Player Summary (None)
Tomes of Alvarod (None)
Karali Dool, apprentice of Myrum Dool High Master of the Red Knight arrived as prey at the doorstep of the Tyrsholme in search of the Hullack Elves to deliver a simple message “find Alvarod of Taporan” and a gift, a stone of unknown origin, material and power.
They had been harried and slaughtered throughout the last half of their journey from Tethyr to eastern Cormyr losing the majority of their numbers along the way. The ensuing battle taught the Elves much about their new and enigmatic opponent, named the Hadraas. The Hadraas appear as shadowy grey and featureless warriors prepared for combat. They frequently disappear and reappear, have the strength of giants, and are nearly impossible to kill. After much difficulty it was learned that they could be killed through full immersion in holy water.
The stone provided by Karali, was unable to travel trans-dimensionally, so a long journey was undertaken to Taporan in a long forgotten corner of the Forgotten Realms. The Elves were initially recieved by a welcoming committee and after some time they presented a local named Hairoddus who spoke common. He won the trust of the Elves and brought them in promising a cleansing ritual where they were placed in the ceremonial garb in place of their regular equipment in the center of a pool. Chalondar refused to participate and waited outside. The ambush was sprung with attackers taking Chal on the outside at the same time mages began loosing lightning bolts into the pool. Despite taking life-threatening damage the party was able to fight their way out taking Hairoddus with them. From their captive, the Elves quickly learned that the village of Taporan was under Baatezu control. The Elves liberated the village placing it under marshal law, however most of the Baatezu appear to have fled. With the immediate threat relieved, they turned their focus back to the original quest.
Through his mother Melmilis, Alvarod was located nearby (his hideout is in Gargantuan Oaks near Immil Vale called Running Rocks), living as a hermit, long thought dead by all but his mother. Alvarod is an eccentric recluse, served by a number of small river-rock golems, with exceptional prophetic gifts. He seemed to be waiting for the Elves, providing them gifts upon their arrival (detailed below) and was agog to finally meet the Elves, but it was he and Chalondar that really hit it off. Alvarod told the Elves that the Hadraas were a weapon conceived on Toril for Paxerizix Nehardrakkhan and showed the Elves a number of tomes of his own writing, advising them to return two of these with the stone (which he calls “Nehardrakkhan’s Bane”) to the Daggerford Dozen in Waterdeep.
The tomes were named:
- The Wasting
- Arreth’s Capture
- Pax’s Pact a.k.a. The birth of Kalkalikk (provided to the Dozen, in the possession of Jadarl)
- The Wrath of Reghed
- Death of Arreth (provided to the Dozen, in the possession of Jadarl)*
*The contents of “The Death of Arreth” provided disconcerting levels of detail regarding the events in the Tomb of Arreth including accurate accounts of unvoiced thoughts.
Largely in parallel to the search and subsequent decoding of Alvarod, the Elves led by Drake underwent a process to flush out Baatezu influence in the remaining citizenry, especially from positions of influence. This was made more difficult by the fact that the council in Taporan is anonymous and operates through a figurehead known simply as "The Voice of the Council" (A.k.a. "The Voice of Taporan" or commonly just "The Voice"). The previous Voice as well as some council members fled with the Baatezu departure and a new Voice had been named, a young woman name Imbradda. Imbradda, was very persuasive but also accomodating, it is unclear the extent to which her fluency in the common tongue played a part in her selection.
A series of public trials were then held to ascertain the extent to which key members of the town had been complicit with the Baatezu and who had remaining loyalties or information regarding their plans, departure and whereabouts. Co-conspirators and some of the darker elements of Taporan were brought to light but only two individuals, a Mage named Xadar and the Jailor ??? lost their lives. Local authorities were contacted, a Druidess named Shayonar and a Ranger named Matragga arrived promptly. Shayonar opted to allow the process that had already been undertaken to proceed and left Matragga behind to assist.
A number of conditions were placed on Taporan and by extension the Council and its Voice. A loan was extended to minimize hardship during the transition. The Elves were able to make contact with the Daggerford Dozen (as well as learn a great deal about them from reading the "Death of Arreth") and pass along “Nehardrakkhan’s Bane”.
1. Leadership of the town must be public (6 months)
2. Reshemi standards of slaves are to be adopted immediately.
3. Education of slaves as to rights under the law begins immediately.
4. No Tanar'ri or Baatezu influence within the government (now)
5. These items become a matter of Taporan law
1. A majority of the population can identify the Elders
Freeman are allowed audience during publicly announce sessions
All votes of the council are publicly announced sessions
2. An agent appointed by the witch Shayonar (Matragga) is provided unrestricted access to the slaves to ensure Standards of Care
3. Shayonar's agent (Matragga) meets with slaves quarterly to educated them and review their rights
4. All Elders, the Voice, the Captain of the Guard & the Warden are questioned by "Us" or our appointed agents annually.
5. These conditions are recorded in Taporan law.
1. Publicly expose leadership or replace as required
2. All slaves are freed
3. See #2
4. See #1
5. See #1
The gifts Alvarod provided were:
Drake – Cytharia of Tantras has the Scales of Selombrian (Mother’s Pendant) & a Debt of Honour from Duke Vlaron of Aglarond
Tril – Hand-beaded dress from Mulhorond (+1/-1 Charisma) (+3/-3 Comeliness)
Tycel – Healing Plant from Rashemen (Alertness)
Chalondar – Arrow of Slaying (Fire Giant), Arrow +4, info on Roan and Krynn trader
Var – Figurine of Gerbilous Power (Murfle)
Karali Dool - an apprentice to Myrum Dool, arrived on the doorsteps of Tyrsholme with a small army of Hadraas on her trail. Karali came all the way from Tethyr to conscript the Hullack Elves to seek out Alvarod and to gift to them a mysterious magical stone.
Myrum Dool - High Master of the Red Knight. Karali's Master. He is now Deceased.
Alvarod - Alvarad is a seer living near Taparan in Rasheman. He lives as a Hermit and keeps to himself. He had been having visions of the heroes from Cormyr and was expecting them. He also had compiled a series of books written by his own hand detailing a complex series of historical and current events. The seer wrote a particularly unique book - "The Death of Areth", which seems to detail, down to the exact minute detail (Including unspoken thoughts), the adventures of the Daggerford dozen when they destroyed Arreth.
The Hadraas - The Hadraas appear as shadowy grey and featureless warriors prepared for combat. They frequently disappear and reappear, have the strength of giants, and are nearly impossible to kill. After much difficulty it was learned that they could be killed through full immersion in holy water.
Shayonar - Druidess of Rasheman, unclear exactly where she is in the overall hierarchy but certainly spoke with the authority of the nation in our dealings.
Imbradda – New Voice of Taporan
Matragga – Ranger responsible for slaves in Taporan (friend of the Witches) north man taken as a slave as a boy raised in Rasheman, bled many times for the cause
Melmilis – Alvarod’s mother
Hairoddus – Common Speaker in Taporan
Xadar – Mage loyal to Hadraas, died in Taporan