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The most famous of the Dalelands, Shadowdale’s notoriety would appear to be at odds with its pastoral
lifestyle. It is a quiet, wooded land of dense forests and prosperous farms — and it happens to be home to a surprising number of very powerful and important people. The reputation of Shadowdale’s residents
has spread from the Sword Coast to the farthest reaches of the Moonsea.


Of all the Dalelands, the land of Shadowdale is the most common stop for parties of adventurers. The
town has long looked to adventuring companies for security and leadership. A large number of ancient
ruins, accesses to the Underdark, and hidden treasure caches ensure that most heroes will find some- thing profitable and useful to do in Shadowdale.


Shadowdale lies along the road from Shadow Gap to Voonlar, controlling a major trade route from Cormyr
to the cities of the Moonsea. Most people are familiar with the town of Shadowdale, but the greater portion of Shadowdalesmen live as independent farmers and homesteaders in the open lands northeast of the town.


Shadowdale stretches almost 100 miles from the Dagger Hills to the Elvenwoods, and is more than 30
miles wide. Like Mistledale to the south, the Dale’s lands of the Dale have open since before humans
came to Cormanthor. Unlike Mistledale, the lands of Shadowdale are broken by large areas of light woods
and rolling hills.


Most travelers come to Shadowdale along the Shadow Gap-Voonlar road, but major trails lead south
along the Ashaba to Mistledale and west through the Dagger Hills to Daggerdale. The trails have not been
very safe lately, with raiders and brigands reported in the area.


Besides the town of Shadowdale, there are no other communities or villages of note. However, there are
some large, remote family freeholds that are home to as many as 20 to 30 kinsmen. These freeholds are usually known by the name of the family: Blackcreek Crossing, the Shallain Hold, and so on.


In recent years, Shadowdale has been the Dalelands front line of defense. The Dale played a part in
the alliance against Lashan of Scardale, and contributed forces to King Azoun’s crusade against the
Tuigan Horde. Most importantly, the Dale fended off a major Zhentish invasion during the Time of Troubles.

Shadowdale has also been faced with a number of troubles of its own. In 1339 DR, the ruler of the Dale,
Lord Aumry, was assassinated. The warrior Jyordhan captured and executed the murderers, but was later
revealed to be a Zhentarim agent. He ruled with a heavy hand until 1345 DR, when he was slain by the
mage Khelbun Arunsun of Waterdeep.

Shadowdale was leaderless for three years, although Jyordhan’s heir Lyran Nathander claimed the throne.
In 1348 DR, the rightful rule of Shadowdale was reestablished by the Knights of Myth Drannor. Doust
Sulwood, one of the adventurers, became Lord of Shadowdale and ruled for five years. His successor,
Mourngrym Amcathra, has ruled since. He defended the Dale against the forces of Lyran the Pretender in
1357 DR and against the Zhents during the Time of Troubles, in 1358 DR. 


For more information on Shadowdale, please access page 42 in the soucebook FRS1 - Dalelands.



Who Rules    Lord Mourngrym Amcatha (NG hm F6)                                                                                             

Population  The village of Shadowdale: 500 (includes surrounding area.) The countryside: 900.

Major Products  Cloth (durable woolens, often trimmed with leather), ivory and bone carvings, armor.

Equipment Shops  Jamble has a 50% chance of stocking any particular item in the PHB price list, and a 20% chance of stocking a weapon. His prices are at a 15% markup. Weregund the Trader charges PHB prices and stocks most everyday items.

Armed Forces  The Twisted Tower is garrisoned by 90 capable men-at-arms, most of them experienced veterans.  No formal watch organization exists, but the locals can summon 2d6 guardsmen from the Twisted Tower within d6+2 rounds.


Notable Mages                                                                                                                                                                 
•*Elminster Aumar (CG hm W29),
•*Lhaeo the Scribe (  ) is Elminster's assistant and has been with "The old man" for several years, Living and working at his tower.  Lhaeo has befriended Crowe, as a fellow scholar, during the Crimson Reavers time in Shadowdale.

Notable Churches                                                                                                                                                            
•*Morningdawn Hall is the temple of Lathander. It is a building in the shape of a great swan.  The High Dawnlord is a Sembite named Munro Cassimar (LG hm P10), a vain and proud man who regards his assignment to the Dalelands as a form of exile.
•*The House of Plenty is dedicated to Chauntea. It is overseen by High Harvestmistress Glamerie Windbough (NG hf P9) and 16 priests of lower level.

*The House of the Lady is the oldest temple in the Shadowdale area, and is dedicated to Tymora. The local high priestess is the Preceptress Eressea Ambergyles (CG hf P8), a woman of boundless energy and devotion who has seen her faith through some very tough times. She is aided by more than 20 lesser priests and acolytes, as well as a large lay following.
•*Shrines to Mystra and Tempus

*Outside of town, The Druid’s Grove is not an organized temple of any kind, but simply a clearing of ancient menhirs, or standing stones, surrounded by a grove of oak and mistletoe. It is maintained by a small organization known as the Circle. The members of the Circle are good and neutral druids and rangers who watch over the forests in the area.


Notable Rogues’ and Thieves’ Guilds                                                                                                                       



Adventurers’ Quarters 

The only inn of note in Shadowdale is the Old Skull Inn, a respectable and reasonably priced establish- ment.  Rooms range from 2 sp to 5 gp per night. The Old Skull is also the only taproom of the village.


Important Characters                                                                                                                                                    
*Lord Mourngrym Amcatha (NG hm F9) is the just ruler of Shadowdale.  He is honourable and puts the needs of the people of Shadowdale before his own.  He thinks highly of the Crimson Reavers and thinks to himself that they will become the next group of famous heroes, like the Knights of Myth Drannor.  He spent what time he could with Arcady as his tutor in swordplay.    
*Storm Silverhand (NG hf B22) is one of the seven sisters as well as a Knight of Myth Drannor and Harper.  She has gotten to know the Reavers during their time there and spent considerable time with Flannagan, as a friend as well as a Tutor.

*Sgt. Toldallan (  ) The Sgt of the Watch was the Crimson Reaver's main point of contact throughout the trying times of the raids on the farms and the subsequent quest to liberate the captured Dalesmen (Refer to 'Strife in the Dales' adventure).  He seemed to verily man his post near the docks almost incessantly and was always ready to take charge of both victim and prisoners upon arrival.

*Pellin (   hm R ) Is a loyal and courageous Ranger and Tracker from Shadowdale.  His willingness to go above and beyond to achieve the salvation of the prisoners during the Strife in the Dales adventure was instrumental in the success of the mission.

•*Jamble (CN hm T7) is a slick character who trades in interesting and exotic items from Cormyr to the
Moonsea. He carries a small stock of everyday supplies, but views his general store as a source of capital
for speculative ventures elsewhere. Jamble will buy or sell almost anything for the right price.


Important Features in Town                                                                                                                                       


Local Lore                                                                                                                                                                           


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