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DM Doug - December 09 - 2015
Connections - The Vanguard of Argus
The rolling deck of the Flag Ship Valiant had become a necessary friend to the Knights and Soldiers of Argus on the long journey home from Impiltur, across the Sea of Fallen Stars. The men were in good spirits after the hard won victory in that distant Kingdom. The survivors celebrated even as they mourned their comrade’s deaths on the field of battle. Amongst it all they dreamt of their homes - families, comfortable beds and fine drink.
The High Knights and their friends spent many evenings huddled together in the cramped space of a cabin on the Valiant, lantern swinging above a roughhewn table, discussing matters important to the Order; their respective gods; the Heartlands; and Faerûn in general. A Darkness had crept in upon the world, unseen for what it is to most, but to those with the knowledge to see it, evil lurked behind the many maladies that have befallen the Eastern Heartlands. These events are as a harbinger to the coming war. Each of them felt it in their bones, this sense of dark prophesy, the growing threat of the Dark Ones return.
The unprecedented events of the last few months hinted at dark powers walking the world, spreading their strife. Plagues, Pestilence, unnatural weather, and catastrophe seemed as the fury of chaotic deities punishing Faerûn for its ignorance and insignificance. As if infectious - nations skulked and postured amongst themselves all across the realms – uncertain; consolidating themselves at the expense of their neighbors; straining against centuries old borders. A palpable tension hangs taut as a lyre string, ready to snap. This is the world that the mighty heroes of the Impiltur war found themselves returning to.
Torin, Rune Warder of Helm, had discovered and now carries the prophesied Black Shield of Helm and brought with him stories out of the west - of an ancient prison which once held the powerful being ‘Grim Tabor’, one of the servants of the Dark Lord. This being of the deep past has been loosed upon the world.
The High Knights of Argus reported on the awakening of the 3 Swords of Power – each imbued with the power of their deity, and possessing the personality and force of will of the three ancient paladins, who fought the Dark One during the War of Shadows. They also spoke of the awakening of the Holy Chalice of Orachulum at Tyrsholme, in Cormyr, giving cryptic warnings and visions of an awakening Brood of ancient Evil.
These artifacts are relics of the distant past, and all of them seemed to be asserting one certain fact – The Blood were awakening and with them will come the rise to power of the Dark One once again, in this time, asserting the unavoidable fact of a renewed War of Shadows to plague Faerûn.
Drake,Trilidir, Var and Shalandar returned to a snowy northern Cormy, the former three to Tyrsholme and the latter to her home in the Hullack Forest. The advanced winter had not been kind to the region, having received much snowfall and already at least one massive blizzard. The major highways were still passable and the southern Wyvern Water was still clear, but the northern quarter of the great lake was frozen over, completely halting the last of the water traffic to and from the north.
Cormyr has been in a state of heightened stress over the last few months. The nation has been hit particularly hard as pestilence has swept through the Kingdom ruining any chance of a decent harvest and the early winter has frozen out, even the last hopefuls, of anything valuable coming from the earth. Plague has also brazenly trampled through the region, spreading from hamlet to village to cities both major and small. Those afflicted become seriously, violently ill and in short time the sickness claims their lives. All attempts to divine a cure either mundane or magical have met with failure. It is as if Talona herself has devised a unique punishment for the sins of man - as her clergy fervently espouse.
The King and his representatives have begun an active campaign to distribute excess grain stores and supplies to the people, but most of this does not make it to the smaller towns and villages. By Royal Decree, during this time of hardship, ALL churches are required to distribute their divinely created water and foodstuffs to any and all people, regardless of social class, who come seeking their aid - or they will risk criminal prosecution. In larger cities such as Suzail, every church was expected to maintain soup kitchens in all areas of the city for ease of distribution. The heads of all the churches in Suzail have been called to gather in the Royal Court to work on the issue of finding a cure for the devastating plague and are working tirelessly, if not necessarily harmoniously, directly with the crown on this.
The situation between Cormyr and Sembia had been continuing to escalate while the Order was on campaign. Cormyr, having been hit by the brunt of the crop blight, was angry at Sembia for blocking trade and buying up food coming from the south, to allow price fixing against Cormyrians. Sembia had vigorously denied this and had claimed that Cormyrian free-sails were now the biggest threat on the Inner Sea given the pulverized Pirate Isles. More recently, Sembia had been sending patrols into the disputed lands claiming that Cormyr had been sending their plague-ridden off to Sembia and the Dales.
With the great awakening of the Chalice, people from as far away as Arabel have made the pilgrimage to Tyrsholme seeking curatives for both physical illness as well as their broken spirits. Some came from ignorance and a desire to learn more of Tyr’s teachings – having seen some of the miracles in recent days from the great flash of holy power that emanated from the Church at Tyrsholme. Accommodations have been made for the pilgrims, but no divine cure for the plague has yet been discovered. The sick are being taken care of as best the priesthood can.
The early winter has caused a disorganized increase in golblinoid activity out of the Goblin Marches and the Stonelands. Baron Thomdor has had to send a large contingent of purple Dragons, led by Lord Battlemaster Aunadar Bleth, north to Tilverton to stave off increased attacks out of the Stonelands. Two score Purple Dragons, led by Swordcaptain Sir Gerald Hurambur have been sent to bolster Tyrsholme’s defense of the Eastern road and Hullack Forest. Banditry has also increased in the more rural areas of Cormyr as sickness and hunger drive more men to evil. Add to that increased tensions with Sembia and the Administrators, Leaders and soldiers of Cormyr are stretched thin with maintaining order through-out the Kingdom and along its borders.
Trilidir and Var, not used to such military campaigns, were happy to be home in Tyrsholme, offering support in any way that they can to the clergy, armed forces and many pilgrims who have gathered. Shalandar returned to her comfortable home in the Hullack Forest and she could immediately feel a heavy, oppressive weight lying upon the forest – From tree to stream there was a feeling of apprehension. The flora had suffered from the pestilence upon the land as well. The Fauna behaved strangely, agitated by the early winter weather and sickness upon the land and more ominously, the dark things, long slumbering deep in the depths of the Hullack Forest, were stirring with preternatural awareness that darkness approaches.
Killian had returned to Haven with his troops and ships to find things much as he had left them a couple of weeks ago when he last checked in. He was met by his beautiful wife Kitiara and his growing boys Ethan and Gaphile. It had been a long campaign away from family and friends. His Chief Stewart Iltravan H’ruuk and his Captain of the Home Guard, Brig Tordan, briefed him on current events. The days have gotten longer and the snow is here to stay. The western Dragon Coast has suffered at the hands of an unforgiving Umberlee recently, and workers were working to repair damage to ships and infrastructure not just in Haven but in Illipur and Pros as well.
The plague from the rest of the Eastern Heartlands has had minimal direct impact on Haven and its citizens, but there have been some cases and Tamas Greycloak and his clergy have been tending to those as best they can. The major plague they have been dealing with has been the ongoing banditry in the region. The weather has not impacted their lawless activities much. The churches’ divinations and Heldon’s arcane scrying have been unable to pin down the location and leadership of these bandits.
The home guard have called up as many militia as they could to bolster their numbers and they have expanded their patrol range to counter the lawlessness, offering what support they could to Proskur, Illipur, and Pros as well. Lady Yansaldara of Elversult has sent large forces throughout the area to offer support to all the towns and villages in the region and many of these are happily flying the pendant of Elversult in thanks for the support.
It is becoming clearer that the nature of the raids is more than just banditry. They seem to be targeting specific towns and villages in hit and run tactics, to do as much damage as they can. Plus, a spell or something is protecting them from discovery. This speaks more of a leader, organization, and plotting rather than just raiding for money or survival.
Killian’s immediate plans upon his return are to try to get to the bottom of this and put a stop to it. Already having send contingents of troops to Illipur and Pros, he will meet with the towns and villages in the area and again reassure them that Haven is there to protect them, and he will set up a meeting with Lady Yansaldara of Elversult to see how they can work together in the region for the good of all.
Taldor has bid farewell to his new friends and comrades in arms and returned to his keep with his troops. Killian has offered him his hospitality in Haven and Taldor has vowed to visit Haven soon. It is going to be a long, cold winter in the regions around the Dragonmere, and dark forces move like shadows just beyond perception, adding to the deep chill that settles into everyone’s bones. Nations and city-states eye each other with concern, not knowing which has the figurative dagger hiding behind their back awaiting the time to strike.