The Crimson Reavers return home to Shadowdale and barely get settled when they are called upon once again to rise to the challenge. A Stranger - a Dwarf - came into town talking about an encroaching army of Zhentilar, bandits and mercenaries let by a Zhentish Commander. What can a group of heroic adventurers do against a whole army?
It sure was fun finding out.
With help from Elmisters magical stash, the heroes climbed abord a gigantic Roc and sped across the skies of the Dale in search of the army. It wasn't long before they found them - an army of 300 to 500 soldiers marching south from Daggerdale. There could be no doubt of their intention.
The Reavers' tactic was as solid a plan as could be come up with. Harry the opposing army at every opportunity, damaging their lines and attempting to draw some of them off to hit them hard. Eventually this harrying worked as they managed to have the Leader, his henchman and a sizeable group of riders to break away from the main lines and the Reavers let them chase them into a copse of trees, so they could spring their trap.
The troops were mostly neutralized through the webs and entangles of the magic users in the party and the two tough leaders were met in combat. After a tough battle one of the Leaders was captured and the other was fled back to his army. With this decisive defeat, the army turned about to head back the way they came.
It didn't end there as the army was continually pestered until the group was satisfied that they were in fact leaving the Dale. The Heroes returned to Shadowdale and handed off their prisoner to Sgt. Toldallen and called it a day. If it was even possible - the townsfolk now love them more than they already did.
Tawal Meppin - He is a Merchantiler in Highmoon. His daughters had been kidnapped and local authorities had been unable to offer any explanation. While Tawal was not a rich man, he offered a sizeable reward, but the Reavers assured him it would not be necessary. Perhaps it was the comeliness of his remaining twin daughters, or the Reaver's penchant for saving maidens, but in either case they were off investigating within the hour. It turned out his other two daughters had sold off their sisters to slavers. The Reavers saved the girls and defeated the Slavers. Tawal gave them a promisary note to call upon favors the next time they are in Highmoon.
Margory Gilglade - Marge is a kindly widow who lives in a small house on the outskirts of the village proper. She has all the time in the world to spend knitting and baking and the Reavers have been the recipients of her gifts on more than one occassion and they humor her. She's just a wonderful old lady.
Old Man Sauldrick - Saul is an older man who has retired and lives in a large house within the villiage. His Daughter Mal is a widow (Her husband having died defending the dale from Bane and his army during the Time of Troubles) and lives with him with her two daughters Ezrelle (Age 20, truly ugly) and Bess (Age 16, and plain looking). Saul has taken to pressuring Flan to marry Ezrelle, to no avail.
Jhaele Silvermane - Jhaele is the proprieter of the Old Skull Inn. She is shrewd, somewhat gruff, forward and brutally honest. She is a collector of stories and rumors of events transpiring across all of the Dalelands. She has taken the Crimson Reavers as her surrogate family and since they have saved the Dale so often, their lodgings, food and drink have been free for some time. She has recently commissioned an add-on to the Inn which will encompass private living quarters for all of the Reavers.
Lheao the Scribe - With Elminster seemingly vanished into the wind, Lheao was once again pressured by Crowe and the group to lend aid against the approaching army. He gave them a scroll that summoned a gigantic Roc to fly them all to where they needed to go.
Folmaxter -
Folmaxter's Other Forms -
Thane -


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Shadowdale - The comfy home of the Crimson Reavers.
Archenbridge - They passed through Archenbridge on their way home from Selgaunt, travelling by river back to Shadowdale. They enjoyed themselves for a couple of Days at the Inn there.
The Flailing Whelp - A Raucus and rowdy Inn/Tavern in Archenbridge that the Reavers completely enjoyed themselves at. They left a rather big impression on folks there and the partyers begged them to stay longer but they had to get back to their journey home.
Highmoon - Stopping off in Highmoon in Deepingdale, they were approached by the merchantiler Tawal Meppin to help him find his missing daughters. See the entry for "Tawal Meppin" for more information about these exploits.
Ashabenford - The Reavers opted to only spend the night in Ashabenford. The short stay did nothing to minimize the frolicking and general merriment though. The Reavers having been here a few times before were greeted by some old acquaintances and as always made some new ones.