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DM Don - September 04 - 2015

Connections - The Daggerford Dozen


Thorvoldd and Torin


Shortly after the bloodbath in the Gaols of Illefarn, Jadarl had dropped Thorvoldd in Waterdeep and Torin in Elturel before connecting with Abstract to catch up on some long overdue studies.  Torin consulted the upper echelons of the Church of Helm and the Order of the Black Shield, providing them an update.  Recent revelations, centering on Grim Tabor and the discovery of the Shield sent repercussions through both of these organizations that will take time and deliberation to be fully sorted out. Torin then made haste to update the Order of Argus with the same information, catching up with them in Thesk. 


Thorvoldd made his rounds in Waterdeep asking for any details pertaining to Reghed.  Elient and part of Marpenoth were spent waiting for results while the scholars dug through their respective sources, during which Torin returned from his travels in the East with tales of war in Impultur. Although a sage named Veltripar the Insightful was able to find reference that the glacier had in fact been named after an individual, the only details were vague, archaic references to an ageless lord, who had complete dominion north of the Spine.  In the interim Thorvoldd made the short ride south to Daggerford and updated Gem and Jade as to recent events.Once reunited in Waterdeep, Thorvoldd and Torin did spend one day at the Jade Jug, but it became obvious that Torin was uncomfortable with that degree of decadence and they relocated to The Dozen's Castle District home.  Making the best use of the time Torin made a few divination attempts and contacted members of his church in Waterdeep for any insights.  The commune spells were able to provide some information, although still cryptic.  Destroying Reghed is aligned with Helm's wishes as he is responsible for the advancing glacier.  Reghed is some form of undead, but not an easily categorized one.  He was not on Torin's plane at the time of the commune.  Reghed has a number of very powerful outer-planar allies, these include lower-planar but not exclusively. He has a stronghold on this plane. Despite using multiple communes to glean all of this information in a relatively short time frame, Helm or whoever was answering the communes on his behalf did not refuse aid, as sometimes occurs when powers feel they have extended enough guidance.


Tired of waiting and with things clearly getting worse, Thorvoldd and Torin decided to ride north, to see if they could get any extra information from banging a few frost giant skulls.  They arrived at the tail end of a fight (mostly Orcs) in Triboar, ingratiating themselves quickly to the locals. The townsfolk had done their best to fortify the town centre. It was clear from the scorched buildings and mass graves that this was not the first attack they had repelled.  Whether true or just an effort to give them something to rally around, many claimed to have seen the ghost of Gwaeron Windstrom, a demi-power in service to Mielikki that supposedly died nearby. He was rumoured to be mercilessly slaughtering orcs just outside of town.  Triboar typically operates regular mounted patrols to keep the roads safe for merchants and travelers. Despite the fact that due to recent events, they have been traveling in larger groups and staying closer to home, they were happy to provide intelligence on giant and humanoid movements they have observed.  The normal four day ride took twice that as Thorvoldd and Torin used this information to put a dozen frost giants and ten times that many humanoids to the sword (or rather to the morning star and mace), but nothing meaningful was derived.


Longsaddle on the other hand, was very much business as usual.  No visible attempts have been to fortify the village and there were no signs of previous fights.  People seemed friendly and generally unconcerned with the goings on.  When asked about it, the villagers expressed their concern and hope that it all turns out well, but mostly their concern centred on loved ones living further north.  In nearby Mog's Keep things were much different.  The Blue Sigil mercenary company was hunkering down and preparing to defend their dirt at all costs.  Judging from the recent single and mass graves around their keep, those costs were already being paid by both sides.


To Thorvoldd, who has been to Mirabar before, the most notable new feature on initial approach was the silence.  Typically one could hear the sounds of the open mining and the cities numerous smithies, before you could even see it.  Once up on the rise that Mirabar sits on, the reason became obvious.  The horizon was dominated by the presence of the Reghed glacier, as far as the eye could see in both directions.  Although activities outside the city were subdued, the city itself was still abuzz with activity.  Most of the city’s famous smiths were still working although not with their usual enthusiasm (perhaps less raw ore to work with may have also stifled the pace). Other shopkeepers were boarding up, Inns and taverns were still serving, although portions were as expensive as they were small and the ale was well watered.  Many people were packing wagons and preparing to pull out. Although Mirabar has a legendary undercity it cannot absorb the whole city and given the speed of the glaciers’ approach many felt they have less than a moon.  The Axe of Mirabar, were still actively patrolling the streets and walls, and although there were no conflicts during their short stay the country side both to and from was littered with the remains of small skirmishes.


The frost giants were plentiful between Mirabar and Luskan, taking just over a ten-day to complete the ride and although all the head-cracking was very satisfying, it lead to no actionable intelligence.  Many sub-chiefs admitted to having heard of Reghed and his frozen fortress, one even claimed to have been there but none could provide any meaningful directions.  One interesting tidbit came from their interrogations, there was a legendary frost giant King a couple centuries ago named Gorlog the Great, who is rumoured to be back from the dead to command this push to the south.


The scene in Luskan was a bit surreal, they too had the glacier looming on the horizon, but their biggest issue seemed to be provisions.  Many on the streets looked as though it had been a few weeks since their last full meal, and all of the taverns and food halls were closed.  The city seemed to be devoid of everything with four-legs and in one case it even looked like a group may have been roasting a frost giant leg.  The rumour mill was in overdrive in and around Luskan though:


·        Ten towns has been utterly wiped out with no survivors

·        Luskan has retaken Ruathym and are tapping stores there to feed the army while civilians are still left to starve

·        The Brotherhood of the Arcane are adding new powerful members from across the realms          Arklem Greeth struck a deal with Auril the Frostmaiden to protect Luskan from the glacier and the giants

·        Raiders have been sent to gather allies in the war against Waterdeep, started by the embargo

·        Dendybar the Mottled, Watcher of the North has gone missing

·        Shar is going to kill Lathander, once there is no more sunrises


Luskan's population was definitely depleted as its whole raiding force was out, leaving it decidedly unprotected, but unlike most other places there have been no signs of conflict around the city defenses.


Realizing that they were making no meaningful progress on tracking Reghed, they agreed to return to Daggerford and try to round up some assistance in the search.


Abstract, Jadarl & Tsallok


Wizards with access to Candlekeep are a happy lot.  Abstract and Jadarl were no different.  Another advantage of Candlekeep is the opportunity to trade arcane and sagely thoughts with others who have reached the pinnacle of their various professions and talents.  Jadarl and Abstract made some new acquaintances but stayed largely focused on a significant expansion of their libraries on this trip.  In the process they stumbled upon someone on a similar mission preparing for an impending war.  Tsallok didn't know the details, but his confidence of some great and inevitable conflict was as unshakable, as it was compelling.  Tsallok became a fast friend over the next few weeks and agreed to help them transcribe some spells that were above their current capabilities.  In exchange Jadarl acquired spells that were specifically on Tsallok's and Abstract's wish lists. Laden with gold from their many adventures, time seemed the largest impediment.

Jadarl introduced Abstract and Tsallok to Tethoril, First Reader of Candlekeep and fellow priest of Oghma.  It was Tethoril who first alerted them that something was wrong.  He mentioned that the sun was spending less time in the sky than would be expected.  Whereas the divinations seemed unable to provide details, he had tried to reach out to a few notable wizards that his position gave him easy access to.  Categorically all of them were unavailable.  While he was certainly perplexed, he assured the three that there was no need for alarm and that they should make the most of their studying opportunity, recommending a few tomes with some old spells rarely accessed. Elient was quiet, giving the two members of The Dozen time to get to know Tsallok better and obtain copies of desired spells that none of the three had access to.  In Marpenoth, they unwaveringly focused on transcribing the most critical spells and were it not for the heightened activity inside Candlekeep, Abstract, Jadarl and their new found friend Tsallok may have been oblivious to the goings on, in the outside world.  Buried in books, they managed to largely ignore the hubbub until mid Uktar, when it became apparent that this was a major event brewing, perhaps even the great conflict that Tsallok had sensed. It started with various sages discussing the changes in atmosphere and researchers around Candlekeep looking for answers, some in magical tomes, some in religious ones and others in the writings of Alaundo the Seer.  Perhaps it was due to the fact that the three of them had been distracted, but once they began to pay attention in earnest, the reports quickly accelerated from there as Candlekeep was a particularly great location to glean the scope and breadth of what was happening across the Realms.Initially it seemed that the northern regions had been hit harder than their southern counterparts, with the possible exception of the Vilhon Reach.  The crop blights were centered around Cormyr and the farms in the Fields of the Dead, radiating out from both locations, although they were felt as far south as Amn.  The shorter days brought winter early which was hardest on the North including the Dales, Moonsea, Damara and the Vast.  In these areas creature and raider attacks seemed to be at an all-time high.  Violent weather was also on the rise as hurricanes battered the Sword Coast, with earthquakes, mudslides, heavy thunderstorms, tornadoes, wild fires and severe flooding from Calimsham to Rasheman.   In the Vilhon Reach there have been sightings of colossal beasts trudging through the wilderness, and stories of unimaginable conflict.  Wizards talking of Ajeroth leading the Heroes of the Godswar against them has cultivated widespread speculation that this is fallout from Ao's edicts on Mount Waterdeep. The Chosen of the three Sisters were also rumoured to have participated, but no one at Candlekeep has come up with a workable theory as to how Sylvanus and the Sisters might be involved.  One Sembian planeswalker named Dervil LaRoche openly stated that the Vilhon was a conflict between the forces Talos and Mystra over the portfolio of Wild Magic and that these other disruptions may be similar disputes.  He cited how the abnormal flow of the magical weave coincided with the Vilhon conflicts and subsided once the Heroes were victorious.  This of course fails to explain what, if any, involvement the nature deities and their followers may have had.


In the Pirate Isles similarly colossal sea monsters arose without warning, laying waste to fleets and port infrastructure alike.  Someone quoted Volo as having said "If you forgot they were pirates you could start to feel really sorry for them."  Alarms went out throughout the major Inner Sea coastal centres, but these horrors disappeared after ravaging the Pirate Isles as quickly and inexplicably as they had appeared.  Despite the expected drop of pirating activities, sahuagin attacks and extreme weather has crippled trade and battered harbours more than pirates ever had.


A war has erupted in Impultur, as the vast humanoid horde that regularly erupts there at least once per generation has chosen this unfortunate time to do so again and reports have indicated that they did so at the prompting of Tempus.  A few villages were destroyed but the main fighting never made it to the populated centres.  Despite the seeming misfortune, they seem to have made out fairly well although between war and weather, food shortages seem inevitable.  Just as the fog of war appeared to be clearing, a powerful Baatezu spirited away the Queen Regent.  She has since been recovered, but security and nerves are certainly still on high alert across Impultur for the foreseeable future. 


The Moonsea region has been mired in complete chaos.  The second great purge of Zhentil Keep began in Eliant, where Cyric loyalists had been killing anyone with suspected ties to Bane or his clergy.  A huge army of humanoids erupted out the Tortured Lands and the Ride, reinforced by another army of frost giants and more than a dozen mature white dragons of various ages.  It was a losing fight to begin with, but the morale of the Zhentish officers broke and most deserted.  The Zhent navy, previously the most powerful on the Moonsea, was annihilated by a concerted effort from the dragons.  The walls in the north held for a brief time before giving way under the overwhelming odds.  It is only by chance that the city managed to survive at all, as early attackers destroyed infrastructure including the bridges connecting the southern part of the city.  It was there that the attack was halted, shortly thereafter the dragons and giants retreated, but have left throngs of humanoids behind.  Skirmishes continue between north and south within the city, but the Zhent forces now reassembled under Lord Orgauth are a mere shadow of their former strength. 


The death toll in Zhentil Keep has been estimated between forty and fifty thousand.  Of course that probably didn't take into account the numerous disappearances, as agents of multiple deities were sighted rescuing followers out of the Keep before disaster struck. Nor does it likely account for the three to five thousand deserters, half of which are now operating as independent bandit lords along the roads of the region and expanding southward.  As a result trade which was already restricted has been choked off completely and starvation and disease threaten to finish what the invading army had begun.  With four fifths of the city in ruin, their military in tatters, and remaining factions either leaving for greener pastures or fighting amongst themselves, the balance of power may never be the same in the Moonsea.


Consensus seemed to be that the Dark Network has been largely unaffected and have been recalling agents to help secure key assets.  Similarly Darkhold and the Citadel of the Raven have shuttered themselves up, likely rallying around their displaced leadership.  This theory is supported by the absence of the big three in Zhentil Keep.  More speculative is whether the impact to their trade coffers and loss of their key operations centre will impact the Zhentarim in the longer term.


The arch-wizard Maalthiir, not to be outdone by Zhentil Keep, began a purge of his own in Hillsfar.  Advisors claim that he was seeing threats around every corner and even placed a ban on magic for a ten-day.  The purge included a magical combat in which Maalthiir claims to have bested Manshoon (although there are no witnesses to this), and a number of door-to-door searches claiming to uncover Cult of the Dragon agents.  The Red Plumes have been shoring up defenses in Yulash and Voonlar and occasionally clashing with the Zhent deserters, but have made no concerted effort to try to prevent them from becoming entrenched. 


Mulmaster seems to have been spared the worst with a few humanoid raids that they were easily able to repel.  Although, very recently there have been reports that members of the Council of Blades in Mulmaster have not been seen in about a ten-day and rumours abounded that some of the city's most revered swordsmen had been seriously injured or slain by an unknown assailant. The bureaucrats have been trying to cover it up with some success and the local citizenry still appears to be mostly in the dark. As if that were not enough, an advancing glacier in the North has been destroying everything in its path on its steady march southward; displacing giants, monsters, humanoids and humans alike. The major centers already taxed by the food shortages, natural disasters and increased lawlessness now also had to deal with a five-fold increase in raids from encroaching humanoids and frost giants but also a steady tide of human refugees.  The many powerful mages that the region typically turns to in times such as these have been missing many months and only recently has there been any confirmed sighting. Fennikk Rhaas, a venerable wizard who now makes his home in Waterdeep gave a disturbing eye-witness account of which the details are much disputed.  Some sort of massive magical conflict took place over multiple locations and involving Kelban Blackstaff, Lady Alustriel, The Symbul, Amelior Amantas, Lady Aravor, Laeral Silverhand, two unidentified women one drow and one half-elf, two tentacle faced creatures and at least five dragons.  Worse still his account detailed hostilities between known allies, and although many have attempted to discredit Fennikk's recollections, he undoubtedly has met most of the named individuals, making him difficult to doubt.  After the conflict subsided, rumours had it that allies were still been unable to contact the individuals said to be involved.


Lastly, a plague began to crop up in the largest cities on the Inner Sea, and more recently along the Sword Coast.  Sages and physicians have been able to determine that it has a very long onset period and as such there is no guess as to how many have actually been infected but are without symptoms.  To date the worst affected areas Cimbar (Chessenta), Messemprar (Unther), Sultim (Mulhorand), Bezantur (Thay), Tsurlagol (Free), Saerloon (Sembia), Westgate (Free), Calimport (Calimsham), Athkatla (Amn) and the refugee camps outside Waterdeep and Silverymoon.  The plague is also resistant to magical healing and as such has left the cities various priesthoods confounded.


Realizing the severity of the situation, the three wizards abandoned their studies for some future date, to try and locate their comrades and check on their friends in Daggerford, Illefarn and Waterdeep.



Jade and Gem


Jade as always was a celebrated guest in the halls of Illefarn.  Derval Ironeater insisted on making sure all of her weapons and armour were in perfect condition, but he was absolutely enraptured with Vidir.  He polished him, but indicated that he was not worthy to ever work on a weapon of this quality.  Gorn and Kain both welcomed Jade's participation in rituals to Moraddin during her stay and made a point of spending time with her, discussing religion, brushing up her Dwarven and getting information about the outside world.


It was mid-Elient after returning from Illefarn, that Jade had first determined that this was more than just an early winter.  Full frosts and temperatures barely above freezing during the day had killed whatever plants were hardy enough to survive the blight.  She was able to empathize with farmers Gonart and Favel as her garden in the commons (and others) fared no better.  The docks were busy as increased pirate activity was driving ships to each stop up and down the coast and the first of the hurricanes hit at the tail end of Elient.  The Sailors returning south had stories of the refugees starting to pile up at the gates of Waterdeep.  As always they are a great source of rumours, amongst the most popular were:


·        a new Glacier God had come to Faerûn and is intent on the complete destruction of the North

·        there is a massive war underneath the trackless Sea and dark forces are prevailing

·        all of the most powerful wizards have disappeared and are planning to institute a Mageocracy in the Heartlands

At Fulbar's request, he and Gem had ridden with a small contingent of guards to Berdusk after his smuggling caravan sent along news of being harried heavily since leaving Iriaebor.  Normally their primary defense is to look poor and unassuming, but in these days everyone is a target.  The decision turned out to be a wise one as the caravan was attacked three more times before making it back to Daggerford, and consensus was that they would not have made it without the extra support.  As usual Gem gave Fulbar a hard time about his dubious business practices but he only proffered his usual defense, which was "It is the tax collectors and bureaucrats, some of which work in conjunction with the highwaymen, that are the real thieves, I just work to thwart them on behalf of my customers."

Marpenoth brought its own set of problems, starting with the arrival of a motley collection of Northmen who had decided to bypass the hospitality of Waterdeep.  Seeing the small but prosperous town of Daggerford still recovering from a recent hurricane, they chose threats despite the offers of assistance from the Duke to ease their passage south.  Jade was unusually diplomatic, receiving some rare praise from Vidir, but in the end violence was required to settle the matter and nearly a dozen men fell to either the blades of Gem or Jade before the general yield was sounded.  The Duke still provided some assistance as they had children in tow, but the Northmen were not welcomed to stay and they continued south without their dead.  Two weeks later a frost giant raiding party hit the town.  The blades of Gem and Jade were called on again, and Jade's extensive training with the militia definitely paid dividends as they were responsive to her tactical leadership.  There were some serious injuries and one death but otherwise things could not have turned out better.  Despite the dark challenges, Vidir seemed to think it was the best month ever.


A few days after the raiding party, Thorvoldd arrived for a short visit.  He provided Jade and Gem the update of his events in Illefarn, including mention of Sharindlar, Torin, the Black Shield, Varivil, Marsinay, Purgg, Prollot, Uruxinadrath, Mejixinoodra, Grim Tabor and most notably Reghed.  Thorvoldd has been trying to track down Reghed, but thus far it has been like tracking a myth.  A quick check with the Duke and his staff didn't help.  After a couple days of getting reconnected and ensuring that all was as good as could be expected in Daggerford Thorvoldd hit the road once again.


Additional news trickled in through Marpenoth.  Food rioting was being reported in the refugee camps around Silverymoon although some felt this was as much about food as it was about the camps being populated by many historical adversaries. Judging his own depleted stockpiles the Duke had decided to require ships to sell Daggerford some of the provisions headed to Waterdeep at fair market value.  Luskan and Waterdeep have had a couple naval battles as Luskan accused Watereep of embargoing their winter supplies and has sanctioned its own fleet to commandeer ships south of Waterdeep.  The Duke confirmed that an emissary of Waterdeep asked that Daggerford not provide Luskan ships with safe harbour, to which he had accented to.Regular reports of conflicts with frost giants and winter wolves throughout the North seemed very credible; given Daggerford's experience with he same.  Also credible seemed to be the reports of a glacier encroaching on many cities in the North, as the sailors had been speculating the month before.  Consensus seemed to be that its movement was far too rapid to be natural.  The darkness also had surpassed any natural limit as Daggerford was only getting about six hours of daylight each day, less than the typical shortest day.  Rumours that the Lords Alliance has crumbled been widely disputed, but in the absence of many of the key political players, it seemed clear that the next level of leadership was paralyzed by finger-pointing and petty bickering.  The rumours here range from the silly (Silverymoon has refused to accept Waterdavian minted coins) to the insane (Kelban and his consort Laeral have been seen engaged in magical battles...against each other).

The arrival of Uktar coincided with that of the plagues.  News of cases in Waterdeep and Silverymoon (especially in the refugee camps) reached Daggerford at the same time as Kabresh and Lertin got sick at the orphanage.  At Jade and Gem's insistence, healers and priests tried everything to no avail.  Villagers Badel Tunn and Felior also fell ill and remain so.  Gem got a scare when she and Fulbar became ill, but it turned out to be an unrelated illness and unlike the others they began to recover the following week.  Throughout the past few months the kids in the orphanage had been sheltered from much of the chaos in the world at large, but having their peers grow deathly ill made it all too real.Thorvoldd returned with a priest of Helm named Torin that he mentioned was involved in the conflict in the bowels of Illefarn.  A day later Abstract and Jadarl returned, also with a new comrade in tow, Tsallok.  Upon the reassembly of the Dozen, the Duke threw a feast to raise morale and celebrate the town's good fortune thus far in these troubled times.  The feast included one song and numerous toasts to Jade and Gem's bravery over the past few months.


Battle for Daggerford


Here and now…


The locals were right back to work the morning after the feast, repairing damage to their fishing weirs and buildings from the hurricanes, expanding some of their inland defenses where the frost giant raid had shown weaknesses.  The Dozen too went right back to work as well, toiling into the night to come up with some way to track Reghed or address the multitude of crises facing the Realms.  Just past the witching hour the harbour bell began to ring, certainly an unusual hour for a ship to try a harbour docking.  Moments later, the ring changed to alarm and was joined by the bell from the Duke's keep.  Daggerford is once again under attack.


Moving out into the street, a sergeant with a half dozen soldiers arrives slightly winded and reports to Jade.  "Four long ships approaching the harbour and sitting low in the water with raiders.  Militia have been activated with orders to get civilians to the Castle.  Soldiery is forming up down by the docks to meet the...".  His report is cut short by a series of crashes along the eastern palisade and a stone the size of a horse careens off the top off the wall, its momentum carrying it another 25 feet crushing Emmertine's wainwrights shop.  A cry from the wall can be heard above the din...."Giants!!!”.





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