DM Doug - February 13 - 2015
Connections - The Knights of Argus
Prophecy. (noun, plural prophecies.)
1. The foretelling or prediction of what is to come.
2. Something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.
3. A divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.
4. The action, function, or faculty of a prophet.
Prophecy - The foretelling of what is to come. Even Prophecies from the ancient past, although hidden in the recesses of time and forgotten by mankind, they have a way of making themselves known to those whose purpose it is to serve – seeping up through the crevasse of time to reveal themselves at the appropriate time; even though they may not even be aware that they are serving a mysterious and higher purpose; this is true no matter which side of history you may stand on…
* * * * *
While a golden chalice awakes with the divine power of heaven far to the west, in northern Cormyr, at the same instant, three Swords of Power begin to hum with energy in the distant land of Thesk. Three Paladins are compelled to stop and draw forth their mighty Holy Swords – Each sword lightly humming, vibrating, giving off a brilliant golden glow and crackling with divine energy. The Paladins are not all together in their camp as each carries out their duties, but the experience is shared none the less, as the Holy Swords of Power begin to speak; each with its own deep and commanding monotone, their voices heard by many within the camp who are nearby.
Chrysomer – The time has come, It has been found and the dawning of prophecy is upon us.
Dag’Lar – We awaken. Finally, after so long a slumber; awaiting the appointed hour of rebirth.
Gildeam – We awaken. The Shield has been found and the…
Chrysomer - …. Font has re-awakened. The time draws near. The Dark One….
Dag’Lar - …. stirs and the seals which bind are weakening, crumbling in corruption; the power of….
Gildeam - …. Mystra weakens beneath His assault, as His minions escape their gaols.
All - Thrice by three the world will tremble
As darkness smothers the land;
Thrice by three the power awakened
In shadows and fire to scorch the world;
In pitched battle for man’s last hope,
May the power of three smite the darkness.
There is a long pause as each paladin’s body reacts to the deep vibrations of the voices running through them. Nearby soldiers stand slack jawed, some removing their helmets and dropping to one knee in reverence, casting their eyes downward. The evening air seems to crackle with a static energy. A voice breaks through the silence, Chrysomer’s voice, not the ominous monotone as before, but deep and commanding none the less– “Let us seek council one and all. The command tent should suit our purpose”
And so, council is convened with Drake, Killian, Galagus and the three swords. An historic council of revelation, held in a dim tent amongst a grim army of just warriors, near the wide track of the Golden Way, in central Thesk. An ominous feeling of intense purpose hangs in the air and over the heads of the gathered heroes as they listen attentively to the Swords as they reveal what they can. Their voices softer now, more human sounding, yet still with the commanding strength of the powerful personalities they possessed in their past lives.
Chrysomer – Welcome ye brothers in arms, whom have been lost to me for so many years. Your courage and council have been missed. I was wakened from slumber many years ago and have been allowed to serve Tyr through a succession of heroic warriors down through the decades. Most recently I have been able to work through the honorable and just Paladin – Drake of Cormyr.
Chrysomer – Drake, now that the awakening is upon us all, my mind is beginning to become clearer, as if a fog is lifting. I now know that the bringing together of you three Paladins of Law and Goodness and the three of us was as portentous as I believed. That which has been prophesied has come to pass and now we must begin preparing for destiny, of the darkest sort.
Dag’Lar – My brother… Why do I not remember? I can only see broken fragments of my past. My blade… striking down Zhatekk in his throne room… The three of us together… A blinding light… so very long drifting as in a dream. Awakening this very night. My… body… I can feel it still there, on the edge of vision and perception, like a phantom. But I know, somehow, that Torm has blessed me to continue on into infinity as his most devout servant, as an instrument of his power, in this blade.
Chrysomer – Yes, Dag, it was so with me as well, when I first awoke. It will take some time to orient yourself to your current form and to this age. So much is different. And although I have had much more time to acclimate myself, still much of our age has remained frustratingly forgotten to me. As if some power has intervened to prevent such knowledge from coming forth. Gildeam, what of you, my friend?
Gildeam – It is as Dag’Lar says. As a man who has lost an arm, yet can feel it there still.
Dag’Lar – I think that in my dream state I have been aware of Killian and his deeds, but unable to come forward and make contact. I know of your worth, Ser. Lillianna! There is something… I should know… Blast the Dark One! Why can’t I remember….?
*Killian can feel the strong surge of Dag’Lar’s emotions as the blade bucks strongly in his grasp. He can feel Dag’Lar’s strength of personality almost completely overtake him as he struggles silently to remain in control. By Torm, Is this what it is like? This is what Drake must contend with? Another living being in his mind. Killian looks at Drake with slightly widened eyes.*
Gildeam – Be calm my brother. We will find the answers we seek. We will remember what we must, to do our duty to our gods. No more, no less, as they see fit. It is for us to serve. What is our next move, Chrysomer?
Chrysomer – We should speak to our companions, not over them. They have many questions….
We should get together and see if we can't roleplay out the rest of this scenario.