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DM Don - December 25 - 2015
Connections - Midnight's Watch
For the third day in a row Ajeroth had memories of Rognar pop to mind, like a tune that he subconsciously returns to when not thinking of anything else. No sense of urgency or danger had accompanied these images, but it had been a few years since the Heroes had travelled with Rognar, and Ajeroth couldn't think of any reason why he would have come to mind now. He mentioned it to T'ycel who acknowledged that he too had been thinking of Rognar recently. They agreed they should probably look him up after their first trip with the girls.
The girls, Chella, Arabella, and Drogroda - each a vessel of faith magic for a range of Faerun's deities, had been staying at T'ycel's grove. A recent shared vision had notified the girls and Heroes alike that the first ritual was upon them. The destination would be the Tower of Mysteries in Saerloon on the first day of Marpenoth. There they would deliver the first of the Faith Magic energy from the girls to the clergy there. After some discussion the Heroes had agreed that taking Mystra's Gift made the most sense, as did arriving a day early. The plan worked perfectly but their efforts to be discrete were foiled almost as soon as they docked.
A senior priest of Mystra named Detrojian was there along with a dozen acolytes and the Overcaptain Burinta Shammarcron with her cadre of “Helms”, to welcome the Heroes. Detrojian sent the apologies of the Lady’s Mage Cadellin Firehands, as he could not be here in person to greet them, but he assured them that the church of Mystra did not overlook the significance of their arrival, especially Her clergy. He wanted them to know that this was the highest honour for him and that this day will become a recognized holy day in Saerloon. The initial pageantry was kept to a minimum and Overcaptain Burinta Shammarcron made a simple request "all I ask is you try and save the cataclysmic stuff for another city", to which Fafhard diplomatically replied, "No guarantees".
The parade took a circuitous route to get to the Tower of Mysteries, which Deltrojian explained was due to concerns about recent hostility from a very sizable temple to Shar here in Saerloon. The remaining Mages Arcane thought it best not to tempt fate on this most auspicious of occasions. Detrojian confided that wizarding ranks in many cities had become unusually wary in the wake of some dark wave that had carried away a few of the Realms most powerful wizards, most notably Lady Aravor from Ordulin and their very own Mage Arcane Tanthala, but there were at least a few dozen others under suspicion.
The progression's festive nature was infectious as it moved through the city. Bards were playing music, children scattering flower petals for the Heroes to walk on, and wizards creating illusions of colourful flutterbys and a gilded roadway. Locals came out onto the streets and leaned out from windows and balconies to see the passing fanfare. They seemed equally fascinated by the presence of these legendary heroes as they were by these girls riding great cats and the overwhelming pageantry. Fortunately, besides the celebration itself, the parade was uneventful and culminated in a huge aerial display of fireworks that was visible to the whole city and likely a few miles out to sea.
There were a dozen senior members of the church that Detrojian was obliged to introduce the group to, leading finally to the Lady’s Mage Cadellin Firehands. It was immediately obvious by his wizened state why he had opted out of the parade, but after a few minutes of discussion it was equally apparent that his mind had a razor edge that perhaps his body didn't have, even in his youth. He mentioned that a few days past two strangers wandered into The Tower of Mysteries claiming they were supposed to be there but didn't know why - they were compelled by a higher power to journey there. Detrojian explained that his divinations had led him to believe both are here to aid the quest and he waved over Rognar and Amnesty. Introductions were made between those who were new acquaintances (virtually everyone and Amnesty) and much catching up was done in the evening to follow.
It was obvious that some of the assembled faithful were uncomfortable with the presence of these great cats inside the Tower of Mysteries, but it was unclear whether they were simply afraid or considered it sacrilegious in some way. In any case they put forth no objection and when sustenance and accommodations were offered to the guests it was provided for these enormous felines as well. Despite assurances to their safety the Heroes rotated guard duty for the girls throughout the night.
The festive atmosphere resumed in the morning, and the anticipation was almost palpable. Despite the aura of expectation, the truth was no one knew what to expect. The ritual began without any notice, one moment everything seemed normal and the next; the world simply came to a stop. An immense ring of power rippling from Arabella was the trigger, after which all three girls proceeded to the central dais, only a dozen clergy and the Heroes (including Flynn, Rognar and Amnesty) were able to attend, as everyone else that they saw both inside and outside the tower seemed to be in some form of stasis. The attending senior clergy began a prayer to Mystra in unison, and in the second verse Bella chimed in as well, but was superimposed by a ten foot tall image of Midnight. The avatar turned and spoke briefly to Midnight’s Watch and their companions “Know that this perilous task is both important to me and vital to the Realms. You will grow with the daunting challenges that await you.” The ritual then continued into more traditional prayers for nearly an hour, and once finally completed the clergy collapsed to the ground each utterly exhausted.
It took some time for them to recover, and others began to filter into the area during this time, clearly lifted from whatever had held them. The senior wizards and clergy of The Tower of Mysteries once again acknowledged the part played by the heroes in the miraculous events of the day, but quickly cloistered themselves away to record and reflect on what they had experienced. Midnight's Watch were offered a place here for as long as they liked, especially since the celebrations of Midnight's ascension were only two weeks hence, [but they preferred to move along, reminding their hosts that despite their obvious ties to Mystra, this was but one stop of many, on a very long journey.] [Which they graciously accepted. Despite how busy everyone was, from the Lady’s Mage Cadellin Firehands to the lay brethren, they made the Watch feel very welcome and incorporated them as central figures in the Ascension Ceremonies. The most welcome surprise was food creation on this day, instead of producing gruel the food was gourmet and also an order of magnitude greater yield than usual.]
The Watch were just nicely settled back home with a few days to call their own, when the next vision arrived. This journey promised to send them to a place they had not known existed, except for T'ycel. In Duskwood Dell in Amn, east of Eshpurta, the River Rimril, a tributary of the Esmel River, plunges down the western cliffs of Eldath’s Mount in the Troll Mountains via the Green Goddess Falls in a descent of over 400 feet. It travels thence through a series of pools and lesser falls (called the Steps) out into Arundath, the Quiet Forest (known most commonly as the Snakewood). Upon their arrival, Most Exalted Fallskeeper Alatoasz Berendim welcomed each of Midnight's Watch with open arms. No request was made for us to leave our weapons behind and our guide, Fallsman Bettan Aldo, informed us it was unnecessary because no form of violence can take place in the Dell.
The conversations with the various Dell inhabitants were pleasant, if not particularly applicable to either adventurers or Northmen. However at one point our guide Bettan mentioned the rise of Kelemvor, a name immediately recognizable to the four members of The Watch, who bore witness to the rise of both Midnight and Cyric. If Bettan's tale was to be believed, Cyric had imprisoned Kelemvor since the Time of Troubles and through some chaos which involved Mask, the city of the dead and Zhentil Keep (which has recently been all but levelled), Cyric violated some stricture of Lord Ao's resulting in him being stripped of the Death portfolio. It was unclear whether by cosmic justice or by his residence in the City of the Dead, but Kelemvor was granted the portfolio and instantly ascended to Godhood and control over the City of the Dead. There was still much research and divining to do to sort out the impact from these events, but Priesthoods besides Eldath's are more concerned with such affairs.
Unlike the trip to Saerloon, there was no pageantry, very few introductions, and apparently no expectations. T'ycel was engaged for the duration but everyone else was left alone to enjoy the simple pleasures of the Dell. The water was warm and refreshing; food abounded from the plants in the area and was picked and eaten freely by the other visitors (or residents, perhaps). Time itself seemed to be pacified in this special place, as nothing felt rushed nor was anyone bored. Similar to T'ycel's grove, the colours of the trees and water seem extra vibrant, as though everything in nature is just a bit more alive, but here there was also an element of fascination. Even things that would seem mundane elsewhere such as the rustling of leaves, the taste of a grape, or the burble of water over rocks were absolutely compelling.
This sensation was amplified tenfold when Chella walked out on the lake toward the falls with Bella, Drogroda, Alatoasz and his three initiates. The Watch were encouraged to follow and did so. Dozens of druids and under-priests seemed to come out of the woods and bushes to bear witness to a very simple ceremony where all six of them were passed under the crushing flume of the Green Goddess falls. The scene on the other side of the falls made it immediately apparent that they had been whisked away to someplace other than the Dell. We all arrive in an open air temple surrounded with pillars of a translucent white rock. The temple occupied an island in a lake surrounded by numerous oases in an otherwise vast desert, and they were inexplicably aware that this was the House of the Moon, in the heart of the Anauroch Desert. As the Moon passes overhead, all of the women and girls present spoke in one divine voice, "Peace may not always be the easiest path, but it is always best. There is no greater defeat than succumbing to the cycle of anger and violence."
As the heroes emerged from the temple, they emerged from the Green Goddess falls, but as dry as they were before they entered. At which point nature itself seemed to be held in a stasis, similar to what suspended the priests and wizards in Saerloon. The winds ceased, the birds silenced and falls themselves halted. What can only be described as an energy flowed from Chella up the falls and out across the lake, slowly seeping into plant roots, rocks and into the very fabric of the Dell itself, perhaps spreading to the entirety of the Realms. The six emerged from the falls and everything resumed as normal.
Following the ceremony, many of the onlookers remained, making the Dell far more populated than it was before, but like before they did not impose themselves on the Watch. Many stripped down and went for a swim in the countless stepped lakes and ponds while others partook of nearby fruits, nuts and herbs. [Despite the calming embrace of the Dell, The Watch and their wards made their way back to Mystra's gift en route to their homes in the North.] [The Watch and their wards spent a few nights relaxing in and around the Dell, feeling simultaneously serene and reinvigorated after just the first night. Eventually they returned to Mystra's gift for the journey home, but they each took with them a sense of peace and harmony that each believe they could find in themselves in future, if the need arose.]
Almost a moon transpired before the next set of shared visions notified the Heroes and their Wards that they were expected go to the Divine Den in the Great Dale during the Feast of the Moon, apparently the most sacred of places to Malar. Once again, this involved a trip to a corner of the Realms the Heroes had little reason to contemplate and never any cause to visit...until now. The Watchmen were simultaneously confident that their visions had directed them to the right place and yet there experience and wits told them this was all wrong.
From the outside, the Den seemed like nothing more than a cave entrance, seemingly innocent enough but the Heroes were adamant about being on their guard here. Ajeroth sent a wizard eye into the Den, exposing the depravity beyond. The walls of the Den were alive with detailed carvings of great creatures being hunted, the last moments of their lives rich with fear and suffering captured alongside the triumph and sadism of their predators, presumably the faithful of Malar. Shedu, Manticore, Dragons, Unicorns and Elves appeared to be particularly prized but a short distance after this the wizard eye was dispelled and the decision was made to scout it physically. Still uncomfortable about sending the girls in, even with the protection of the full group, they decided to turn it over to Mouser who took Ajeroth as an instant exit.
Once inside they were able to see the same images transmitted by the wizard eye, but now the effect was tenfold, drinking in the emotions of both predator and prey was nearly overwhelming, but they muscled through. At the point that the wizard eye had dropped they were met by High Huntmaster Skith Tsornagar who assured them he meant no ill will toward the girls and only seeks the natural glorification of The Beastlord. He preferred that we only send a subset into this most sacred of Dens, but Mouser was unwavering that we would all enter or none of us. He was not sure if that was a threat he could make good on or not, but he showed no sign of doubt and the High Huntmaster capitulated. A brief consultation was held with the larger group outside the Den, to have T’ycel confirm the High Huntmaster’s lack of ill intent. Even after he swore to see the safety of all while inside the Den (conditional on them not provoking The Lord of Beasts), the Heroes were still suspicious, taking numerous magical precautions, but in the end they decided to fulfill this request. As they considered opting out they could feel the strength of their compulsion welling up inside them, but never to a point that it felt forced, only urgent.
The ceremony itself was dark and distasteful involving the bloodletting of many clergy and the sacrifice of at least a dozen different trophies taken from various creatures including one human-sized head. The grunting and almost carnal nature of the ceremony was foreign and offensive but with Drogroda never looking as though she were in any danger and largely in the thrall of the incantation, the Heroes allowed it to run its course. They spent no time lingering on its completion seeking to put this place (and its smell) behind them as quickly as possible. Just as they emerged from the Divine Den, a familiar growl grabbed the Heroes attention. Directly above the entrance stood Jaras Silverblood and his brother. As they turn to recognize the ambush, Cackle and his were-hyenas emerge from nearby foliage. Jaras smiles as only an evil cat can, and says “Fancy meeting you here.”