Player Summary (None)
After a group of dwarven explorers had been killed, a previously concealed passageway in the bowels of Illefarn was uncovered, and beyond a cave-in the passageway was encased in variety of power wards and symbols. A senior Priest of Dumathoin, Cognizant Purgg was able to determine the sources as Moradin, Dumathoin and Helm. The call went out to the church of Helm in Elturel which referred the issue to the Order of the Black Shield and Rune Warder Torin Hawkwing was dispatched. Fortunately, two Defenders of Illefarn were also present and together they investigated.
The runes were created in different eras, the oldest of Dwarven origin were perhaps as old as ten thousand years, whereas the Helmite runes are much newer perhaps 1000-1200 years old. The end of the corridor beyond the runes tees to the east and west, and is shrouded in impenetrable darkness and silence. Both branches are identical with four large intricately carved doorways, two each on the northern and southern walls. A strange sensation of power runs between opposing doors. The largest of the newer runes were determined to mean 'Grim Tabor' (one of the blood) according to the Order of the Black Shield.
In the eastern branch the two northern doors were ajar, revealing oddly shaped hemispherical rooms littered with runes matching those in the corridor near the collapse littered both rooms. The furthest of which contained subdued sounds of breathing and the other with an obnoxious and challenging disembodied voice. The sensation of power was significantly reduced between doorways that one in the set ajar.
The easternmost south-facing door was opened to reveal a Black Shield hovering. Touching it released those bound in the opposing prison. A hard fought battle ensued against a variety of dark minions. While neither Baatezu nor Tanar’ri, these creatures were no less evil and each as powerful as they were unique.
Now understanding the specifics of how the prison works, much deliberation went into whether the next southern door should be opened or not and after the consultation of the powers involved it was deemed the best course. Thorvold had received a vision of a dwarven women in chains behind that door. Similarly, given this knowledge, many precautions were taken prior to opening the next door.
The door revealed a trapped Goddess – Sharindlar, Dwarven goddess of fertility, healing and mercy. Upon freeing her she provided a number of insights:
- She confirmed that the Gaol operates by using significant power as a seal, to secure the opposing cell. The more powerful the seal, the more power the cell can contain.
- She was aware that Bar Teth had used the cell next to hers to trap Grim Tabor and that he had escaped only a couple years ago.
- The archlich Reghed was in the cell she was sealing, which had been weakened by Bar Teth’s use of the Gaol. He had escaped roughly 75 years ago, and had caused the collapse in the outer corridor.
- Very close in power to Reghed was an Ultroloth named Uruxinadrath – the broker in some Blood War agreement between the Arreth and clan Nehardrakkhan, and by extension Mantanak and Paxerizix. Also contained were Mejixinoodra – Baron of Gehenna, Folodrokali “the Pact”, Pogrox’Uutalar “the Promise”, Veritralivootraad “the Oath”.
- There were some side agreements between both Paxerizix and Reghed, and Mantanak and Reghed the latter of which she was unaware of any detail, but in the case of Pax she knew that Reghed had been commissioned to build some sort of soldiery.
- Sharindlar confirmed that Thorvold had in fact permanently slain Mantanak Arreth.
A deal was struck between the three defenders and Uruxinadrath that they would not attack him in exchange for 3000 years exile from Toril. Mejixinoodra would be granted safe passage as well for a 5000 year exile.
A pitched battle was fought against the remaining inmates and all were dispatched. The Arcanaloths attempted to strike a deal similar to Uruxinadrath’s but were unable to reach mutually agreeable terms.
Korin, Prollot and Barizod Egraine all claim to have had visions committing the Order of the Black Shield to the defense of Illefarn in its time of need. Based on this Marsinay and Varivyl have been permitted to remain in Illefarn as liaisons and the Black Shield was given without question to Torin Hawkwing, Illefarn’s newest defender.
Given that the shield only appeared to work in Torin’s possession and combined into the relic that priests now examine today, the Church of Helm and the Order of the Black Shield are still trying to come to terms with what this means in the shadow of the inevitable and impending chaos, promised by the prophesies and confirmed by now multiple sources.
If Jadarl and Thorvold were revered beforehand, it is threefold now. Jadarl is perhaps the most celebrated non-dwarf in memory and Thorvold is Illefarn’s Champion, Defender and First Son.
Lord High Warder Barizod Egraine - Egraine is the head of the Order of the Black Shield and reports directly to High Watcher Berelduin Shondar, patriarch of Helm's Shieldhall in Elturel.
Marsinay of Helm - Marcenai is a young priest of Helm who is a member of the Order of the Black Shield. She is not a Warder, but a regular priest of the faith with extreme scholarly talents that the Patriarch has put in place to aid the Order. She aided Torin & co. in discovering the mysteries of the Gaol of Grim Tabor.
Rune Warder Varivil - A middle aged Rune Warder of the Order of the Black Shield who was sent by the Lord High Warder to help in translating the shield artifact and to aid Torin in his research.
Cogniscant Purgg - Purgg is a devout follower of the Dwarven god Dumathoin, god of mysteries. He played a large role in bringing the priests of Helm into the situation by sending rubbings of ancient glyphs to Elturel indicating they had found something important to the faith of Helm.
Iben - He is the Stewart of the Halls of Illefarn. He played the role of Liaison with the visiting priests of Helm and strove to command the situation as best he could, giving much aid to Thorvold and the others.
Korin Ironaxe - The King of Illefarn was very impressed and happy with the outcome of the adventure - saving a dwarven goddess and destroying so many evil beasts of the Netherworlds. He proclaimed Torin a Defender of Illefarn and acknowledged the Church of Helm as the rightful owners of the Black Shield Artifact.
Grim Tabor - Little is known of Grim Tabor other than he is one of the 'Blood' - High Generals of the Dark One, and he was imprisoned millenia ago after being defeated in the War of Shadows. The Priests of the Order of the Black Shield believe that he and all of the Blood are destined to break free of their prisons and bring a second darkness upon the world. It seems he had escaped his prison decades earlier.
Reghed - A Really really bad guy
Sharindlar - This dwarven goddess of fertility had sealed herself in the prison to help seal the door to Reghed's cell. Her power has kept him walled in his prison for over eight thousand years. He has also long since escaped his cell, yet the goddess was confined to this prison until Thorvold received a vision to open her cell and free her. She gave mighty boons to her three saviors.
Prollot - High Priest of Sharindlar in Illefarn.