The Vanguard of Argus Adventuring Group
This group may be confused with the Order of Argus, as many of the same major characters are involved. The Order of Argus is in reference to the three Paladins - Drake Shadowbourne, Killian Erickol and Galagus Galtrium, who head the 'Order of Argus'. Specific details on the Order of Argus will be detailed on its own page, which may be accessed from here.
In the case of the adventuring group described herein, it encompasses Drake and Killian, but also the other heroes who call Tyrsholme home. Torin Hawkwing has been added because his fate seems to be intertwined with that of the Vanguard at the current time. Both Flynn and Shalandar are often associated with the Vanguard. Currently it is Flynn. Lord Xander has recently joined to help fight against the coming War of Shadows. All appropriate links to more specific items, articles and details will be in the right hand side-bar. The progress of the Shadow Prophecies campaign thread will be linked to and discussed here as well.
More information needed.
Hey Jim and Don! I'll be updating this page with what information I can regaring the Vanguard of Argus and developing campaign info as it comes in. What information do you want to share here?
- Details on Haven/Tyrsholme? Bring these places to life for the rest of the group by providing all of your cool details on its own page - Even maps if you have them.
- What information from the other characters? Do Var and Tril have their own towers/ spell libraries/ henchmen/ etc that should be added to this page?
You send it in to me and I will put it up. If you have a specific way you want to information dispayed on your special pages, give me the specs of how you want to see it and I will make it so.