to blow off steam and test his mettle against others. So long as all have good humor, he is even likely to buy the next round of drinks. When he becomes a famous hero, even his exploits in barroom brawls and contests of strength will be the stuff of legend.
Bronn is a devout follower of the Morndinsamman and especially Clanggedon Silverbeard, The Father of Battle, Lord of the Twin Axes, the Giantkiller, the Goblinbane, the Wyrmslayer, the Rock of Battle, and is actively studying and training with the priests at Illefarn to become a cleric in service to this mighty Power. It will be some time until he will be ready to take on the mantle of Acolyte, and until then he will continue his studies and serve Clanggedon through his strength of arms, and defeat whatever enemies come against his dwarven brethren.
Son of Thoradin Battlebeard, son of Urmash, son of Baric Stoneheart
AC: 0 (-3 ) HP: 13 # Att: 3/2
SAVES: Po: 10 W: 12 Pe: 15 Bw: 17 Sp: 13 Melee Attack:Thac0: 16 (2d4/d6+1 +8 dmg)
Shield Att: Thac0: 17 (d6 +6 dmg)
Str: 18(00) Dex: 17 Con: 17
Int: 13 Wis: 17 Cha: 10 Com: 10