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High Knights

LG hm Pal 11 (Torm)

Paladin of Torm, he is the founder of the Order of Argus and one of the three High Knights of the Order.  He is based out of Haven, on the Dragon Coast.


LG hem Pal 13 (Tyr)

Paladin of Tyr, he helped co-found the Order of Argus with Killian and is one of the High Knights.  He is based out of Tyrsholme, in the Kingdom of Cormyr.

LG hm Pal 14 (Helm)

Paladin of Helm, he was brought in by the other High Knights as the representative High Knight of Helm, finishing the triad of Powers the Order represents.  Galagus operates out of Greystone Keep, in the Vast.

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NG hm R12

Because of Killian and Drake's valiant efforts in saving his Kingdom, King Tristan of the Moonshae Isles has pledged and sent a Lord knight and troops to bolster the ranks of the Order of Argus. 


LG hm ? ?

Need specific information of this Lord Knight.  



LN hm F10

Because of this goodwill for the Order, Azoun has fielded a Lord Knight and troops to the cause. Damar belongs to one of the three Royal Noble families and is a 2nd cousin to King Azoun.




LG hm P11 (Torm)

The church of Torm in Tantras was very interested in investing in the Order of Argus and pledged and sent troops and priests to serve their cause.  The church of Torm has expressed a general appreciation for this Order and Killian in particular. 



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Lord Knights


High Knights Commanders

Commander Zadrarian Ottala

?? ?? ? ?

Killian's Knight Commander

Commander "Some Tyr Guy"

?? ?? ? ?

Drake's Knight Commander.  Need this guys name.

Commander Televor Tribold

LG hm Pal 8

Galagus' Knight Commander

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Lord Knight's Commanders

Brogan's Second

?? ?? ??

Paravan Peacebringer's Second in Command

Lord Kalen Karr's Second

?? ?? ??

Kalen Karr's Second in Command

Commander Edwin Dem'Bravor

LN hm M12

Damar Truesilver's Second in Command and Senior War Wizard. He has been Damar's trusted companion for many years and is trusted completely. He has an analytical mind for strategy.

Commander Etrianna the Unwavering

LG hf P9

Lord Paravan's Second in Command

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High Knights
First Knights
Lord Knights
Knight Errants
Other NPC's

Purpose: To seek out injustice, safeguard the virtuous, and punish the perpetrators.


Purposeful deities: Tyr the Just, Helm the Vigilant, and Torm the Loyal Fury.


What’s in a name: Named for Killian’s mentor Gaphile Argus, who pulled many from the gutters, a few of whom went on to become Paladins, but all of whom became excellent men.




First Knights

Sir Rolff Huntcrown

LG hm F10

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus


Rolff is the most respected and is 1st among the Knights. Damar looks to him as his 2nd among the Knights. Incredible tactical mind. Good natured.

Sir Rigold Wyrmgold

NG hm F9

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus


Handsome, roguish and charming - Rigold is one of the self-realized new nobles of the kingdom. He enjoys good humor and games. Brave with a smile.


Sir Heath Hawklin

LG hm F4

First Knight of Argus

Sir Geoffrey Dauntinghorn

NG hm F6

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus

Sir Rynhald Cormaeril

LG hm F5

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus


Cousin of Kitiara Erikol. He is a knowledgable, literate man, known to be an even tempered and competant diplomat.

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Sir Bran Huntcrown

NG hm R7

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus


Bran is a charming & witty vagabond of a Knight. He is verbose and always ready for a challenge or a fight. A brave and proven warrior.

Sir Curth Silvertower

LN hm F4

First Knight of Argus

Sir William Illance

TN hm F8

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus

Sir Debron Silvershield

LG hm F7

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus

Sir Marik Silverhorn

NG hm F6

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr

First Knight of Argus

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Knight Errants

Sir Abrik Leonar

LG hm Pal 6 (Torm) Lion of Torm

Knightly description here.

Sir Garek

LG hm Pal 5 (Torm)

Knightly description here.


Sir Vallan Leonar

LG hm Pal 5 (Torm) - Lion of Torm

Knightly description here.

Sir Releed

LG hm Pal 5 (Tyr)

Knightly description here.

Sir Boran Chull

LG hm Pal 5 (Helm)

Knightly description here.

Lady Anara Janad

LG hf Pal 5 (Helm)

Knightly description here.

Sir Agralan

LG hm Pal 6 (Tyr)

Knightly description here.

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Sir Obaris

LG hm R6 (Helm)

Knightly Description here.

Sir Rigwand

NG hm F6

Knightly Description here.  He is from Marsember.  Cormyrean Noble Family?

Sir Caladra

CG hm F5

Knightly Description here.  From Silverymoon

Lady Hobri Kordane

LG hef F5/ P5 (Torm)

Knightly Description here. From Hillsfar

Sir Halstaad

LN hm F5

Knightly Description here. From Iriaebor.

Sir Garamand

LG hm F5

Knightly Description here. From Iriaebor.

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Other NPC's


Korrik - He is the Order's Spymaster.  He has fairly extensive contacts throughout the Heartlands and has been working on creating an information network for the Order, so that the High Knights will be kept abreast of the goings on in the Realms.



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