NG hem B10
Religion: Tymora
Family: Son of Durham Drarr, Lord of Highmoon
Homeland: Highmoon - In Deepingdale
Current Home: Currently wandering the Eastern Heartlands
Travels: Mostly Eastern Heartlands
Group Affiliations: The White Claw; The Daggerford Dozen; Knights of Argus
Height: 5'10" Weight: 170lbs Hair: Dark Blonde Eyes: Emereld Green Race: Half Elf Age: 24 Complexion: Fair Build: Trim and athletic
Erik is the son of Durham Drarr, Lord of Deepingdale, and Miriamin Treshiantir, a beautiful elven maiden of Cormanthor. He has a lovely younger sister named Eleanin (13 years old). Erik grew up in this wealthy family to become somewhat jaded towards what his father's title meant. He rebelled against his father's authority as much as possible during his adolescent years. Erik shirked the responsibilities given unto him and spent as much time as possible amongst the common Dalesmen. He spent many a night at local taverns listening to travelers speak of distant lands, danger and adventure.
To most locals, Erik was merely the spoiled son of the Lord, and while entertaining as he was, would surely not amount to much. Erik simply dreamed of the day when he could leave this stuffy Dale behind and travel the world seeing sights that only the brave or stupid could ever see. Possessed of a quick mind and wit, Erik began learning all he could about these distant lands as well as the Dales of his people. He travelled all across the Dale practicing the only trade he truly enjoyed - entertaining people. He told the tales and sung the songs that he had learned and soon discovered that he truly had a talent for knowing just the right tale or song that would satisfy his audience. He practiced swordplay and spent endless hours poring over tomes.
Erik's father's displeasure continued until finally there was a great argument and Erik made the fateful decision to leave Deepingdale and travel the world. He soon met up with a young group of adventurers and formed the 'White Claw' adventuring company. This group did not stay together long and Erik soon found himself travelling to nearby Cormyr. Erik adventured for some time before falling in love with the tales, history and beautiful women of Suzail's Royal Court. He has spent the last 3 years in that Kingdom, learning the songs and stories and entertaining at the Royal Court and across the city. Erik has made quite a name for himself there and has had many moonlight encounters with beautiful Cormyrean Noblewomen. Of late he has left Cormyr (After an ill-fated sword duel which he decided not to participate in. The nobleman's wife truly was not worth fighting over anyway) to travel with his old comrade, Thorvoldd the Bold, to the Great City of Waterdeep.
Erik is flamboyant and energetic. He loves flashy clothes and endless nights of drinking and revelry. He has a passion for life and loves every minute of being alive. He can outwit almost anyone at wordplay with his somewhat sharp wit and sense of humor. He says what is on his mind regardless of what anyone else thinks of what he has to say. That is the sum of what Erik is: Living life to the extreme and not caring what others think of him. There is fun and humor in every situation if one is willing to look for it. If one is adventuring for any other reason than the sheer entertainment and excitement of it, why do it at all?
Erik cares little for monetary wealth. He grew up as wealthy as one can be and now he finds it more satisfying to live off his wits and charm on a day to day basis. What more does one need than clothing on his back, a flute in his hands, and a crowd to entertain? Live life one day at a time, find humor in every situation, and live for love and love to live.
Erik Drarr is terribly handsome and it has proven to take the strongest of wills to avoid the perils of his charm and disarming smile. He is quite proficient at using his charisma to persuade others to do just about anything. He finds his way easily into the hearts of those he encounters and if he considers you a friend, then he will trust you with everything, he will hold nothing back.
Erik's alignment is Neutral Good and as such distains from taking human lives. Although he is somewhat trained in fighting he loathes to shed another creatures blood unless it is absolutely necessary. He would prefer to taunt his opponent with words and humiliate him with deeds rather than slay him outright, even if it is a terrible opponent who might live to bother him again another day. His views on law and society are not cut and dry. He does not go out of his way to break the laws of a region, but if it suits his needs at the time, he will do whatever he deems appropriate.
His goals for the future are to explore a bit more of Faerûn and learn more about the cultures and peoples of the world. He desires to learn more lore, magic, songs and tales to add to his repertoire. If he happens to bed a few hundred beautiful women along the way, that is just fine as well. Falling in love with just one girl is certainly not in his plans for the distant future.


AC: -2 HP: 54 Spells: 3 3 2 1
SAVES: Po: 8 W: 7 Pe: 7 Bw: 11 Sp: 8
Melee Attack: Thac0: 12 (d8/d12 +3 dmg)
Offhand Att: Thac0: 14 (d4/d3 +1 dmg)
Str: 17 Dex: 17 Con: 12
Int: 15 Wis: 11 Cha: 16 Com: 18
PP: 65% DN: 55% CW: 90% RL: 65%
Legend Lore: 55%