Helmshold is built upon a steep sided motte on the edge and facing the market of the town of Asbravn in the sunset Vale. The Keep provides protection for Asbravn and the surrounding community, and has heavy patrols guarding the trade route and all of the lands wihin a days ride. The Shadow Watch offer special escorts and protection to the Dwarves of the Far Hills who can bring their goods to market in Asbravn and beyond to Easting. They will send a strong platoon of troops to protect them to market through the dangerous hills from Zhentarim and worse.

The Keep houses not only the military might of the servants of Helm the Guardian, but houses a grand cathedral to Helm - The Altar of the Vigilant Warden. The church has a strong community of Helm worshippers in it's military infrastructure as well as those loyal laybrethren who have come together to help form the community of worshippers around the temple - many of which work directly in the castle proper as servants and professionals or as farmers on the churches land. The Church works with the people of the community the best they can to ensure the citality of the community.
Lord Watcher Torin Hawkwing's personal standard (Motto: Semper Vigilatus "Ever Viigilant") is the standard of the Shadow Watch, which are led by ex-Hell Riders from Elturel, and all are faithful worshippers of Helm. While protecting the lands of the Suset Vale and its populace, Torin hopes to spread the word of Almighty Helm to a land that could use his ministrations and the watchful eye of Helm.


1. EXTERIOR GATE - The exterior gate or Barbican Gate is the first gate that must be passed through to get into the inner bailey of the castle. Flanked by round towers the gate is protected by massive iron bound wooden doors which can be shut solidly by a strong wooden bar. An iron porticullis can be lowerd down for further protection to this gate. The Mechanism for controlling the porticullis is located in the East Tower. The gate is further defended by arrow slits and crenellations on the levels above. This gate is usually left open during the day to invite the followers of Helm in to visit the church. But all will be challenged before entering.
2. BARBICAN - The barbican consists of two small round towers and a protected stone corridor connecting to the Inner Gate of the castle. The building is designed such that any attacking forces passing through the barbican would be assailed by murder holes from above - raining down arrows, boiling oil and whatever else to make the attackers have a really bad day. The Barbican is 30' high consisting of 2 levels with the roof being used as an artillery platform. Typically 2 watchmen are stationed here when the outer barbican doors are barred.
3. BARBICAN TOWERS - The small round towers of the Barbican are 40' in diameter and 45' high to their crennelations. The towers consist of three levels, the top two having alternated arrow slits to provide optimal arcs of fire while defending the castle from ground forces. The tower's third floors open onto the battlements on the roof of the Barbican's main structure.
The roof of the towers are accessed through a barrable hatch and this area is used as a lookout post as well as a firing platform to rain arrows down upon attackers. The gates are typically manned by 4 Shadow Watch Bowmen (2 per tower) who man the battlements of the Barbican and it's towers in shifts. Their patrols bring them into contact with the Watchmen of the curtain wall battlements so updates can be made. In cold winter, often a brazier fire is kept lit on the roof of the Barbican (The spell "Log of Everburning" keeps the fires going for hours to warm the guards. The watchmen, as all watchmen in the castle do, have access to "continual light " stones in cones, which give them directional spotlights. Extra weapons, ammunition and supplies are stored in the lowest level of these towers. Dimmable Continual Light stones are present in each level of the towers.
4. MAIN CASTLE TOWERS - Similar to the Barbican towers, they share the same dimensions and supplies are kept on the lowest level of the castle towers. Each tower, not in a war scenario, is manned by 3 Shadow Watch Bowmen, who alternate shifts of one on the top of the tower and two walking the walls adjacent to their tower, keeping in communication with the other watchmen of the walls. They are armed with continual light cones as well and will use them as needed during night watches to examine the exterior walls as well as the inner bailey. The third level of the towers have solid doors leading to the wall battlements. Dimmable Continual Light stones are present in each level of the towers.
5. CAVALRY STABLES - These 1.5 story, shale roofed buildings hold the horses of the Shadow Watch. The stables are managed by Cord Sunward, the Stable Master and his crew of 12 grooms. Each member of the Shadow Watch is responsible for some of the care of their horses and spend quite a bit of time in these stables ensuring their mounts are well groomed, excersized, and in good health. Just as they must look after their weapons, they must look after their mounts as well. These areas are lit by dimmable Continual Light stones.
6. GUARDHOUSE - After travelling through the primary barbican gate, there is an arched tunnel that leads to another set of doors and porticullis. This tunnel is part of the ground floor of a two story stone building set against the curtain wall. This area is manned by 4 Watchmen at all times, 2 manning the gate below and 2 in the chambers above, who also will help patrol the courtyards. The control for the inner porticullis and the barbican porticullis is inside this building on the 2nd floor. This building is the barracks for the Barbican watchmen (16 men, half bowmen and half infantry.) The upper floor connects to the room above the Barbican kill corridor. If visitors have not been interrogated at the outer bailey gate, they will be challenged here. A dimmable Continual Light stone is present in each building and floor.
7. MAIN COURTYARD - The inner bailey consists of three courtyards that span from the castle and the main curtain walls. The main courtyard allows the visitors a view of the window covered, vaulted church and it's adjoining grand stone building. The structure rises 45' into the air and it's roof is battlemented. The ground is mostly grass covered except for a wide swath track, roughly in the center , of trodden dirt leading to and from both other courtyards and the main gate. At the extreme points of the main courtyard in the east and west, Stone stairs connected to the curtain walllead up to the wall battlements. In front of the castle building, flowers have been planted. Any number of watchmen, Shadow Watch, servants, and artisans can be encountered moving through here during the day and 2 watchmen from the Guardhouse (4a) patrolling at night.
8. EAST COURTYARD - The stables and storehouse can be found in this courtyard. The grass has been heavily trodden here and it has a very utilitarian look to it. Past the stables is the fortified entrance into the south barracks. This area also contains a small tool and equipment shed.
9. WEST COURTYARD - The west courtyard is often smokey with the fires of forges and the sounds of skilled men and labourers hard at work fixing and building what is needed for the castle and it's inhabitants. A small tool shed sits in the northern part of the courtyard and a large two story stone building sits abutted against the curtain wall. This building holds the workshops of the various proffesional craftsmen with their living quarters above.
10. STABLE QUARTERS - The Stablemaster, Cord Sunward, lives here with 6 of his original grooms (Who stay in the loft) in this one story wooden building, and he oversees them in the the care of all of the fortification's horses, here at the stables (#8). Another 6 newer grooms have been brought in and they sleep in a small, barracks style room in the Basement of the Stables.
11. WORKSHOPS & ARTISAN'S QUARTERS - On the second floor of this two story building house the professional artisans of the castle - Arnaud Staraam (Armorer), Fawkes Margrave (Bowyer), Berold Valter (Blacksmith), Reeve Urain (Carpenter), Gavin Hurrey (Fletcher), Cedric Lonehorn (Weaponsmith). These skilled professionals all report to the Quartermaster, Josse Langrave, and work closely together to make sure that the castle is kept in working condition. Dimmable Continual Light stones are present in the Artisans Quarters and workshops. This first story houses the workspace for all of the artisans in the building as well as small quarters for their apprentices (6 in all - one each) . All of the appropriate tools, forges, equipment and supplies needed to perform their duties in the castle can be found here.
12. STABLES & WAREHOUSE - This 2 story stone building has a large stables on the first floor and a large warehouse area on the second floor. Extra Foodtuffs, Grain, large supplies, etc are kept here. There are 2 large doors which open off the second level, with a simple crane set up to bring in or out goods. Arrow slits are found along the back wall of the storage warehouse and can be used during times of seige. Dimmable Continual Light stones are present in the stables as well as the warehouse and basement. The basement of the building is used for extra storage and/or quarters as needed. 6 of the grooms sleep here. The horses of the officers and leadership of the keep are housed here as well as guests and a few extra horses for general use.
13. STORAGE SHED - Just as the name implies, these 10' x 10' single story sheds hold extra supplies needed by the workers of the castle to complete their various tasks. No military supplies are kept in these sheds.
14. BARRACKS - Each level of these grand stone buildings can comfortably hold 40 soldiers for the castle with the ability to hold more as the garrison grows or in times of siege when the townspeople occupy the castle. Each barrack gains extra space by opening directly into their supporting towers. The bottom level of each tower however, holds stores of weapons and supplies. The basement of the west barracks is outfitted with prison cells, while the basement of the other is used to house further men and or storage as appropriate. There is but one way from the ground level to gain access to the barracks and that is through a heavy wooden, iron bound and barred door with accompanying porticullis. The windows are narrow and not wide enough for the average man to pass through and can be shuttered and barred from the inside. The upper floor windows can serve as protective firing ports into the courtyard if needed. The second floor has arrow slits protecting the rear of the castle. Dimmable Continual Light stones are present on each level of the Barracks.
15. CHURCH NAVE - The whole bottom level of this side of the Cathedral is a large (70' x 40'), open, vaulted Nave to the glorification of Helm, god of Guardians and Protection. The supplicant area of pews and prayer squares is lit by the bright, tall windows on the west and north walls. The large main doors of the cathedral are accessed from the outside by a pillared grand staircase. There are two other doors off the main area, the east leading to the clergy area and the south leading to the vestry. The cathedral is decorated with embossing and stone carvings to the glory of Helm and with ornate stone shields decorating the walls near the bottom of the Gallery, each representing a famous martyr of Helm. A dimmable Continual Light stone provides light at night to the cathedral. It is accessed through the Gallery above.
16. VESTRY - This hallway gives access to the stairs leading to the second floor Sacristy and beyond to the third floor. The stairs also lead down to the Holy Sanctuary beneath the church (#16a). This hall is used for storage of some of the churches religious paraphenalia and vestments needed for every day operation of the church.
17. CLERIC'S OFFICE - This modestly appointed office is shared by the 2 senior clerics, Lansef and Mor, and it is here that they conduct their day to day church related activities. They will often meet with the Priest here if they are not summomed up to his office on the 3rd floor.This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
18. CLERIC'S CHAMBERS - This room is the personal chambers of one of the 2 senior clerics of the Church - Lansef Dem'Bravon. She is responsible for the Acolytes and participating Lay brethren and manages the day to day activities of the cathedral and answer directly to the Guardian. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
19. CLERIC'S CHAMBERS - This room is the personal chambers of one of the 2 senior clerics of the Church - Mor S'Rell. He is responsible for the Acolytes and participating Lay brethren and manages the day to day activities of the cathedral and answer directly to the Guardian. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
20. ACOLYTE'S CELLS - These chambers are the personal living quarters of the Acolytes of the Church - Dahn Millson, Frederich Montaven, and Willhem Devrois. They are purposely spartan in decoration and furnishings.
21. LOWER HALL - This entry hall services those entering the first floor of the church and handles traffic going into the clergy chambers and office, access to the hallway that leads to the cathedral, and access to the stairs leading to the upper floors and entrance to the keep. This area is tastefully decorated and the religious motif's are continued in this area as in the cathedral. Typically there will be 2 Watchmen located in this room. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
22. CASTLE KITCHEN - This kitchen services the entire castle, providing food for everyone from common servants to soldiers to the command structure of the armed forces and church. It is busy at all hours of the day dealing with all of it's tasks of the day and preparing for the next. Marseth Dunwall, the Chief Cook, runs the kitchen with a tight reign and oversees 6 kitchen staff. There is access to well water from the cellar below, large ovens and counter space, and all of the tools needed to do the job. There is a door leading to the Pantry in the south and in the north it opens up to the stairwell and hallway to the servants quarters. There is a dumwaiter system that goes up from the kitchen to 2nd floor preparation room and further to the top level as well as to the cellar below. The main stairs also lead to the basement cellar, and there is another stairway down from the pantry. The stoves are kept hot by Logs of Everburning. A dimmable Continual Light stone is present in the kitchen.
23. KITCHEN'S PANTRY - This is where the foodstuff needed to feed the castle are kept. The Chief Cook works closely with the Quartermaster and Master of the Hunt to ensure that there are enough provisions. And closely with the Chief Steward to ensure that the needs of the castle are met on a daily basis. There is a stairwell down to the cellar in this room. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
24. SERVANT'S COMMON AREA - The common area opens off the servants rooms and provides them with a place to fraternize, dine and find liesure when time permits. A warm fire, abundant seating and tables make this as comfortable a place as a servant could expect. A dimmable Continual Light stone is present in the common area.
25. MARSETH'S CHAMBERS - These are the private quarters of the Chief Cook, Marseth Dunwall. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
26. KITCHEN SERVANT'S CHAMBERS - The Kitchen servants share space in each of these rooms as their private sleeping quarters. Their are 6 Kitchen staff. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
27. HOUSE SERVANT'S CHAMBERS - The House servants share space in each of these rooms as their private sleeping quarters. There are 8 house servants. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
28. GALLERY - The Gallery looks down upon the grand nave of the cathedral 15' below. This area can be used as a seating area for lay brethren or visitors to the castle. The Continual Light stone which hangs above the Nave can be accessed from the gallery. The railing of the gallery is carved rosewood of the finest design depicting fully armed and armored warriors of helm looking out upon the assembled supplicants. A door leads off the Gallery to the Upper Hall in the south and another door leads to the Guest Lounge in the east.
29. SACRISTY - This room is being used as a private worship place rather than a Sacristy. Helmshold does not have sacred objects but as they gain them (Written works, holy items, blessed clothing, etc) they will be stored here.
30. UPPER HALL - The Upper Hall is tastefully decorated with murals of hunting scenes on the walls and some comfortable furniture arrayed sparsely about the hall. There is a fireplace and a bookshelf of mostly religion and warfare related books. There are 2 - 4 Watchmen posted here at any time. Two constantly flank the secure entry into the Keep proper and two others who at times patrol the rest of the building. Their superior commands them from the Guardroom in the Keep. In the colder times of year there is always a Log of Everburning in the fireplace here. There is an alarm cord at the entrance to the keep that the watchmen can pull to warn the guards inside the keep. In a non-alert status, typically one of the doors into the keep is open allowing traffic through. Anyone not known in this area is challenged.
31. GUEST QUARTERS - When special guests come to stay at the castle these are well appointed and comfortable quarters given to them. They have ample room for one or more beds within, plus a large armoire, desk, nightstand, and wash basin. Each room has murals of a different theme. There is the: Rose Room, Harvest Room, Violet Room, Hunting Room, and the Victory Room. Each room has a dimmable continual light stone.
32. GUEST LOUNGE - The guests staying at the castle have their own Lounge/ Common area to enjoy. There is a large hearth, many windows, as well as a door leading to the Grand Gallery of the Cathedral. They may spend respite here, enjoying the warm sunlight coming through the large windows. Guests may take their meals here as well if the Great Hall is not for them. Frequently Torin or the Priest will use this lounge to entertain guests. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
33. KEEP ENTRY HALL - This hall is decorated much the same as the Upper Hall is, with colorful murals on the walls and fine furniture. There are 3 watchmen here at all times - 2 flank the doors into the Great Hall and one stands near the niche in the north wall which holds the mechanism for the porticullis. It is ready to drop with the mere nudge of a lever. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
34. GUARD ROOM - This is the main Guard Room for the Keep and Cathedral. Relief watchmen and the Sgt of Arms (Jeverel) on duty, muster out of this room. The Sgt of Arms is responsible for coordinating the patrols of the watchmen and there is a group of 4 Watchmen on duty here for shift changes, patrols, or as a response to problems within the keep. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
35. CHIEF STEWARD'S QUARTERS - This is where the Chief Steward, Edward Tully, resides and has his office ajoining his quarters. The Chief Steward is in charge of all servants and non-military staff within the castle. He works closely with the Quartermaster, The Chief Cook, The Master of the Hunt and reports directly to the Commander of the Keep. The Chief Steward is also the purser of the castle and controls the money - spending what is necessary to keep the castle running.These rooms are lit by dimmable continual light stones.
36. STORAGE ROOM - This small room is a Storage Room containing extra (Non-military) items needed for the running of the castle. This storage room is the purvue of the Chief Steward & his staff. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
37. GREAT HALL - This large hall has two mighty hearths burning Logs of Everburning. Several heavy wooden tables are set up in the room in long rows. The head of the room, along the south wall is a long table situated perpendicular to the other tables. Shafts of light stream in from the arrowslits along the south wall but the room may also be lit by dimmable continual light stones. The stone embossments and murals in this room are scenes of mighty hunts and battles and stone edifices of the 18 martyred Saints of Helm stand out from the walls of the room near the ceiling. Heavy tapestries are hung where no murals are present, continuing the theme. This room is the Lord's Hall and is where the Lord of the Keep or his representative issues decrees, judgements and commands upon his people. This is also the mighty hall where the soldiers and watchmen gather to feast with their commanders at meal times (In shifts as appropriate).
38. GREAT HALL PREPERATION ROOM - This room is a bustle of activity at or near dining hours as the food is sent up the dumwaiter from the kitchen. This room fills with what kitchen staff and other servants are needed to get the food set up and out into the Great Hall. Food prepared for guests dining in the Guest Lounge is prepared here as well and transported through the Keep Entry Hall and into the Castle Upper Hall and beyond. During busy times there may be 10 servants operating in this room. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
39. CLOSET - This large closet is a storage room for the Great Hall. Extra seating is found here as well as other furniture and items used in the running of the Great Hall. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
40. STAIRWELL - The stairwell here is heavily trafficked by both soldiers and servants of the castle. The spiral stone staircase goes down to the kitchen and servants quarters and up to the chambers of the commanders of the Keep.This area is also used as a cloak room for guests visiting the keep.This area is lit by a dimmable continual light stone on each level.
41. GUARD ROOM - At the top of the Grand Stair is the 3rd floor Guard Room. There are 4 watchmen here day and night, one of which is usually patrolling the castle at any given time. Anyone attempting to enter the private chambers beyond or the Library (#46) will be challenged unless that person is part of the clergy or command structure of the castle. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
42. LORD'S SUITES - This well appointed room will be used for the quarters of either important members of the castle or important visitors. Each room has a dimmable continual light stone.
43. LORD'S SUITES - This well appointed room will be used for the quarters of either important members of the castle or important visitors. Each room has a dimmable continual light stone.
44. HIGH GUARDIAN DAMON TRUESHIELD'S QUARTERS - The Guardian (Main Priest) of the church, Damon Trueshield, has his private quarters on the 3rd floor of the castle. While the room is very well appointed and adorned, it is not overmuch so. The Guardian has very spartan tastes and believes in keeping the things in his life as simple and honest as possible, forgoing pomp and pageantry beyond what is required for his priesthood. There is a 2nd door that connects to his private office. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
45. HIGH GUARDIAN DAMON TRUESHIELD'S OFFICE - This is the private office of the Guardian. It is well furnished an large. There are no windows in this room so it is lit by a dimmable continual light stone. Important matters of the church are managed from this office. There are two other doors in this room, one leading to the Damon's private chambers and one leading to Torin's Office. Often if Torin is also busy in his office, the door between the two rooms is left open for quick discourse between Torin and Damon, who work very closely on religious matters.
46. LIBRARY - The castle Library is a large room with a door leading to Lord's Central Hall and a door leading to the 3rd floor Guard Room. Long beautifully carved bookshelves line all walls and a large hearth sits in the center of the north wall. Several plush, comfortable chairs sit near the warm fire and 2 long tables and chairs take up most of the rest of the Library. All manner of books can be found here - Many religious texts, diplomatic treatise of the North, Law books, Military books and some books written by Torin himself regarding the Order of the Black shield and its fight against darkness. A large painting of an elderly sage is upon one of the walls and he will greet those entering the library cordially. Not on is this magical painting a Sage, he is also the librarian and will help people such as he can. He loves company. This room has a dimmable continual light stone as it's light source.
47. LORD'S OFFICE - Torin's personal office is tastefully decorated with many religious reliefs and symbols of his god. Many mysterious runes, specific symbols of his religious order (The Order of the Black Shield) are also present in the design. Two large cherry wood desks take up space in this room, and all other available space is taken up by book shelves. Marsenay shares this office with Torin when she is not lost in her own research in her quarters or the Library. This room has a dimmable continual light stone as it's light source.
48. MARSENAY'S CHAMBERS - This is Torin's Henchwoman, Marcenay's, private suite of rooms. She was given carte blanche in the decorating of her rooms so the oak panneling and room mouldings show a delicate, feminine aestethic. Her bedroom, change room and personal study can be found in this suite. These rooms have dimmable continual light stones.
49. LORD'S CENTRAL HALL - 2 Senior Watchmen stand down this hallway against the north wall flanking the doors leading into Torin's Inner Hall. The hall itself has tapestries and murals of muted colors on the walls and a few finely polished tables along the walls with crystal objects upon them and the odd finely wrought mirror hangs in just the proper place. A Deep red and gold rug runs down the center of the hallway, not quite reaching the walls as it goes. There are also doors leading to Marsenay's Chambers and to Torin's Private Office.This room has a dimmable continual light stone as it's light source.
50. LORD'S OUTER HALL - 2 Senior Watchmen are positioned in this hallway flanking the double doors leading into Torin's Central Hall. The hallway itself is plain, unadorned stone and is only accessable by the clergy stairwell door and a door at the end of a corridor which leads to the Guard Room (#41).This hallway has a dimmable continual light stone as it's light source.
51. LORD'S INNER HALL - This Hall is similarly decorated as the CentralHall (#49) but is about half as long and no guards are stationed in this area or any of the chambers beyond. A door leads to Torin's personal Servants quarters and his inner sanctum.This room has a dimmable continual light stone as it's light source.
52. LORD'S BED CHAMBER - This is Torin's large bedroom and contains a large comfortable bed, nightstand, small table and chair. The walls are decorated with murals and tapestries of Torin's homeland, Eltural and the Fields of the Dead. The room is fairly empy of any other furnature and has a feeling of openness. There is a large window in the south letting in much light. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
53. LORD'S PRIVY CHAMBERS - This is part lounge and part dressing area. There is a rack for his armor, 2 armoires filled with clothing, a changing screen, as well as comfortable chairs and couch with a low table. The Lord's servants attend him here as well, dressing him in his armor and religious trappings. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
54. LORD'S SITTING AREA - This area has comfortable couches and is nice place to curl up with a good book or entertain.
55. GRAND BALCONY - This long and narrow balcony opens through windowed double doors leading to Torin's living quarters. This balcony looks down upon the castle main gate and main courtyard.
56. INNER SANCTUM - This rather austere room holds Torin's private shrine, and it is here he comes when he must ruminate and pray for wisdom. No one but Torin uses this room. It is decorated with a tapestry of religious significance, a small stone altar, a table with various religious implements and transcribed copies of the Scrolls of the Shadow prophesies and other texts related to his order. The walls are scribed with runes of power and significance to Helm and his Order , making this a place of great importance to Torin. The only light source to be used in this room is natural candle light rather than light stones. This room is protected by a Tentacle Walls Spell. It's entrance is protected by a powerful Glyph of Warding which does 18d4 points of damage to those entering without speaking the name of the glyph.
57. LORD'S SERVANT'S QUARTERS - Torin's Squire, Devron, and his Page, Jamal, share these quarters with Marsenay's Squire, Laurice. It is fairly spartan in ornament. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
58. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS - This room is Major Warrick Langrave's private Chamber. He runs the Shadow Watch. He is next in military command under the Commander of the Keep. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
59. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS - This room is Captain Harbinder's private Chamber. He controls one of the two Company's of Shadow Watch. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
60. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS - This room is Major Georges Lianegné's private Chamber. He is the military leader of the Infantry overall and leads the Company of Heavy Infantry. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
61. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS - This room is Captain Lodry Illan's private Chamber. He is the captain of the Light Infantry. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
62. ENGINEER'S QUARTERS - The castle Master Engineer, Davos Tredanavos, resides here in these spacious quarters. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
63. QUARTER MASTER'S QUARTERS - Josse Langrave is the Quartermaster of the castle and manages the artisans and works closely with the Steward to ensure that the castle is properly provisioned. He is present at all castle management meetings and keeps Torin and the others appraised of progress. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
64. CASTELLAN'S SUITE - The Castellan of the Castle resides in these spacious quarters as befitting his rank within the hierarchy. He has his suite and right beside he has his office. These rooms have a dimmable continual light stone.
65. CASTELLAN'S OFFICE - This is where the Castellan manages the castle, when he is not meeting with other senior staff or tending to the troops. He often will accompany Shadow Watch patrols and is a very skilled leader and warrior with a good tactical head. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
66. WAR ROOM - This room has an air of authority to it with it's large polished oak table, tapestries depicting scenes of war and castle life, and banners of specific units within the castle forces. Formal meetings of the Senior Staff are held here, whether military or castle based discussions. This room has a dimmable continual light stone.
67. BATTLEMENTS - The Battlements are patrolled night and day by the guards stationed in the towers. At any given time there will be 2 patrolling guards along each of the 3 wall battlements, and more atop the Barbican (#55).
68. BAILY STAIRS TO THE BATTLEMENTS - These unrailed 5' wide stairs stairs lead from the wall down to the main courtyard.
69. WALKWAYS - These railed walkways span across both the East and the West Courtyards respectively. They are the primary way for soldiers on the battlements to get to and from the Castle and Keep proper.
70. MAIN WALKWAY - This is the main walkway spanning over the main courtyard below that leads to the battlements above the castle and keep above. It is railed and is 10' wide and has a steep stairway leading to the castle roof.
71. LOWER ARTILLERY POSITION - This fairly large area atop the Barbican typically has 2 watchmen, 1 from each of the two barbican towers, patrolling this area. This area will be the lower artillary platform where catapult and ballistae can be secured for castle defense.
72. UPPER ARTILLERY POSITION - The roof of the Keep is primarily used as an artillery position during wartime and catapults set up in this area have a commanding view of the surrounding terrain. This area is fairly large and can also be used for everything from soldier training to outdoor festivities. The Keep roof may be accessed via stairs leading down to the battlements which lead into the two connected towers of Level three and by the High Tower's spiral staircase (#75). 4 Watchmen typically patrol the ramparts of the keep.
73. TOWER CRENELLATIONS - As described on level one #3, watchmen are posted atop the main towers. The two south-west towers are connected to the keep and guards may travel back and forth between the roof of the keep and the roof of the towers.These towers may be outfitted with Ballistae at some point.
74. BARBICAN TOWER CRENELLATIONS - As described on level one, (#2), watchmen are posted atop the barbican towers. These towers may be outfitted with Ballistae at some point.
75. HIGH TOWER - The Stairwell from within the keep continues into this small fortified stone turret which is 2 stories tall, with ramparts on the roof. This is the tallest part of the castle and commands a grand view of the surrounding countryside. There is usually 1 watchman in this tower, watching the horizon. There is a large brazier of wood which can be lit as a signal.
76. CELLAR AND STORAGE AREAS - This area beneath the keep holds the wine cellar, foodstuff storage, cold room, Well and general storage area for the keep. This area has dimmable continual light stones.
77. PRISON - Beneath the West Barracks is the castle dungeon where prisoners are kept. The maximum capacity of prisoners in sectioned off barred cells is about 40 men stacked on stone slab beds 3 high. The cells are spartan with a stone bed slab with loose hay mattress, a slot for food and a waste pot in each. This area has a dimmable continual light stone
78. STORAGE/ EXTRA QUARTERS - This area is used as extra quarters as needed, but it currently is used as just extra storage and as a small brewery. This area has a dimmable continual light stone
79. HOLY SANCTUARY - There is a large stone edifice of the Black shield of Helm with the gauntlet and all-seeing eye upon it. Before this sits a large stone font of holy water. A continual light stone is in this room. This chamber also contains six 5' x 5' alcoves with pull out shelves. Each of these alcoves is enchanted with Glyphs of Healing, so that a person stepping into them , or being laid upon the proper shelf, will trigger the glyph and the healing spell will trigger. The Glyphs need to be set by Torin and each lasts 18 days before it must be renewed. This allows the church access to more powerful spells while he is away adventuring or seeking out the Darkness. The last three are for use by the clergy themselves when neccessary. The alcoves are:
a. Neuralize Poison (4th) e. Regenerate (7th)
b. Cure Critical Wounds (5th) f. Tongues (4th)
c. Raise Dead (5th) g. Weather Stasis (4th)
d. Heal (6th) h. Plane Shift (5th)
* Protection from evil Altar 1,400gp
* Dispel Evil The Fortress 1,400gp
* Remove Fear The High Guardian 1,400gp
The area of effect for all three is 360' diameter from the focus target (This takes it WELL beyond the limits of the castle proper and into the surrounding Terrain).
* (1st lvl) Anti-Vermin Barrier (1 hr / level. 10' cube/level.)
* (1st lvl) Log's of everburning in certain areas
* (3rd lvl) Continual Light (Cast on stones and distributed throughout the castle, set into small recesses in the walls. small metal covers can lock into place over them to dim the light stones or cover them completely.)
* (3rd lvl) Glyphs of Warding (Permanent until discharged or 18 days if cast through torin's ability)
* (3rd lvl) Thief's Lament (1 hr/ level (18 hrs). 5' cube / level (90' cube)
* (4th lvl) Weather Stasis (1 hour/ level duration. 10' cube/ level (180' cube)
* (6th lvl) Land of Stability (1 day / level (18 Days). 180' cube
* (6th lvl) Forbiddance (Password) on specific areas of the Fortress. 1080' cube max. Permanent duration.