LG hm F9 C11
Religion: Ilmater
Homeland: Impiltur
Current Home: Haven
Travels: Eastern Heartlands, Sea of Fallen Stars
Group Affiliations: The Vanguard of Argus
Height: 6' 8" Weight: 350 lbs Hair: Bald Eyes: Blue-Grey Race: Human Age: 44? Complexion: Burned and Scarred
Build: Large, Muscular
He is haunting.
Oh, motherfucker, He is hard to look at. Like a testicle with teeth.
He looks like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado.
He looks like Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah.
He looks like the inside of other people's ass holes

He is a prominent priest within the church of Ilmater, more of a Warrior-Priest than a preacher. He belongs to the Tower of Lamentation - A large fortress in Impiltur dedicated to the service of Ilmater, just north of Old Water lake. His priesthood is a Militant arm of the overall church of Ilmater in Impiltur. The people of Impiltur worship the Triad - The collective worship of Ilmater, Torm and Tyr. His superiors have sent him to the Knights of Argus so that Ilmater will be a part of what is going on there in regards to this foreboding doom that they speak of.
The High Bishop of Ilmater in Impiltur, Bereveld the Pure, has been in contact with the church of Tyr in Suzail, Cormyr, and the church of Torm in Tantras, in the Vast. After the Order of Argus helped fend off the Hobgoblin invasion, the stories of the Order of Argus began to spread among the churches of all three of the Triad. The story of the three Holy Swords and the Chalice of Orachulum began to be studied and believed.
The church knows that Millenia ago, in the last dying days of Netheril, a Great War was fought against a great evil. This was called the War of Shadows - long forgotten from the memories of man; only tiny portions of this story were found among ancient scrolls being studied by the Church of Helm, in Elturel in the Western Heartlands. Evidence has come forward that this tale of war is likely true and that these mysterious scrolls are steeped in prophecy. The prophecy infers that the evil Dark One will return and that the releasing of his most powerful minions from their prisons would mark the beginning of the Second War of Shadows.
There is evidence to show that some or all of these minions, called The Blood, have broken free of their prisons already. The Holy Chalice of Tyr, held safe at Tyrsholme, in northern Cormyr, inert for so long, has seemingly woken up and miraculous events have transpired there, and the chalice has revealed visions upon it's caretaker - Reverent Judge Nicholas of Tyr. These visions, though dark and foreboding, seem to reveal information confirming what is known so far, and revealing images of what must be some of The Blood - their bonds breaking and releasing them.
So too, the three Swords of Power - Chrysomer, Dag'Lar & Gildeam - forged in the age of shadows themselves, seem to have awoken as well, spilling forth waves of power in preparation of the coming war. The old things awaken and slip the dust from their eyes, even as most of Faerun is ignorant of their history or importance. Ilmater must be a part of this coming storm. The forces of Law and Goodness must Prevail!
He has been sent on this important mission as the representative of Ilmater. He is to stay close to these three Knights of Argus and learn all that they know and help them in any way you can. To help facilitate that, he has been sent with gold and loyal troops so that he may join the Order of Argus as a Lord Knight and be privy to their council. The church has been in contact with High Knight Killian of Haven, who has gratefully accepted the Church of Ilmater's offer to join the fight.
The forces at his command are (All are 100% loyal followers of Ilmater - Spells have confirmed) and are aware of the gravity of the situation and will act with the utmost professionalism :
1 Knight Commander (LG hm Pal9 - Ilmater) [100g]
1 High Priest (LG hf C9 - Ilmater) [200g]
1 Cleric (LG hm C6 - Ilmater) [100g]
1 Acolyte (LG hm C3 - Ilmater) [50g]
10 Knights (LG Pal4 - Ilmater) [150g]
15 Knights (LG F3 - Ilmater) [225g]
75 Heavy Calvary (F2 - Ilmater) [750g]
Coffers: 225g
Intelligence: 200g
AC: -7 HP: 106 Spells: 7 6 5 3 2 1
SAVES: Po: 6 W: 10 Pe: 9 Bw: 9 Sp: 11
Flail Attack: Thac0: 4 (d6+1 +10 dmg)
Shield Att: Thac0: 9 ( d6 +6 dmg)
Str: 18 (86) Dex: 17 Con: 17
Int: 9 Wis: 17 Cha: 9 Com: 6