Yessik - A
Ulig - A.

Eventually the muddy track brought them to a desperate scene. Having heard a scuffle in the fog ahead of them, they investigated and encountered a lone, wet, muddy, and bedraggled acolyte of Lathander - running desperately from half a dozen animated skeletons. The team quickly dispatched the skeletons and heard a bit of this man's story.
His name was Yessik, an acolyte of a local Temple to Lathander. He hailed from the small village of Durik's Hold, but has recently just returned from a clerical mission to Iriaebor for his church. He was definitely in a bit of shock at being attacked by undead, and was somewhat fearful and suspicious of the evil fog engulfing the area. He was immensely thankful for being saved from certain doom and answered many questions in an open, honest manner. He wanted to ingratiate himself with the heroes who just saved him.
The group offered to escort him through the fog to his town, which he gladly accepted, talking incessantly about many topics with Kojiro on the way. Eventually the fog began to thin and they could see that they were in a valley of small farmsteads and in the distance, a small village of about 20 buildings. Before they could take much of this in, they were assaulted by the sight and smell of a bloated bovine corpse near the muddy track. This was not a normal thing to see, so the group investigated the nearby farm. This small, modest farmstead was empty of occupants and looked as though they had not been there in a few days. Dried blood was discovered on bedsheets in a bedroom. Strange.
As they continued towards the town, the incessant drizzle turns to a downpour as great peals of thunder roll across the sky and the heavens light up with the brightness of lighting. The rain pounded the ground as they made it to the stables and tended to their horses. Yessik suggested stopping by the Inn to see what is going on. He had been getting more upset the closer he had gotten to town. Worry was very evident on his face.
The spacious Inn was relatively busy with dreary looking locals speaking together in hushed voices, eyeing the adventurers with distrust as they came in. The Inkkeper, Ulig, greeted Yessik familiarly and the adventurers with a practiced ease and warmth, welcoming them to the Inn of the Morning Light.
Soon the PCs learned of the strange happenings around the town - the strange fog and an even stranger fever which had affected several villagers. They had even had one death from it, the Mayor - Reeve Garner. His wake was being held that very evening there at the the Inn. People from the outlaying farms have stopped coming to town for fear of contracting the fever. Ulig assured the group that the High Morningmaster and the clerics of the Temple of Lathander are looking into it, but have not presented a solution to the problem.
A strange fog and a little village off the beaten track sets up this adventure for some creepy, atmospheric fun. Our adventurers find themselves traveling the Dusk Road between Asbravn and Iriaebor, a stretch of highway that connects to various farming hamlets on the way southeast out of the Sunset Vale.
Chakk, Beor, Krular and Kojiro have picked up another traveling companion, Amnesty, a beautiful and mysterious half-elf, at the last little village. The weather had been wet and dreary, and when they set up camp for the evening, things begin to get strange as an impenetrable fog descended upon them, and the land around them seemed alive with strange sounds - putting everyone on edge.

The adventurers made it through the dark rainy night safe and sound, if a little on edge. In the morning the fog was still present - as thick as ever. They broke camp and headed back to the Dusk Road, only to become lost in the fog. This was a surprise, as they did not camp very far from the road. Eventually Chakk tracked down the worn muddy track once again and the group moved on, feeling happy that soon they would be out of this strange fog.
The group traveled for what seemed like most of the day, their tension and wariness apparent as they had not been able to escape the damnable fog. Chakk's hackles were up as he muttered barbaric superstitious curses into tbe fog.

After a hearty meal at a seat by the fire, the adventurer's decided that they would trek with Yessik up the hill to the church to see what could be done to help. Along the way, they had a creepy encounter with a sobbing child, just sitting out in the rain and muck without any protection from the elements. Amnesty and Kojiro approached the girl warily, sure that there was something strange with the situation. Krular hefted his axe, expecting a trap. As Amnesty tried to lift the young girl's chin to see what the matter was, her grey, gaunt, sunken eyed face snaps towards Amnesty and she harshly whispers "They come".
Besides that single phrase, the child fell back into a semi-comatose state of staring off and through everything, sobbing only occassionaly after she is picked up by Kojiro. She was obviously ill and was running a high fever. They decided the best course would be to take her with them to the church and have the priests look after her.
They continued their hike up the hill to the church as the lightning flashed, casting contrasting, eerie shadows upon the landscape. No lights were shining in any of the windows and the grand front doors stood ajar. Yessik entered, calling the names of his clerical brothers.
With no answer, they searched the immediate rooms on the main floor and noticed that there were signs of violence in some of the rooms (Broken windows, overturned furniture, etc.). The kitchen had unprepared meat sitting out for a supper that never came. Maggots and fly's swarmed that area.
Next they checked the circular tower and found a waiting area, and storage rooms ont he main level. A spiral staircase wound down in one of the storage rooms and a main stairway wound about the wall of the tower up to the second floor.
Going up they came to a secretary’s room outside of the High Moninglord's personal chambers. Rifling through the desk, Amnesty made the discovery of a personal journal of the Secretary. Its last entries were about his concern for the illness in the town and especially for his superior, whose moods had become erratic in the last few days - shutting himself away from others.

Investigating the High Morninglord's Chamber beyond, they found a room in disarray. The room had been ravaged. Bedsheets lay all about the room and the mattress had been shredded on the once fine bed. Tapestries had been ripped from the walls and the three windows had all been shattered. Bookshelves lay toppled onto the floor. It looked as if someone had destroyed the room in a fit of rage. All religious symbols had been torn down and partially destroyed. The writing desk was partially burned with a large circular scortch mark on its surface.
Searching for clues revealed nothing interesting in particular relating to the events unfolding in the town. They headed up to the very top of the tower to a circular room enclosed almost entirely in glass windows looking out upon the countryside. This room obviously used for special ceremonies to the Lord of the Morning. Nothing of special interest in this area was found. The next logical step was to explore the crypts beneath the church.
At the bottom of the stairs they found themselves in an intricately carved and detailed chamber with three possible exits. The details proclaimed the glory of Lathander in beautiful engravings. A strange thick mist swirled in the disturbed air of the room, heaviest near. This made peering into the depths of the collonaded passageways difficult. The passageways had burial niches along both walls. They chose to investigate the eastern passage which led them to a burial chamber with more niches along the walls and a large stone sarcophogi in the center. Out of the mists several skeletons stepped forward to challenge them. Krular rushed into the room to destroy them all. Amnesty had the idea to web the room, and did so - Krular be damned. :) Krular eventually freed himself from the webs through brute force. Chakk had a ring of free action and offered it to Krular, who went back into the webs unhindered and destroyed the skeletons.
They noticed on the way back that the niches in the room and hallways were empty of bodies. They continued on through the western corridor and Amnesty crept forward invisibly to confirm that there was a similar room here, and it was occupied with skeletons as well.

1. Inn of the Morning Light
2. Mercantile
3. Wheelwright
4. Stables
5. Blacksmith
6. Mayor's House
7. Mill
8. Farms
9. Village Cemetery
10. Temple to Lathander

This page is still under construction. Some links may not work.
1. Front porch
2. Church Nave
3. Laybrethren quarters
4. Bath
5. Dining Hall
6. Kitchen
7. Preparation Room
8. Morningmaster's chambers
9. Morningmaster's Office
10. Grand foyer
11. Storage
12. Storage/ access to the crypts
13. Secretary's office
14. High Morningmaster's chambers
15. Ceremonial chamber
16. Entry Chamber
17. Collonaded Hall
18. Burial Chamber
19. Burial Chamber
Village of Durick's Hold - A
Inn of the Morning Light - A
The Temple of the Morning Glory - A