As residents of the north, the Heroes of the Godswar are already well aware that things are terribly wrong. Talk of in-fighting within the Lord's Alliance, has been drown out by daily concerns over food and refugees have begun to press against the walls of Silvery- moon and Waterdeep having already overrun Neverwinter. Food riots have been on the rise inland as imports from the Moonshaes and the South are absorbed by Waterdeep.
A recent wave of unexplained illnesses has further taxed the priesthoods, given that many of the poorest are already dependant on them for daily food handouts. Although not in great numbers thus far, sages are greatly concerned by the frequent failures of magical cures. Last week there were many families preparing to migrate south them- selves until word came that many southern cities are facing similar circumstances.
The Uthgar are assembling in greater number than many thought existed, as they are forced southward by the relentless creep of mountainous glaciers. By all accounts, Ten Towns is completely lost, but Luskan seems to have been passed by, some reports say it is visible from the highest towers of Mirabar. Also, what had been rumours of frost giants moving south, has become almost daily confirmed sightings by scouting parties and refugees alike. Speculation that the Uthgar and giants are in league is thus far
Last night...the latest of compounding problems...a nightmare in a foreign land to your waking mind...at home to your slumbering one...but so realistic as to feel premonitory and although you never see her, you cannot shake the feeling that you were there with Midnight.
The five heroes, having all had prescient dreams, gathered together in Silverymoon to share their stories. It was quickly determined that the Vilhon Reach was their destination and that they were being compelled by Mystra to go on this quest. The Staff of Midnight, being charged with Mystra’s divine energy, seemed to confirm this. They spent time in the great library of Silverymoon to learn what they could about the area and purchase a map.
They determined that they would head to Jathran's Jump first as this seems to be the most understood of the clues. They transported themselves through Ajeroth's mirror to the Deck of Mystra's Gift, The Grey Mousers flying ship and completed the journey to Ilighôn, and from there to Jathran's Jump. They found this town to be a haven for thieves and smugglers and Mouser (and FLynn) quickly put their skills to work trying to make contacts and find out just what we were supposed to do here. Mystra's instructions were not very clear.
In the center of town there was an ancient ruined temple that the townspeople feared. The group Rogues quickly made contact with the rival smuggler leaders Shadrik and Vinculus. And through negotiations with one of them, the heroes were allowed access to the tunnels beneath the town.
Exploring the ancient tunnels, they had a few exciting encounters such as encountering a ghostly mage who had an important book with clues to the story of the seeds of Silvanus. He was battled and defeated but not destroyed. We took his book. Ajeroth used the mysterious powers of the Staff of Midnight to allow the group to explore the tunnels and rooms through the Ether. They were able to determine that the uncorruptable seed was in one of the rooms they had explored, in a font of unholy water. They rescued the seed and confronted the guardian statues who were destroyed. They had treasure in them, but also a terribly cursed item which struck down and killed Fafhrd. The team teleported to escape back to T'ycel's grove to heal Fafhd and destroy the cursed objects.
The ghost mage's book told the story of the seeds of Silvanus, powerful items created through the power of Silvanus and Mystra. The cult of Talos stole the seeds and corrupted all but one of them so that their power would serve their dark master.
AJEROTH - Ajeroth Dreamed that he was a Kobold Shaman on a long trek across rugged terrain, desperatley trying to get to Memberak's (Sp?) Hollow.
FAFHRD - Dreamed that he was a wounded lion on the plains north of the Winterwood and he was desperately trying to escape from the Hunter. The hunters name is Jarus.
THE GRAY MOUSER - Dreamed that he was lost and confused trying to escape a subterranean maze of corridors. Strange sounds seemed to be chasing him. He was desperate to find his way out. This place was beneath Jathrin's Jump in Turmish.
T'YCEL - Dreamed that he was a dolphin
MERRIL - A Druid serving under T'Ycel in the High Forest. She has connections with the Emerald Enclave so she was brought along to help make introductions, but turned out to be an invaluable ally in the trials that came.
LADY SHINTHALLA DEEPCREST - The Head of the Emerald Enclave. During the Time of Troubles, she was put in charge of safeguarding the girl, Chella. She sent her away to the Eldath Druids at Cedarspoke.
SHADOWMOON - Servant to the Queen; Guardian of the Chondalwood. The half elven girl, Arabella, was given unto her care and Shadowmoon placed her in her vault in Stasis. Her magic lair, Shadow Grove, is accessed through a specific tree in the Chondalwood.
ARAVOR - Powerful Sorcerer of the Vilhon Reach and during the Time of Troubles she was given charge of the dwarf girl, blah blah. This girl was kept prisoner and chained with specially enchanted manacles. Aravor supposedly died shortly after the Time of Troubles and the care of the dwarf girl has been passed down to her second in command. In reality she is not dead but has gone over to Cyric.
BELDARIN - Beldarin is a stout and honourable centaur that was encountered in the Chondalwood and eventually led the heroes to the Lady Shadowmoon and her mysterious tree.
SHAMRATHRA CALLING OWL - The Senior Druid in Cedarspoke.
JARUS SILVERBLOOD - A recently raised Demigod in service to Malar. He is the Hunter and direcly opposes Nobanion. He was a form of shapeshifter (Possibly a were-tiger or a Rakshasa). He comes to Nimpeth every year for the Culling - A brutal finish to the gladiator games where he fights and kills the best of the winners and only 5 are left alive to go onto fame and freedom. He travels with an entourage - His brother (who is also a shapeshifter or Rakshasa) and 5 were-hyenas.
NOBANION - The Lion god of Gulthmere; Guardian of the Reach. Worshipped by Wemics of the Shining Plain, Centaurs as well as some human cults.
CHELLA - Chella is a young girl who was empowered by Mystra during the time of trouble for some purpose - perhaps as some insurance to aid Mystra in reascending to the plains. Chella was given over to Deepcrest, who in turn left her under the protection of the Eldath druids of Cedarspoke. She rides a White Tiger companion. She seems able to steady the chaotic magic in her vicinity and can dispel negative magic effects.
TORODD'RIEN of NIMPETH - Preeminent Tyrite in the city of Nimpeth. Has been hunting Jarus Silverblood for years and personally fought him on multiple occassions. Jarus has always eluded him. He lives in a castle in Nimpeth.