The Vanguard of Argus have returned from their campaigns over seas in Thesk and Impiltur. Their troops are as tired as they are, but all are glad to be home as valiant victors. To read more of their wrap-up from their campaigning, read here.This short adventure takes place shortly after their return and it showcases the ineffable bard Erik Drar as he tours the Moonsea region, witnessing the fall of Zhentil Keep and experiencing the political energy of that truculent area. While experiencing the entertainment scene in Mulmaster he is petitioned by his patrons to solicit the help of the Vanguard of Argus to aid in the reclaiming of their government building, the Bladehall, from the clutches of a vile denizen of the underworld who had taken it as it's own. To read the exciting introduction to "Homecoming", click here.
The Vanguard were called together and for the most part were willing to travel to Mulmaster and see what they could do. Drake could not help but let his distain show through towards this cause, but he went along anyway. After being introduced to the High Blade and learning that this terrible creature has defeated all who went against it, they began their investigation.
They were greeted by this denizen of the Netherworld when they tried to enter and it was assailed by many magic debuffing spells from the mighty wizards of the Vanguard as the warriors pressed on into the room. There were bodies everywhere and the creature seemed indestructible by all apparent normal and magical assaults. It was determined that there was a magic portal on the other side of the room and Erik came up with an idea to try and vanquish the creature by sending it back to wherever it came from through this portal.
Var quickly agreed and used a repulsion spell to push the beast backwards into the tunnel. It fought for all it was worth but could not overcome the might of Var Randool's magic. After pushing the beast through a wall of stone was used to seal off the portal, but proved ineffective as the demon pushed through and collapsed the wall. The monstrosity was pushed through again and this time Var dispelled the portal and it vanished for good.
Investigating the area they found two items of interest - the giant weapon of the creature was left behind and it definietely had an evil aura about it. The second item gave a clue as to the cause of this calamity. There was a magical rod of summoning that was hidden within the chair leg of the leader of the High Blades. It is believed by the PCs that he was the intended target and this was an assassination of the most vile sort.
Drake could not wait to leave this place and left the group early while they concluded their investigation and dealings with High Blade Selemat. Denying the request of Selemet, the Vanguard chose to take both of the evil items back to Haven for safe keeping, so that they would not fall into the wrong hands and for future study.
Lord Orgauth - A councilman of Zhentil Keep, he stepped up to take command of the military and grant field promotions to fill in for the deserters in the wake of the Fall of Zhentil Keep. He selected soldiers loyal to the city and their comrades above any with ties to either Bane or Cyric.
Vada Nese'trikir - She is the ostler of The Yardarm. She is a half-elf and relishes the semi-celebrity status the Yardarm provides her with, where she would frequently entertain high profile guests, and if rumours are true even being courted by a few. Erik was the latest fan favourite and Vada seemed to go out of her way to ensure he felt at home, including her comfortable flirtations.
High Blade Selemat - High Priest and Head of the church of Mystra in Saerloon.
General Akarri -
The Demon of Bladehall (Spectral Assassin) -
Zhentil Keep -
Hillsfar -
Mulmaster -
The Yardarm - A large inn in Mulmaster, with a large regular patronage and a love of good food, ale and music. No matter the strangeness of current events or the trials of the day, it all seemed to be checked at the door. The ale was always flowing, the larder full, and wenches buxom.
The Bladehall - This is where the Council of Blades (Mulmaster's government) and their bureaucrats sit, and where the goverment is ruled from.