General Info
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The Town
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The Castle
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Haven Home Guard
The Haven Homeguard consists of soldiers who are veterans of the Crusade against the Tuigan Horde and the Stoney Campaign. Even the militia are retired Heavy Infantry.
120 Heavy Infantry
50 Shortbowmen
50 Seaman
300 Militia (Heavy Infantry)
The Lord's Council
Lord Killian - The Lord of Haven, Killian, presides over the Lord's Council with his wife Lady Kitiara. She will stand in his place when Killian is away from Haven.
Brig Tordan (LG hm Pal 8 (Torm)) - is Captain of the Home Guard.
Iltravan H'ruuk - is Chief Steward of Haven Castle as well as advisor to the Lord and Lady.
Tamas Greycloak - Is senior priest of the church of Torm in Haven and the leader of that religious community.
Heldon Gall (LG hem M9) - is the Lord's Wizard. Specialist Mage - Transmuter. 55 years old. Highly intelligent. Low Constitution.
Other NPC's
Garonn (LG hm F5)- A Knight of Haven and Kitiara's champion (Personal Bodyguard). Very Strong.
Father Saulen (LN hm P7) – Priest of Helm and leader of a small church to Helm in Haven.
Grom Rivoll (LG hm F1) – Former Squire (Steward’s Aide & Sergeant at Arms). Originally from Tantras. 20 years old.
Heleena – Wizard’s Assistant
Tordall – Priest of Torm, under Tamas Greycloak. There are also 6 Other Torm Priests (3-5) within the church as well as several laypeople from the community.
Dannon Eldridge (Ranger) – Master of the Hunt
Pree Valguut – Ship Captain