An attack on Shadowdale's outlying Jessep farms has the Crimson Reaver's rushing to the defense of the Dale once again and they are mustered and on the scene before even the local militia. They soon find themselves terribly outnumbered by a large gnoll raiding party which is looting, murdering and burning down every farm they encounter.
The Reavers used hit and run guerilla tactics to thin their numbers and lured a group of wolf riders to their doom in the forest. Realizing that not much help would be forthcoming from the dale militia, the responding militia were send to warn all of the rest of the outlying farms and pull people back into the village proper. The Crimson Reavers headed out again to rescue any that they could from the burning farms. They saved a few of the Jessep's but with Pellin's help they determined that people and animals were taken off by the gnolls.
Tracking the gnolls through the forest they came to an area where the tracks split - the tracks they followed led them to a gnoll encampment with children prisoners. The Reavers dispatched the gnoll group through might of arms and powerful nature magics (Entangle). They rescue the children and capture the human bandit Benbellon, who is charmed and interrogated. They learn they must go up river to the White Crag to rescue the rest of the townsfolk. They return the rescued children to Shadowdale and head off on a rescue mission up-river to confront the Bandit Boss, Intiros.
Using Greyal's enchanted folding boat, the heroes row up-stream to the aptly named White Crag. They beach and disembark and soon find a trail generally following the shore in the direction of White Crag. They encounter a band of the bandits on the shores of a beach and after a confrontation and defeat of the bandits, they learn the direction they must take to get to the bandits encampment.
Following barely discernable trails, they come upon the bandit encampment. Surrounded by a pallisade, the human bandits were going about their business inside, while the gnolls had a separate encampment outside the pallisade. A Scout of the walls indicated that the prisoners were inside and a rescue plan was hatched.
Using all magical and mundane might at their disposal, the Crimson Reavers assaulted the Bandit outpost to rescue the prisoners. Webs and Entanglements again prove to be effective in neutralizing large portions of the bandit forces and cutting them off from the escape route of the prisoners. Alea and Crowe hung back using ranged attacks to deadly effect, while the rest of the heroes went forth to free the prisoners and engage any bandits who got in the way. In the end, most bandits were slain or fled and their leader, Intiros, was captured and interrogated.
Rescued dalesmen, bandit prisoners and their leader Intiros were all brought back to Sgt. Toldallon in Shadowdale. Unfortunately, Intiros indicated that there were more still to be rescued from another location and the Reavers would need to go back once again to save the day.
Following another trail, they are brought to the very top of the White Crag, where a secret entrance is found leading down into the buried ruin of some ancient structure. Following the long stairways deeper into the bowels of the structure they soon come to a warded secret door. Disabling the ward and opening the secret door leads them further into the horrifying domain of Malevelos.
The compound they enter is one room after another of horrifying experiments on human beings, the victims being kept alive through fell magics so that they can continue to suffer for the pleasure of their torturers. Eventually the cells where the prisoners were kept were found and the prisoners rescued and moved to a protected rear position while the Reavers kept exploring.
They destroyed the evil alter of Malevelos and any artifacts they could find that contributed to the malicious religion of Talona. A route was found deeper into the dungeon and soon the heroes were brough into direct confrontation with the mad Priestess Malevelos of Talona and her acolyte henchmen. But before the Reavers could deal with them, they had to battle through successive waves of Shadows and Ghasts. Once the hordes of undead were slain, Malevelos was rather quickly slain through the combined effort of the team.
Malevelos' body, her acolytes, and all of the rescued prisoners were brought back to Shadowdale to much fanfare by all in the village. They had succeeded in rescuing almost all of the captured Dalesmen and a good many other people from other areas who had fallen victem to Malevelos' dark plot. The evil priestesses body was given over to Lord Mourngrym and the local clergy so that they can speak with dead and learn more of this plot.
In the aftermath, Intiros has escaped and The Crimson Reavers have helped the townspeople recover all manner of foodstuffs and goods from the bandit encampment. The crops have been terrible this year and the early cold weather forshadows a bleak, dangerous winter. Thanks to the Crimson Reavers, there is now plenty of provisions to easily ensure the villages comfort throughout the winter.
Mourngrym Amcathra - The Lord of Shadowdale is supremely grateful for the aid that the Crimson Reavers offered during these troubles in Shadowdale. While they were away being heroes, Mourngrym was busy solidifying the defenses of the dale to be ready for any more bandit or non-human raids upon his lands. He has given the Reavers the key to Shadowdale and bestowed upon them what rewards he could.
Lhao the Scribe - Lhao is concerned with his master's dissapearance. Elminster is long past due. In fact, Storm and the rest of the Knights of Myth Drannor are otherwise occupied as well. Lhao is concerned with the weather and surprisingly cold climate for this time of year and thinks that it is wholy unnatural and cause for concern.
Sgt. Toldallon - The Sgt of the Watch was the Reaver's main point of contact throughout the trying times of the raids on the farms and the subsequent quest to liberate the captured Dalesmen. He seemed to verily man his post near the docks almost incessantly and was alwats ready to take charge of both victem and prisoners upon arrival.
Pellin - He is a loyal and courageous Ranger and Tracker from Shadowdale. His willingness to go above and beyond to achieve the salvation of the prisoners from Shadowdale was instrumental in the success of the mission. He guided the heroes in their quest to rescue the Dalesmen.
Ban Bellon - When Pellin and the Reavers tracked the gnoll raiders after the attack on the farms, they came to an encampment with captured children. Ban Bellon was a human bandit who was hiding with the children. His ruse was quickly found out and he became charmed by Flannigan. Ban Bellon was helpful in tracking the raiders back to the Bandit encampment. He was turned over to Sgt Toldallon in Shadowdale when all was done.
Intiris - The lycanthrope leader of the Bandits. Intiris was defeated at the Bandit encampment at the white crags. He was insulent and unhelpful - The reavers brought him back as prisoner to Shadowdale to question at a later time. He has since escaped (Possibly with outside help).
Malevelos - The sadistic priestess of Talona who seems to have been the mastermind behind the kidnappings in Shadowdale. She hired Intiros and his bandits to perpetrate the crimes and collect the prisoners to deliver to her and her acolytes. She performed horrifying experiments on the prisoners. The full truth of what she was up to was never determined before the Reavers killed her (Hopefully Lord Mourngrym and the priests can speak with dead to gain this understanding). The Reavers believe that her intention was to infect the prisoners with some sort of plague and then release them back into civilization. She may have already done so.
Fenris and Feralos – Referred to in Intirus’ Journals. Other outlaws?
Myron Jessop - is a farm boy rescued outside Jessop farm #2. He was taken back with Crowe on his horse to the Inn for safekeeping.