The Crimson Reavers (DM Don)
Eleint 6, 1362 DR
Gnoll raiding parties have burned and looted the outlying Jessep Farms and The Crimson Reavers are on the case. They must track the humanoids and their bandit masters up-river to their base of operations. What seems like a straight forward battle against evil bandits and slavers turns even darker as the heroes must face the depths of horror and depravity as they unravel the secrets of Malevelos and her evil plans.
Thorvold, Jadarl and Torin (DM Don)
Eleint 16, 1362 DR
A strange, ancient discovery in the depths of Illefarn brings Torin of Helm from the church in Elturel to investigate. Together with Thorvold and Jadarl, they investigate an ancient prison that once held a powerful being of the Shadow wars (And more), Grim Tabor. The greatest discovery of all sets the course to change the religion of Helm forever.
Nov 13, 2014 - Apr 06, 2014
Ajeroth, Fafhrd, T'ycel, The Grey Mouser, Flynn (DM Don)
Eleint 26, 1362 DR
This latest adventure from DM Don takes The Heroes of the Godswar across the Sea of Fallen Stars in this next installment of Don's multi-group, expansive, world shaking saga. A dream premonition, a nightmare in a foreign land sends them on their way to exotic lands of intrigue.
Apr 06, 2015 - Jun 22, 2015 (10.5 sessions)
Drake, Killian, Torin, Var, Shalandar, Trilidir, Taldor (DM Doug)
Marpenoth 3, 1362 DR
The next in the series of adventures spanning the Forgotten Realms, this one by DM Doug. The Knights of Argus have finished their campaign into the distant lands of Thesk and are preparing to come home to the Lake of Dragons when a call for help reaches their ears. The brewing trouble in Impiltur has turned into open war and the people of the land are on the losing side of the war against the goblin-kin.
Dec 2015
Alea, Archady, Crowe, Flan, Gar, Grayel, Krular (DM Don)
Uktar 30, 1362
The Crimson Reavers return home to Shadowdale and barely get settled when they are called upon once again to rise to the challenge. A Stranger - a Dwarf - came into town talking about an encroaching army of Zhentilar, bandits and mercenaries let by a Zhentish Commander. What can a group of heroic adventurers do against a whole army? It sure was fun finding out.
Jan 2016
Killian, Drake, Trilidir, Var, Erik, Shalandar, Taldor (DM Don)
Uktar 30, 1362
This short adventure takes place shortly after the return of the Vanguard of Argus and it showcases the ineffable bard Erik Drar as he tours the Moonsea region, witnessing the fall of Zhentil Keep and experiencing the political energy of that truculent area. While experiencing the entertainment scene in Mulmaster he is petitioned by his patrons to solicit the help of the Vanguard of Argus to aid in the reclaiming of their government building, the Bladehall, from the clutches of a vile denizen of the underworld who had taken it as it's own.
Jan 2016
Fafhrd, Gray Mouser, Ajeroth, T'ycel, Flynn, Rognar, Amnesty (DM Don)
Paused Adventure (Uktar 30, 1362)
The Midnight in the Garden of Chaos adventure saw the Heroes of the Realms journey to the Vilhon Reach to foil the plans of the gods of Chaos and take charge of a situation that was created years ago during the Time of Troubles, by the goddess Mystra herself. After saving the day, the heroes now have been charged by the goddess in her current form to disperse special divine energy throughout the Realms to the various religious seats of power for the Pantheon.
Sep 07,2015 - Mar 07, 2016
Thorvoldd, Jade, Gem, Jadarl, Abstract, Tsallok, Torin (DM Don)
Uktar 30, 1362 DR
The final chapter of DM Don's on-going campaign adventure, the Fury Wars. This collosal adventure finds the Daggerford Dozen facing off against an ancient evil from the deep north. The north is moving south, with waves of monstrous creatures as it's vanguard. Can they stop it in time?
DM Doug - December 11, 2014
Connections - The Knights of Argus
The lands, cities and towns of Thesk were devastated by the onslaught of the Tuigan Horde’s advancement westward. The people are just beginning to recuperate adequately from this event and have rebuilt much of their infrastructure. The government of this land is an oligarchy made up of the rulers of the trading cities along the Golden Way from Two-Stars to Milvarune which acts as a capital (mostly because it is so far removed from Thay). The nomadic tribes who run their flocks in the Thesk Mountains in the center of the land and the plains around the mountains also protect the cities by acting as a thorn in the side of any invading army from Thay.
The KoA are met by representatives of each community individually as they progress through the land and are welcomed for the most part with cheers and adulation as they make their way east along the Golden Way. The intelligence is correct regarding increased banditry since the Tuigan invasion, especially in the easternmost areas of this land. Different factions have been taking advantage of the situation and have been making regrowth that much more difficult in the region.
Gathering further information as they go, the Knights of Argus begin plotting out a campaign against banditry. What they discover in the end is that the Tuigan presence is not as high as they had first suspected. Most of the Tuigan survivors have gone back to their homelands, while only a small portion has remained. This group was finally encountered north of Two Stars and they have coalesced under a new Khan (Khan Draygo) and have been operating as a decentralized roving settlement of Tuigan, their slaves and their women. They have been preying on targets travelling the Golden Way in an opportunistic fashion. They were met in battle and were crushed under the mounted offence of the Knights (Killed and/or dispersed). Only 5 casualties and 2 deaths (1 from Galagus and 1 from Drake).
DM Don - November 11, 2014
Connections - The Heroes of the Godswar
As residents of the north, the Heroes of the Godswar are already well aware that things are terribly wrong. Talk of in-fighting within the Lord's Alliance, has been drown out by daily concerns over food and refugees have begun to press against the walls of Silvery- moon and Waterdeep having already overrun Neverwinter. Food riots have been on the rise inland as imports from the Moonshaes and the South are absorbed by Waterdeep.
A recent wave of unexplained illnesses has further taxed the priesthoods, given that many of the poorest are already dependant on them for daily food handouts. Although not in great numbers thus far, sages are greatly concerned by the frequent failures of magical cures. Last week there were many families preparing to migrate south them- selves until word came that many southern cities are facing similar circumstances.
The Uthgar are assembling in greater number than many thought existed, as they are forced southward by the relentless creep of mountainous glaciers. By all accounts, Ten Towns is completely lost, but Luskan seems to have been passed by, some reports say it is visible from the highest towers of Mirabar. Also, what had been rumours of frost giants moving south, has become almost daily confirmed sightings by scouting parties and refugees alike. Speculation that the Uthgar and giants are in league is thus far
Last night...the latest of compounding problems...a nightmare in a foreign land to your waking mind...at home to your slumbering one...but so realistic as to feel premonitory and although you never see her, you cannot shake the feeling that you were there with Midnight.
DM Don - September 04 - 2015
Connections -The Daggerford Dozen
Thorvoldd and Torin
Shortly after the bloodbath in the Gaols of Illefarn, Jadarl had dropped Thorvoldd in Waterdeep and Torin in Elturel before connecting with Abstract to catch up on some long overdue studies. Torin consulted the upper echelons of the Church of Helm and the Order of the Black Shield, providing them an update. Recent revelations, centering on Grim Tabor and the discovery of the Shield sent repercussions through both of these organizations that will take time and deliberation to be fully sorted out. Torin then made haste to update the Order of Argus with the same information, catching up with them in Thesk.
Thorvoldd made his rounds in Waterdeep asking for any details pertaining to Reghed. Elient and part of Marpenoth were spent waiting for results while the scholars dug through their respective sources, during which Torin returned from his travels in the East with tales of war in Impultur. Although a sage named Veltripar the Insightful was able to find reference that the glacier had in fact been named after an individual, the only details were vague, archaic references to an ageless lord, who had complete dominion north of the Spine. In the interim Thorvoldd made the short ride south to Daggerford and updated Gem and Jade as to recent events.
Once reunited in Waterdeep, Thorvoldd and Torin did spend one day at the Jade Jug, but it became obvious that Torin was uncomfortable with that degree of decadence and they relocated to The Dozen's Castle District home. Making the best use of the time Torin made a few divination attempts and contacted members of his church in Waterdeep for any insights. The commune spells were able to provide some information, although still cryptic. Destroying Reghed is aligned with Helm's wishes as he is responsible for the advancing glacier. Reghed is some form of undead, but not an easily categorized one. He was not on Torin's plane at the time of the commune. Reghed has a number of very powerful outer-planar allies, these include lower-planar but not exclusively. He has a stronghold on this plane. Despite using multiple communes to glean all of this information in a relatively short time frame, Helm or whoever was answering the communes on his behalf did not refuse aid, as sometimes occurs when powers feel they have extended enough guidance.
DM Don - December 25 - 2015
Connections - Midnight's Watch
For the third day in a row Ajeroth had memories of Rognar pop to mind, like a tune that he subconsciously returns to when not thinking of anything else. No sense of urgency or danger had accompanied these images, but it had been a few years since the Heroes had travelled with Rognar, and Ajeroth couldn't think of any reason why he would have come to mind now. He mentioned it to T'ycel who acknowledged that he too had been thinking of Rognar recently. They agreed they should probably look him up after their first trip with the girls.
The girls, Chella, Arabella, and Drogroda - each a vessel of faith magic for a range of Faerun's deities, had been staying at T'ycel's grove. A recent shared vision had notified the girls and Heroes alike that the first ritual was upon them. The destination would be the Tower of Mysteries in Saerloon on the first day of Marpenoth. There they would deliver the first of the Faith Magic energy from the girls to the clergy there. After some discussion the Heroes had agreed that taking Mystra's Gift made the most sense, as did arriving a day early. The plan worked perfectly but their efforts to be discrete were foiled almost as soon as they docked.
A senior priest of Mystra named Detrojian was there along with a dozen acolytes and the Overcaptain Burinta Shammarcron with her cadre of “Helms”, to welcome the Heroes. Detrojian sent the apologies of the Lady’s Mage Cadellin Firehands, as he could not be here in person to greet them, but he assured them that the church of Mystra did not overlook the significance of their arrival, especially Her clergy. He wanted them to know that this was the highest honour for him and that this day will become a recognized holy day in Saerloon. The initial pageantry was kept to a minimum and Overcaptain Burinta Shammarcron made a simple request "all I ask is you try and save the cataclysmic stuff for another city", to which Fafhard diplomatically replied, "No guarantees".
DM Don - November 16 - 2015
Connections - The Crimson Reavers
One final evening performance at the Pair'O'Dice and then the Reavers were planning to get back on the road (or river as it were). They offered a word of thanks to the rest of the Burr family for the hospitality, and lastly goodbyes to Nana who was upstairs sewing with her friends.
"Look what I found." Nana Burr declared proudly when the Reavers entered, indicating Grayel dressed formally in a nearby chair. "Cleans up pretty good, eh? And she's pretty handy with a needle too." Grayel clearly, had been subjected to the same indoctrination that Alea received only days before. After some unsolicited advice for each of us, she thanked us earnestly with a tear in her eye for having solved the mystery of the Ghostship and within the hour we were on our way.
Getting back to Shadowdale was a luxury cruise, using the Spirit of Vengeance and her crew to sail up river, setting camp and phasing the ship in and out to portage. The Crimson Reavers decided to take advantage of the ships capabilities and take an un-sailable path home. The first leg up the River Arkhen took two days and nights given the rather lackadaisical pace and was marked by an equal balance of gaming, music and drinking. Archady and Gar spent some time sparring, although they called it "trying on their swashbuckle". The sparring barely lived up to the name as both were still recovering from the touch of the wights, which had left them feeling distinctly drained. Gar had it worse again, as the severe achilles injury he had sustained still left him flatfooted, although his limp had become slightly less pronounced.
DM Doug - December 09 - 2015
Connections - The Vanguard of Argus
The rolling deck of the Flag Ship Valiant had become a necessary friend to the Knights and Soldiers of Argus on the long journey home from Impiltur, across the Sea of Fallen Stars. The men were in good spirits after the hard won victory in that distant Kingdom. The survivors celebrated even as they mourned their comrade’s deaths on the field of battle. Amongst it all they dreamt of their homes - families, comfortable beds and fine drink.
The High Knights and their friends spent many evenings huddled together in the cramped space of a cabin on the Valiant, lantern swinging above a roughhewn table, discussing matters important to the Order; their respective gods; the Heartlands; and Faerûn in general. A Darkness had crept in upon the world, unseen for what it is to most, but to those with the knowledge to see it, evil lurked behind the many maladies that have befallen the Eastern Heartlands. These events are as a harbinger to the coming war. Each of them felt it in their bones, this sense of dark prophesy, the growing threat of the Dark Ones return.
The unprecedented events of the last few months hinted at dark powers walking the world, spreading their strife. Plagues, Pestilence, unnatural weather, and catastrophe seemed as the fury of chaotic deities punishing Faerûn for its ignorance and insignificance. As if infectious - nations skulked and postured amongst themselves all across the realms – uncertain; consolidating themselves at the expense of their neighbors; straining against centuries old borders. A palpable tension hangs taut as a lyre string, ready to snap. This is the world that the mighty heroes of the Impiltur war found themselves returning to.
DM Don - December 09 - 2015
Connections - The Vanguard of Argus
In his eternally curious manner, Erikk Drarr had decided to spend a few weeks travelling around the Moonsea region. In fairness, he had heard about some interesting goings-on and was looking for a somewhere other than Cormyr to hang his lute for a few weeks. This may have been for the change of scenery he espoused to his regular patrons, but a few jealous men-of-means may have influenced the decision more than Erikk was willing to admit.
Spending a couple weeks in Hillsfar gave him some flavour for the region. He had quickly become a hit at a few excellent establishments that bid against each other for his services. The paranoia around Hillsfar was rampant and even members of the Red Plumes seemed to be treading lightly to avoid attention from the mage Maalthiir. Everyone knows that great wizards walk the line between omnipotence and insanity, but whispers around the city belied a deep concern as Hillsfar's fortunes are inextricably linked to its arch-wizard. Although Erikk was enjoying the fact that his skills were greatly appreciated by the locals, incidents of public torture and a handful of executions was wearing on him. Confident that if he stayed much longer he was going to say or do something that would lead to serious trouble he decided to move along to Zhentil Keep.
Only hindsight would tell Erikk that he had thrown himself out of the proverbial frying pan. Zhentil Keep was undergoing its second major purge of Banites in as many years. Apparently Cyric felt like it was past time for them to fall in line. Also concerning was the disappearances of followers of numerous goodly religions, from all over the Keep. Rumour had it that it was a dangerous time to be anything but a Cyricist in Zhentil Keep but that didn't last for long. A huge army descended on the city led by a vanguard of frost giants on the ground and white dragons in the air. Unlike the Inquisitors they were far less discriminating in who they killed. The Zhentish army, famed for its discipline, had to try to hold together without its officer corps as they deserted when the invaders made contact with the north wall. The remaining soldiery did the best they could under the circumstances but the next few days were marked by blood, chaos and fire on a scale never before seen in the Moonsea.