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DM Don - November 14 - 2015
Connections - The Crimson Reavers
One final evening performance at the Pair'O'Dice and then the Reavers were planning to get back on the road (or river as it were). They offered a word of thanks to the rest of the Burr family for the hospitality, and lastly goodbyes to Nana who was upstairs sewing with her friends."Look what I found." Nana Burr declared proudly when the Reavers entered, indicating Grayel dressed formally in a nearby chair. "Cleans up pretty good, eh? And she's pretty handy with a needle too." Grayel clearly, had been subjected to the same indoctrination that Alea received only days before. After some unsolicited advice for each of us, she thanked us earnestly with a tear in her eye for having solved the mystery of the Ghostship and within the hour we were on our way.Getting back to Shadowdale was a luxury cruise, using the Spirit of Vengeance and her crew to sail up river, setting camp and phasing the ship in and out to portage. The Crimson Reavers decided to take advantage of the ships capabilities and take an un-sailable path home.
The first leg up the River Arkhen took two days and nights given the rather lackadaisical pace and was marked by an equal balance of gaming, music and drinking. Archady and Gar spent some time sparring, although they called it "trying on their swashbuckle". The sparring barely lived up to the name as both were still recovering from the touch of the wights, which had left them feeling distinctly drained. Gar had it worse again, as the severe achilles injury he had sustained still left him flatfooted, although his limp had become slightly less pronounced.The Reavers only planned to spend one night in Archenbridge at the Flailing Whelp but they had so much fun, they decided to stay a second night. As always Flan added to his burgeoning stardom, and Gar found a flock of young women who were "deeply concerned" with his limp and anxious to hear how it happened or anything else for that matter. Archady also in typical form lost a handful of silver playing cards, but Crowe won twice that and spread around his largess during their stay.Two more days, marked with music and laughter until the Reavers exited the Archen River at White Ford and phased out the Spirit of Vengeance. They enjoyed a day’s hike through the foothills of the Thunder Peaks to Highmoon, arriving at dusk.
It was here that the Reavers began to hear more of disaster that struck the Moonsea region, and more specifically Zhentil Keep. An army led by giants and dragons and conjured by Cyric himself descended on the city. Their cowardly commanders and leaders fled rather than do their duty and the city was overrun. The bridges were severed sparing the small foreign quarter on the southern bank but the city is a shattered remnant of its former self. With the Zhent navy at the bottom of the Moonsea, its leadership gone and most of its army converted to banditry, there is little debate that these are dark days for the region. Dalesmen assume that it is only a matter of time before these problems begin to seep southward into the Dalelands. The information put a bit of a somber note on the night of their arrival, but in usual Reaver fashion they bounced right back. A local mercantyler, Tawal Meppin, sought out the Reavers by reputation the following morning. His daughters had been kidnapped and local authorities had been unable to offer any explanation. While Tawal was not a rich man, he offered a sizeable reward, but the Reavers assured him it would not be necessary. Perhaps it was the comeliness of his remaining twin daughters, or the Reaver's penchant for saving maidens, but in either case they were off investigating within the hour. A dubious witness had seen the girls outside of town, and through magic Alea was able to confirm the truth of his account. This clue, which had been ignored by authorities, led them to a toll barge operator downriver that had seen some girls tied up on board a small vessel just two days prior. The Reavers, put the Spirit of Vengeance in the water and managed to catch up with the slavers before reaching their destination on Scardale. Many of the slavers were killed in the conflict and their boat was sunk, but the girls and the ring leader were returned safely to Highmoon, and turned over to local authorities. It turned out that the girls were sold into slavery by their twin sisters. Tawal assured the Reavers that he would repay the debt and they were free to be his guests in Highmoon as long as they liked, but with the troubles in the Moonsea, the Reavers were anxious to get back to Shadowdale, agreeing to take a promissary note on Tawal's offer.Having heard more tales (and rumours) of chaos in the Moonsea the Reavers opted to only spend the night in Ashabenford. The short stay did nothing to minimize the frolicking and general merriment though. The Reavers having been here a few times before were greeted by some old acquaintances and as always made some new ones. They walked a suitable ways outside of town before re-conjuring the Spirit of Vengeance to wisk them northwest and home to Shadowdale. The festivities may have been a bit much for Alea as she spent much of the trip to Shadowdale with one end or the other over the aft-castle.The Reavers weren't expecting to return to as much fanfare as they received, well except maybe Gar. The locals were happy to see them all alive and well as they were very concerned given the Reavers sudden disappearance and the recent chaos in the outside world. Everywhere the heroes went they were met with warmth, smiles and well-wishes from the Dalesfolk. On their first night back, the scheduled barn dance was co-opted to be a celebration of the Heroes of Shadowdale and their victorious return from distant adventuring. The Widow Margory Gilglade was extremely happy to see some of the Reavers wearing their animal mittens, and had a collection of colorful scarves waiting for them – Oatmeal cookies lovingly tied to them with dainty lace ribbons. Old man Sauldrick is still trying to convince Flan to make an honest woman of his granddaughter, but her bow-legged-ness and buck teeth continue to indicate that she will remain a “dishonest” woman for some time – as long as Flan has anything to say about it.
Jhaele Silvermane welcomed the returning heroes back to the Old Skull Inn with her usual gruff, open arms. Much warm mead and telling of heroes tales removed the chill from cold bones and the Reavers’ good cheer was infectious to the other patrons. Jhaele informed the team that an extension onto the Inn has begun, for the Reavers’ use, but it will be a few weeks before it is completed, paid for and constructed by the peoples of the Dale.
The Reavers had a chance to catch up with Sgt. Toldallon and the Lord of the Dale, Mourngrym Amcathra. In their absence, the local guards have had to deal with a few bandits and stragglers coming down from Yulash and Daggerdale, but nothing serious. They have caught two thieves on different occasion raiding the stores that the Reavers had commandeered, and there have been at least a dozen similar incidents at local farms but fortunately thus far no one has been seriously injured.
On day three, after most of the celebrations had died down (farmers don't have much to keep them out of trouble this time of year anyway), a Dwarven warrior staggered into town. He had clearly been walking a great distance as his boots showed the wear of covering tracks of rough terrain in a short period. Despite probably needing it he rebuked any help and just said "I need an ale, new boots, an ale, and to speak to whoever is in charge of defending this Dale ...oh, and an ale." A local directed him to the Old Skull and once he was settled in (with an ale in each hand), Jhaele Silvermane, the tavern owner prompted him to speak "What's your name?" she said brusquely."Krular Goblinslayer, Son of Dimbroc Bonecracker, Son of Orog Foe Smiter, Son of Grimsorok Stonebinder, Son of Lorik Longthrow" he responded in a single breath and promptly returned to his ale.Jhaele brought Krular’s attention to the additional ale she was sporting in each hand, "Tell these folks your story and if it bears retelling, they will pass it along to Lord Mourngrym" indicating the Reavers.Krular began to form something that sounded like an objection but was cut short by Jhaele. "My ale, my rules." she said. Krular thought for a moment and agreed that this made sense. He finished off his ales, setting the mugs far enough away to make room for new ones, and Jhaele obliged. Content with that he began his story."I was travelling with a couple dwarves I had met up with. They were surface scouting west of Teshwave, for some stupid reason. Before I could convince them how bad an idea this was, we got jumped. I am not proud of the details, so don't make me go into it. Suffice it to say I killed more of them then they did of us, but in the end I was captured and the others were dead. Rather than kill me, or eat me, or any other plans the orcs might have had for me, they decided to sell me to a passing caravan headed for Daggerdale. Rather than send me out on the next trade caravan across the desert they decided to keep me. Something about stonework problems...blah…blah...blah, Dwarven stereotypes, blah...blah...blah.""I was just trying to look for an escape option, but it turned out that the work I was doing was in the basement of some 'Constable's Tower'. It only took me a couple days to find the source of their water problem but I dragged my heels still looking for a solid escape route. A few days later it was delivered on a silver platter. I found a secret door in the basement, but I had to take a few days figuring out how it worked, making sure I could use it and conceal it again, and getting a line on my stuff they took.""During my preparatory days, I overheard a conversation that no freeman would have been allowed to and live. Apparently, there is this commander from Zhentil Keep name Folmaxter, who would have been the boss of the guy from Daggerdale at some point in the past but deserted his post. He has a sizeable force of loyalists and offered to join forces with <Fenris?> the boss of Daggerdale, but the boss doubted Folmaxter would ever be happy with a #2 spot, so he politely declined. Instead he suggested that nearby Shadowdale was without its usual defenders (Elminster and Storm) and that rumours indicated even the adventuring band that had recently caused problems in the Dagger Hills had moved along. <Fenris?> offered Folmaxter some assistance and a promise to work together as peers afterwards. Folmaxter didn't agree right away, but agreed to consult his wizards and send out some spies to confirm. I was able to retrieve my gear and disappear into the secret passageway, and came straight here but that was six days ago now. Folmaxter is coming, I'm sure of it."