Enjoying a nice break to relax and train in Shadowdale, the Crimson Reavers watch the waning summer turn into a frigid autumn. They have saved the villagers of Shadowdale and it's outlying farms from Bandit Slavers and defeated a great evil threatening the Dales. They have ensured the village is laden with enough food and supplies to last the long coming winter and beyond. The Reavers have completely won over the village of Shadowdale and it's leader - Lord Mourngrym Amcathra.
The weather has turned so quickly over the summer. It feels like Nightal, not Eleint and the harvest yield is not expected to be very successful with the early frosts. The weather has an eerie, nefarious feel about it and the words uttered upon the lips of the villagers point towards the evil leaders of Zhentil Keep as the cause.
The Crimson Reavers are soon called to Lady Essindra's orchards by a group of young boys who have found something magical there. This turns out to be a summoning portal send by Nana, searching for Gar and his friends. It's her birthday and she has taken matters into her own hands to ensure Gar attends his party. WIthout too much hesitation the entire group are magically transported to the Burr estate in the old, rich city of Selgaunt to a warm welcome from Nana and the family.
After greeting the family and a reunion between Gar and his Love (And their new child), the Reavers settle into the Pair 'o Dice Inn and begin sharing stories of their adventures and learning what news they can of Selgaunt and the rest of the Sembian Coast. The whole group goes out to buy Nana a present and purchase suitable attire for the upcoming party.
Soon they become aware of the strange tale of the Death Ship of Selgaunt Bay and the recent victims who have fallen prey to it's ghostly curse. An investigation spearheaded by Alea leads them down the road of trying to determine if there is any validity to the ghost stories or not. Nana sure believes in it, having witnessed events 60 years ago. The trail soon leads to Inspector Cobblepot of the North Barracks.
Cobblepot was in possession of the 2 withered corpses that washed up on a Selgauntan beach. Seeking knowledge within the city for information the heroes meet with the Sages Deior Rasthavin and Askarran, who are more than willing to tell what they know of the history of the ghostly vessel and to witness Alea's priestly miracle of speaking with the departed souls of the deceased.
The dead speak with cryptic tongues as they rasp out answers to Alea's questions that help the adventurers figure out somewhat of what is going on. The victims were abducted by a mist and brought aboard a vessel. They described their violent deaths at the hands of skeletons, fire, and blood and their wish that "They" be saved.
After Nana's party the heroes decide, with some information and help from Rellikk the fisherman, that obviously the best course of action is to just get a boat and go out an investigate this Death Ship. Which they promptly do, and indeed do get swalled up by thick mists and find themselves on a sailing cog, far out to sea.
The characters wake to find themselves aboard a merchant cog - The Antelope. By the response from the crew they were picked up in Westgate as their newest recruits, and they expect them to get to work. Interestingly, they are eventually given tasks on the ship, but not before they were able to explore the lower deck and cargo hold and meet some interesting sailors. Checking alignments, Alea determines that most of the crew are good, normally aligned people - with a smattering of neutral and evil exceptions.
The adventurers have ample time to explore and interract with various crewmembers as the cog plies the Dragon Coast. They determine that they are 150 years into the past. Flan had an early, bad confrontation with one of the evil crewman (Snake), which put the group on high alert, with a target on their backs. A Midnight course change causes much concern between the 1st Mate and the captain, as well as most of the crew. But the captains orders remain and the cog heads for open water and the distant Sembian Coast.
The Reavers are able to determine through magic and guile that the Captain is hoping to race to Selgaunt and pick up a valuable item. They believe that this item could be the cause of the curse of the Antelope. They encounter much frustration as, after many, many attempts, they realize that everytime they try to interject their own timeline and truth into events, the environment of the ship always resets itself to play out the scene as it is meant to. The Reavers are helpless passengers on this accursed trip through time....to doom.
The doom soon arrives after Captain Berritt picks up his cargo in Selgaunt. Soon the Antelope is pursued and overtaken by a huge Thayvian Dreadnaught. The Lich Captain of the other vessel demands the return of the stolen item and spells out the doom to befall the Antelope and it's crew. The captain refuses and a mighty battle erupts on the deck of the Antelope.
Gar and Flannagan go after the Lich as hordes of undead skeletons and wights pour off the enemy ship and swarm across the Antelope's deck. Arcady calls for a fighting withdrawal towards the fore castle. The Lich rains fire down on the crew and many sailors die. Flannagan chases the Lich around the deck of her ship as she tries to destroy him with lightning. Gar successfull stems the flow of undead for a few moments by bringing the sails and rigging down upon the horde.
On the Antelope, Arcady, Alea and Crowe (As well as the remaining sailors) battle the undead bravely. The Wraiths have the worst impact of the crew and the heroes as they drain the life out of their targets with every hit. It is a pitched battle that looks to be a losing one. Crowe casts a web spell upon the deck of the antelope which binds several of the undead as they work to finish off the remaining undead on the Forecastle.
Like a flashing dervish, Flan attacks the Lich and blinks into the rigging over and over. Giant sized Gar battles his way to the lich and both of them land deadly blows upon the creature. It's protection gives it enough defense to Dimension Door away to safety. Gar is grievously wounded and hobbles back to the rigging of the Antelope.
Soon the remaing undead at the front of the ship are defeated. Flan chases the Lich into a hole she blasted into the Aft cabin, where the Captain is found packing for a quick escape. The Lich goes after the Captain and Flan doesn't hesitate to attack the Lich. Soon Arcady is on the scene and they handily defeat the Lich. Upon her defeat, the ship is enveloped in thick mist and when the mist clears the Crimson Reavers find themselves on an empty boat, with the Sembian coastline in the distance. They are home. They have broken the curse and laid to rest the restless spirits of the Antelope's crew.
As it turns out, most of the crew (Well their ghosts anyway) remain aboard the antelope and pledge fealty to the Crimson Reavers. The team now has a magic ghost ship and a rugged crew of ghostly sailors to ply the Sea of Fallen Stars with. Cool.
Nana Burr - Nana is the Matriarch of the Burr family. Her family is of old Selgauntan blood and the extended Burr family owns much property in the Sembian countryside as well as the cities. Rather than living on one of the plantations, she chooses to live with her Grandson Tellin and his family. Tellin has never asked anything of her and has built his own fortune.
Tellin Burr - Tellin is Gar's father. He is tall, strong and lean and was the now famous "Scout" in the Company of the Gryffon. He spend much of his youthful adventuring years in Cormyr with the rest of the band and this is where Gar was born.
Thom Rennal - Thom is a newer friend of Tellin's. He is a plaisir Ménestrel (Glee Man), one of the venerated minstrels who travel Sembia bringing joy to children, and reciting sagas and song to young and old alike. Glee men are much revered in Sembian society and a talented one can go very far. Thom is one such man. He is a wealth of information and a master at playing the game of houses. He is the person who knows who is who and what is going on in politics in Selgaunt and the rest of Sembia. He has recently decided to take up residence at the Inn, performing as the feeling strikes him.
Domarask Thembul - "Dom" is a wealthy independant merchant who is based out of Selgaunt. He is jolly and jovial and very outgoing on the suface, but he is also a very shrewd business man and he is very perceptive and he learns alot in his travels. He frequently spends time at the Dice and is an old friend of Tellin's.
Lord Haelimbrar - Lord Haelimbrar is a Lord of Imphras II, War Captain of Impiltur. He has come to Selgaunt to see about hiring mercenaries. So far he has not had much luck - Most mercenary outfits seem to be already busy. He has only managed to aquire a handfull men.
Garçon/ Guide - The Reavers quickly hired a young boy to guide them around Selgaunt. They never knew his name but he was quite helpful.
Rellikk (CN hm F1) - This crusty fisherman was the one who found the dead bodies on the beach (Victims of the Death Ship). He provided first hand information to Alea and let the Reavers rent a small boat from him.
Inspector Cobblepot (LN hm F5) - The good inspector is in charge of investigations in the North Barracks. He was in charge of the unit who is investigating the suspicious deaths. First impressions of Cobblepot are that he is a bored beurocrat awaiting retirement. The Reavers sparked real interest in him with thier investigation. Normally he would not allow visiting adventurers to interfere with official business, but something told him to let them have at it and see where it led. He was very impressed. They have a solid contact in Selgaunt in him now.
Deior Rasthavin (LN hm W4) - Deior is a Sage of: Humankind's history, legends, folklore of the Inner Sea region, genealogy, politics, heraldry, signs and sigils. He was quite helpful to the Reavers and was genuinely interested in their investigation. The story of the Death Ship of Selgaunt Bay has been one of his favorite stories since he was a child.
Askarran (NG hm F2) - Askarran is a Sage of: theology, cult history and the nature of undeath. He is a nice enough fellow but can come across as somewhat creepy with his fascination with the dead and undeath. He was somewhat helpful to the Reavers in giving them a solid idea about the manner of death of the victims.