NG 1/2em F8 M9 T10
Religion: Elven Pantheon Family: Unknown
Current Home: Daggerford, Waterdeep
Travels: The North
Group Affiliations: The Daggerford Dozen
Height: 5' 8" Weight: 147lbs Hair: Long Silver
Eyes: Lavender Race: 1/2 Moon Elf Age: 34 Complexion: Pale Build: Lean and well muscled

Abstract is a young looking half-elf who is rarely spotted without a huge grin on his face, as he tends to find almost everything amusing after a fashion. His features tend to lean more toward his moon elvish heritage than his Waterdhavian human side. He has over-the-shoulder white hair and unusual lavender eyes, with pale, unblemished skin. He's fairly good looking and tends to keep his appearance tidy and functionally formal, favoring a long black dress coat with ample pockets, and otherwise mostly dark colors comprised of soft fabrics and leathers. He is not very tall or bulky, despite his strength; Abstract is lean and lithe and moves with a catlike grace. In general, his moods are flighty and erratic, so he has a tendency to smile when others are angry, prod disagreements into fistfights and in general have emotional outbursts that don't generally fit the mood.
Abstract is quirky and flighty and in general he wants to see everything and be in all places at once.
Abstract had, what could generously be called, a troubled childhood. He would describe his parents in glowing terms, but the fact is that he honestly knows nothing of them at all. His only family growing up was his fellow beggar children and taskmasters in the thieves guild that raised him, and none of them had any information to share, or at least that they were willing to share. If you ask his background, Abstract will pluck it from the ground whole cloth, as the unfortunate truth is that he honestly has no idea. Many in his situation would be inclined to quest for their parents and background but Abstract has never felt bad for the loss of that particular knowledge.
AC: -3 HP: 46 Spells: 4 3 3 2 1
SAVES: Po: 8 W: 6 Pe: 7 Bw: 10 Sp: 7
Main Attack: Thac0: 8 (d8/d12 +4 dmg)
Offhand Att: Thac0: 9 (d8/d12 + 5 dmg)
Str: 18 (55) Dex: 18 Con: 15
Int: 19 Wis: 12 Cha: 12 Com: 16
PP: 50% OL: 75% MS: 75% HS: 50%
FT: 75% HN: 50% CW: 95% RL: 65%