Exploring the north searching for clues of Reghed, Torin and Thorvoldd traveled far and wide and saw first hand the advancing glacier, and battled against many of the Barbarians and Frost Giants to learn all they could about him. This proved to not be as fruitfull as they hoped. This story picks up with Thorvoldd and Torin returning to Daggerford to meet up with the rest of the Daggerford Dozen and inform them of what they have discovered....
Exploring the north searching for clues of Reghed, Torin and Thorvoldd traveled far and wide and saw first hand the advancing glacier, and battled against many of the Barbarians and Frost Giants to learn all they could about him. This proved to not be as fruitfull as they hoped. This story picks up with Thorvoldd and Torin returning to Daggerford to meet up with the rest of the Daggerford Dozen and inform them of what they have discovered....
While meeting up in the "" Inn in Daggerford, the group were introduced to two new comrades - Torin (Human Priest of Helm) and Tsallok (Distinguished Elven Mage). As they were getting to know each other and passing on all information and rumours they had gathered, the town rapidly came under massive attack from a trio of enemies. Giants were attacking one side of the town, ripping through buildings and palisade with their thrown boulders. Human raiders had brought their ships up the Delimbiyr River and were attacking from the river side. A large raiding party of Sahuagin had also gained the upper river east of town where they were meeting fierce resistance form the local Lizardman tribes.
The heroes headed to meet the giant forces head on. Through might, magic and the grace of their gods they defeated the giants and headed back to town to lend aid. There was some fighting within town but most was taking place around the small port. As the banageattle was engaged, a scene out of nightmares erupted in the river before them.
A gigantic, impossible entity stood before the the harbor of Daggerford, it's height reaching high into the sky, dwarfing all below it. It's turbulent movement through the river caused large disruptive waves which capsized the remaining raider ships. The heroes immediately launched into an intense battle for the survival of the town, and for their own lives.
Buffing spells were cast as the heroes lept into action - jade launching herself underwater to attack the main body of the beast, Tsallok and Jadarl flying up out of reach to cast their spells, and Thorvoldd, Gem, Abstract and Torin flew up to battle the beast's many heads, one by one. The many headed beast not only had ravaging toothy maws to attack, but was possessed of poisonous bites and different breath weapons to affect the group. It was a long and monumental battle that eventually ended in the death and dispersal of the sea monster.
Clearing out the remaining raiders the Dozen had to rescue the kids from the Orphanage which was set afire by the raiders. The children were saved, the raiders beaten, and the orphanage fire put out. A Raider was captured and interrogated. Something killed him and the group had to question his corpse. They learned that at least part of this attack seemed to be specifically targeting the Dozen.

The Forgotten Realms are in desperate times. Plague, pestilence and uncounted malevolent events are transpiring in the North and throughout the Heartlands. Gods walk the Vilhon Reach while other gods are stumbling amid destruction in the Moonsea. The mighty Reghed Glacier far to the north has begun a rapid preternatural southward advancement, sending at it's vanguard thousands of displaced norethmen and frost giants to raid the lands of the North.
About 2 months ago, Thorvoldd, Jadarl and Torin encountered an ancient prison beneath Illefarn which housed some of the most evil entities Faerun has even known. Unfortunately, many prisoners were released with the discovery and rescuing of The Black Shield of Helm and the Dwarven Goddess - Sharindlar. Most were defeated and some were bargained with, but in the end it was learned that of the few really powerful beings being held there, one who was taunting Thorvoldd was the ancient creature known as Reghed (The Reghed Glacier is named after him). He had escaped some many years before but the heroes were left with the distinct impression he was an entity that needed to be dealt with.



Daggerford -
This town not only serves as a home base for at least half of the Daggerford Dozen, this is where this adventure truly starts with the massive battle against the combined forces of the Frost Giants, human mercenaries, Sahuagin, and the giant Daughter of Umberlee. They saved the town once again, against amazing odds. It was learned that this attack was not just an attack on Daggerford, but an attack against the Dozen outright.
The Group was driven to get to the bottom of this and stop Reghed.
Illefarn -
Not much interraction with the dwarven kingdom of Illefarn on this adventure, however Thorvoldd is always in touch with them and Torin has fellow priests of Helm there now as well.

Waterdeep -
No sooner had they arrived in the city to claim Moradin's Flame from Maliantor when the city came under a massive attack from Frost Giants, Sahuagin from the sea, strange powerful creatures called Chillborne, and TWO daughters of Umberlee this time. The team was successful in beating these enemies and saved Waterdeep in grand fashion, reconfirming their hero status with those of the North.

Frozen Fortress of Reghed -
Far into the North lies the crumbling fortress of Reghed. It was Guarded by a Frost Giant King, an Ancient White Dragon and a Dracolich, all which needed to be defeated to enter the subterranean lair which would lead them to the path to Reghed's demi-plane lair.

Silverymoon -
Not much impact was made on Silverymoon by the Dozen directly, but Marsenay was stationed here to see what help she could give the people of the city while Torin and the group went north to search out Reghed's fortress. And of course by defeating Reghed and saving the North, they had a huge impact on Silverymoon. Lady Alustrial has been suspiciously missing from the city for some time.
Elturel -
Torin journeyed to his home in Eltural to Helm's Shieldhall to discuss matters of import before joining his new companions and heading north to find Reghed's Fortress. No major influence on this adventure.

Marsenay (LN hf C7 of Helm) - Marsinay is a loyal cleric in service to Helm. She is bookish and very intelligent. She considers herself a researcher and spends all of her available time poring over tomes, histories, geography and maps of all sorts. She specialized in ancient history and cartography. She has been granted permission to join Torin on his quest to battle against the coming darkness - to record all that happens and to operate as his personal researcher and assistant. (She is his Henchman). She accompanied Torin on his quest north as far as Silverymoon and was commanded to stay there and help.
Lord Elorfindar Floshin - Lord Elorfindar Floshin is a sun elf who guards the portals of the Ardeep Forest. He lives in a manor close to the House of Long Silences. He is a distant relative of Araevin Teshurr.
Maliantor - Maliantor, also known as Blackstaff's Eyes and Maliantor of Waterdeep, was a member of the Gray Hands adventuring company (Force Gray). Maliantor has long, braided brown hair, sea-green eyes, and an impish smile. She favors practical clothing and is often found stuffed with scrolls. A former student of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, Maliantor is known as "Blackstaff's Eyes". She is rumored to be his sole agent who works outside of the Moonstars.
Avanath'razavathaz -
Ibrijilix 'Jajara -
Oberjarl Gorlog -
Ancient White Dragon -
Dracolich -
Reghed -
Venal the Spine Breaker -
Ersatz the Corruptor -
Daughter's of Umberlee -
Frost Giants -
Chillborn -
Sahuagin -
Commune #1
1 Can we gain access to his demiplane from his citadel in the utter north. YES
2 Do we have the capability in our current group to destroy reghed YES
3 If he is destroyed will it stop the advancing glacier POSSIBLE
4 If destroyed - what about Plague NO
5 What about Pestilence NO
6 What about the seasonal problems? POSSIBLE
7 Will we be able to escape his plane once he is destroyed? YES
8 Can he be imprisoned in his own plane? NO
9 Can the Bane of Nehardrakkan be used to Defeat reghed POSSIBLE
10 Can the Bane of Nehardrakkan be used to Defeat the Hadraas NO
11 does Reghed need to be destroyed to stop the evils that have befalled the North? IT WILL HELP
12 Was it Reghed that has been scrying us? AMONG OTHERS
13 Asked importnce of the banishmentof Urux BE MORE SPECIFIC
14 Asked importnce of the banishmentof Urux BOTH ARE IMPORTANT
15 Is it integral to complete the quest to use the Bane FOR YOU, YES
16 Do we have the capability in our current group to find the access point to Reghed's plane. NO
1 Can we find the way to gain access to Reghed's demi-plane within his citadel in the North. IN PART
2 Do we need a specific object to find the access point to his demi-plane OBJECTS
3 Do other besides Reghed go back and/or forth to or from Reghed's personal demi-plane? Uruxinadroth, Paxerizix, Arreth
4 Can Uruxinadroth himself give us the means to access Reghed's demi-plane? URUX HAS THE METHOD, NOT THE MEANS
5 Does he not have the means because he has been banished HE HAS THE MEANS
6 Does Vidir have a specific role to play in defeating him. NO
7 If Urux can be allowed back on Faerun can he provide us the means? NOT ADVISED
8 Can Avanath provide us with the means to access Reghed's demi-plane THE RECIPE
9 Are there more than three ingedients in the recipe that Abanath can provide? NO
10 Are all of the ingredients found on Faerun? YES
11 Is Pax involved NO
12 Are other Powers involved THROUGH THEIR AGENTS
13 Is Auril involved YES
14 Are agents of Auril working with Reghed or his agents? YES
15 Are other powers besides Auril involved? THROUGH THEIR AGENTS
16 The glacier, plague, pestilence, YES
1 Is the Method to leave the same as the method to enter his demi-plane? YES, AMONGST OTHERS
2 Is there a specific element of the method or means that only Urix and his agents can provide? YES
3 Does Arreth have the method and means to access Reghed's demi-plane? ARRETH IS DEAD
4 Are any of the objects aquired from the Tomb of Areth involved in getting into Reghed's demi-plane NO
5 Is it more than two ingredients? YES
6 Is there a ceremony or procedure that has to occur. I DON'T KNOW
7 Is there a time element involved NO
8 Is there a specific place involved? YES
9 Is there a specific person other than us that is needed to access his demi-plane? NO
10 Are there agents of Arreth who can provide information on the ingredients needed to access Reghed's demi-plane? I DON'T KNOW
11 Is Mystra involved in the plot. ONLY IN THE VILHON
12 Is Cyric involved NO
13 Does it have to be done in his fortress YES
14 does he have a particular fortress within his demiplane where he can be found? NO
15 Will we be able to locate him when we arrive in demi-plane? YES
16 Do we need to do anything specific to defeat Reghed other than just regular physical and magical combat? BE ON HIS PLANE