As the Knights of Argus return to the exotic city of Telflamme to begin the long sea voyage home from their successful campaigns in Thesk, their formation is approached by 2 riders. They are brought before the High Knights and presented as Torin Hawkwing - Shield Bearer; Rune Warder of the Black Shield; Watcher of Helm's Shieldhall in Elturel; Guardian of Illefarn, and Raelan Thurbrandt - Knight Lieutenant and representative of Lord Haelimbrar, Lord of Imphras II, War Captain in eternal service to her Royal Highness, Sambryl - Queen-Regent, and the Crown King, Imbrar II, Lion of Impiltur, gods smile upon them both.
Torin takes a moment to personally introduce Raelan to the Knights and indicates that he has had time to get to know him in the last few days in Telflamme and believes you will want to hear what he has to say. Torin will keep his own business a private matter for later - if Killian, Drake and Galagus will grant him an audience.
Raelan was dispatched by his Lord to wait in Telflamme for the approach of the legions of the Knights of Argus on a matter of great urgency for the Kingdom of Impiltur and His Highness, Imbrar II, through Her Grace, Queen-Regent Sambryl, gods smile upon them both. Lord Haelimbrar humbly asks, if your Lordships are so disposed after such a long and valiant campaign, if you would consider coming to the aid of the people of Impiltur, who have been ever faithful servants of the The Three Gods. He bade him to fully appraise the High Lords of Argus on the situation and treat with them for their aid.
1. Conflicts with goblinoids out of the Mountains and hill lands in the Northern part of the Kingdom started in earnest about 3 months ago. By the grace of Tyr, Torm, and Ilmater, these engagements were put down and firmly handled. But these engagements have increased tenfold in the following months. What was originally considered a slight increase of aggressive- ness to the usual goblinoid activity has turned into an all-out invasion, as in our memories of the Great War against the Hobgoblins in the Days of Imphras!
2. Once the scope of the growing conflict was determined, our military leaders - The Lords of Imphras II, under directives from Her Royal Highness Queen -Regent Sambryl, gods smile upon her, reached out to our sister nations for aid. Damara has sent no aid, staying secure in their baronies. No official aid has been given by the free cities of the Vast, but some aid was given in the form of Holy Orders who have sent troops, thanks be the Triad. Some mercenaries from around the Sea of Fallen Stars were able to be hired to bolster the armies of Impiltur as well.
3. As we have seen and learned, these armies do not come close to the believed numbers of the enemy. We believe that this is once again a bid by the Hobgoblins to take over Impiltur as they have tried in long years past. This time it is different however - Not only have the Hobgoblins come down out of the Giantspire Mountains, but the Earthfast and Earthspur mountains seem to have been emptied of all of their vile giants, trolls and goblinoids as well - working in concert with the Hobgoblins. There is an increasing likelyhood that demons are involved as well, possibly working with or directing the invasion.
4. The situation is dire in the North, very dire indeed. We have lost many towns and the stream of refugee's - those lucky enough to have survived the barbarism - is constant heading south into the coast cities. The enemy is battling with a cohesion and military strategy unknown from previous encounters.
Torin has come on the long trip east to meet with the 3 High Knights of Argus to share information with them regarding the Swords of Power and the Order of the Black Shield. He informs the PC's about the finding of the Black Shield and the goings on under Illefarn and the gaol of Grim Tabor. Grim Tabor had escaped his prison some time ago and the seal to his prison was sacrificed to save and liberate the Black Shield. Killian and Drake share with Torin the information they have learned from Elminster regarding the history of the Shadow War.
The High Knights of Argus were quick to get to Sarshel, in Impultur, to meet with Lord Haelimbrar, Lord Rilaunyr, High Priest (Tempus) Delbraum Highaxe and Taldor to discuss the situation and it was grim indeed. The two fronts of the war were being pushed back as the goblinoid army advanced - using hit and run tactics as best they could. Reinforcement have already been sent but whether it is enough or in time is in doubt.
A quick strategy session was had after the High Knights of Argus pledged their support to the King and country of Impiltur. It was determined that the Order's troops would be best used on the eastern front, in the Farwater theatre, under the command of Lord War Marshall Silmgar. The High Kights quickly diverted their armies to the port at Ilmwatch under Galagus' command and decided to use their magic to head to the Front and assess the situation for themselves.
Drake and Killian decided that they should call in their friends for this important mission, so Trilidir, Var, and Shalandar were brought to Impiltur through Var's magic. Of course Taldor and Torin committed themselves to this mission as well, the former diverting his troops to Ilmwatch as well to hook up with the Order of Argus throops.
Arriving on the front line showed a massive battle with the Warswords of Impiltur heavily outnumbered by thousands of goblins and hobgoblins, supported by massive giants, Dire Wolves and terrible magic. The lines were near to collapsing when the heroes got there. The Impilturan calvary were desperately trying to stop a flanking manoeuvre by the enemy wolf riders and the main lines were buckling under the pressure of the sheer size of the opposing forces, as massive giants (Hill Giants and Mountain Giants enlarged through magic) crushed those unlucky under their feet and hurled their boulders with terrible effect.
High Lord Kyrlraun
LG hm Pal 20 of Torm
Chief of the Lords of Imphras II, main councellor to Queen-Regent Sambryl and King Imbrar II. Wisest of the Lords. He resides with the Royal Family in Lyrabar.
Lord Rilaunyr
LG hf Pal 13 of Sune
Lord of Imphras II. A devout follower of Sune and a dedicated War Captain and Lord of Impiltur, Rilaunyr resides in the city of Sarshel.
Lord Haelimbrar
LG hm Pal 13 of Torm
Lord of Imphras II, War Marshall of the Western Front, War Captain in eternal service to her Royal Highness, Sambryl - Queen-Regent, and the Crown King, Imbrar II, The Lion of Impiltur. Haelimbrar was the most driven of the Lords of Imphras II to journey across the Sea of Fallen stars in search of aid from other nations, forseeing that a large force would be necessary to stop the Hobgoblin advance. It was his idea to request aid from the Lords of Argus. Haelimbrar is normally stationed at the fortress of Tower Ithfell, protecting the pass west into The Vast.
Lord Silmgar
LG hem Pal 11 of Tyr
Lord of Imphras II, War Marshall of the Eastern Front, War Captain of Impiltur. He controls the eastern armies out of the Fortress of Ilmwatch and protects the kindom from the East and it's northern boundaries with Damara. He commanded the armies which fought the Hobgoblins in the Farwater campaign and negotiated the truce with the Hobgoblin King Grim Spear.
Lord Soarglim
LG hm P 9/Pal 11 of Ilmater
Lord of Imphras II. He resides in Dilpur.
Queen-Regent Sambryl
Her Grace, Queen-Regent to her son Imbrar II, King of Impiltur. She is the ruler until Imbrar comes of age to claim the throne in his own right. She rules through the combined wisdom of her council, the Lords of Imphras II, and leaves much power in their hands to rule this lawful nation.
King Imbrar II
He is the young King. The Lion of Impiltur. Much hope resides in his future.
Lord Jaunsul
LG hm Pal 10 of Ilmater
Paladin Commander of the Forces of the Tower of Lamentation. The Tower of Lamentation is a revered fortress and monastery devoted to Ilmater.
High Warsword Ruungal - (LN hm F8) Warsword of Impiltur. Commander of the defenses of Cairnpur.
High Warsword Windbane - (LG hm R12) Warsword of Impiltur. Military Colonel of the Command base at Maracrath.
Raelan Thurbrandt - (LN hm F5) Knight Lieutenant and representative of Lord Haelimbrar. He was sent by the crown on Lord Haelimbrar's behalf to meet with the High Knights of Argus and request their aid.
Delbraum Highaxe - (TN hm P16) High War Master of Tempus. On behalf of his Power, Mighty Tempus, Lord of Battles, Delbraum conspired to pay the ultimate homage to Tempus by reigniting the Hobgoblin Wars. The balance of the nature of man requires a counterbalance to the Lawful, regimented order that Impiltur has become. Impiltur would be blessed by the presence of Tempus, riding astride his 2 horses, presiding over the battle for humankinds existence in Impiltur. Through the chaos of battle and the grace of Tempus, a winner of the bloody conflict would emerge and he was confident of the stout men of Impiltur to win. But Tempus is a capricious god and without the help of the Order of Argus, the Hobgoblin King may have destroyed the armies and cities of Impiltur. Delbraum summoned a powerful Devil named Ssarooth to aid him in his mechanitions. In the end, after Ssarooth had completed his bargain, he kidnapped the Queen-Regent to take back to his Realm, just as the justice of the King was coming upon Delbraum.
Grim Spear - (LE hobgoblin F15) King Grimspear of the Giantspire Mountains, Blood of the Mountain, Thain of the united tribes, Master of Giants. Through the help of Delbraum's minion - Ssarooth, Grim Spear was able to bring together the fractured tribes of Hobgoblins and their slave Goblins, and gather together through coersive influence the rest of the goblinoids, giant and trolls from the surrounding mountain ranges. Grim Spear is a direct descendant from Gorn, the original King who last tried to claim Impiltur. Grim Spear was convinced that now was the time to attack, and that the people of Impiltur were weak. But the whispers of Delbraum and Ssarooth were lies. The survival of his people outweighed the thirst for conquest and he agreed to a truce with Marshal Silmgar and the people of Impiltur. He left and dispersed his armies.
Iron Arm - (LN hobgoblin F10) General Iron Arm was commander of the Western armies which sought to destroy the villages and armies of Impiltur in the Uplands. He did very well at pushing back the Impilturan forces in his way. Lord Haelmimbrar's armies were losing and might not have survived had the treaty with Grim Spear not been signed.
Ssarooth - (Devil ?) Ssarooth was summoned by High War Master Delbraum Highaxe to aid him in uniting, fortifying and convincing the Hobgoblins to attack Impiltur. Ssarooth succeeded quite well in this task, but apparently had motivations of his own, as he kidnapped the Queen-Regent and took her back to his realm, leaving Delbraum to his fate at the hands of the military authority of Impiltur.
Mysterious Stranger - As it turned out the heroes did not actually encounter Ssarooth in the dungeons, but fought a pitched battle against a Pit Fiend (Could have been Ssarooth?) and a mysterious person (was he Ssarooth?) appeared at the end to congratulate the characters on their victory, which he apparently orchestrated by kidnapping the Queen Regent to lure the characters into his realm/ construct for his amusement. He seemed very interested in Drake and Killian and was pleased to meet them in particular and suggested he would be likely placing his bets on them in the coming future. He did not reveal much of anything about himself other than Faerun does not seem to be his home plane.


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