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To the travelers eye, Asbravn looks like lush farms with wood lots, well-kept barns, drainage ditches , ponds and tranquility. Asbravn is the market center of the southern Vale farmers. Rather, here they do their trading with each other and traveling merchants, then in the cities where others will make a profit from their food. Buyers from Berdusk and Iriaebor come to the market each day. It’s common rumor that the market of Asbravn fills bellies all along the Chionthar. Asbravn lies in a shallow valley inbetween the Dusk Road and the Uldoon Trail.

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Asbravn is a town of approximately 2500 people (1400 in the town proper and another 1100 in outlaying farms) swelling to 3000 in summer. They are mainly farmers and shepherds, who produce and sell their wool goods at market. The terrain is rolling hills, so they tend sheep in the highlands and farm in the lowlands. The people are peaceful, with no animosity towards the policing forces or their government in general. They are not really open to outsiders.


There are not a lof of commercial buildings in the town other than what is needed to support trade and industry. A Fortress Temple to Helm, Helmshold - The Altar of the Vigilant Warden, faces the market, which is ringed by swap shops, a cooper and cratemaker, a wagonworks, the newly rebuilt Temple to Ilmater - The House of the Suffering God, as well as shrines to Lliira and Lathander. There is an Inn - The Board Layed Bare, and a tavern - The Tankard and Shief.


The Riders in Red Cloaks, long the police and defenders of the town, are well-known. They are comprised of a few experienced warriors, occasionally bolstered by mages and priests and local volunteers. They are sponsored by Iriaebor to safekeep the market and surrounding roads. They patrolled in mounted dozens and often have had to battle bandits, trolls, orcs, bugbears and predatory monsters in the southern Sunset Mountains.


The Zhentarim were giving the Cloaks a hard time with poisonings and well-paid mercenary ambushes. In almost every family there is one who is chosen to be a Rider. With Helmshold now a force in the area, the Red Cloaks are aided by the Shadow Watch - who have taken on all of the patrolling duties in 30 man mounted bowmen units. The Cloaks are still active in policing and as militia when needed.


The only relic of a long past history is a old stout, cracked stone pillar, surmounted by crumbling horse heads. This pillar remains from when the town was a city, Urdrath of the Horsemen. The Horsemen moved from Tunland long ago when they were nomads. Urdrath buried their dead in catacombs beneath the streets where, nowadays, unweary people pass.






The government of Asbravn is democratic one composed of a 7 member council, 5 of which are townspeople and have a 5 year term, with one being replaced every year, and the other 2 (Held by members of Helmshold) are on a 3 year term. The council chooses the new members every 30 months. The people who work and live in Helmshold, as well as those who have come to Asbravn with them, are restricted from voting in a new member for the period of one year (Until the 2nd tenday of Nightal, 1363DR).


Council Members


Rognolin Dourstone



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Daene Dourstone

Inn Cook/Matron


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Vespa Beldine



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Inn Maid


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Shia Dobson



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Inn Maid


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Tavern Maid


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Berguss Valter



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Tavern Maid


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Tam Gilgood



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Betrice Greenglade



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Daniella Scribner



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Colglass Miller



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Richtor Huntree

Merchant/ Merchantiler


Once  held the position of Chancellor on the town council. He has diverse trade interests.

Dunward Mal

Tavern Barkeep


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Tavern Maid


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The Dwarves of the Far Hills 


The Agreement between Helmshold and the Dwarves of the Far Hills


A Deal was struck between Torin and Venbrall Silverfist (Clan Hammerhall's primary dwarf in charge of dealing with those of the outside world), with the blessings of the clan leaders, that they will send dwarves to help in the construction of Helmshold and Torin promised protection for the dwarves to bring their goods to market - at least to the north crossing of the River Chionthar, just south of the Sunset Mountains.  They also agreed to pay 3000gp per year for this protection. (And it must be SERIOUS PROTECTION).




No solid arrangements with Hluthvar have been made other than the promise Torin made to send aid as soon as possible and the assurance by both parties to work together for the protection of Sunset Vale from the Dangers of Darkhold. Torin has pledged on his word that he will do everything in his power to relieve Hluthvar and make Darkhold reconsider its choice of having open season on the military of Hluthvar, particularly the warriors of Helm. Torin and Maurandyr have briefly discussed how they can join forces to control the main road between Asbravn and Hluthvar (Possibly setting up small fortified way stops, etc.)




The Agreement between Asbravn and Helmshold


1. Both parties agree on the laws of Asbravn as they stand now, and will be followed and enforced by both parties. Changes to the laws which affect Helmshold, The Altar of the Vigilant Warden, or the organization, deployment and leadership of its troops, MUST be approved by the Leadership of Helmshold. Laws that are passed that conflict with point 2 below will automatically terminate the terms of this agreement in full at the discretion of the Leadership of Helmshold - Lord Watcher Torin Hawkwing or a representative thereby appointed by him.


2. It is agreed that Lord Watcher Torin Hawkwing and his representatives are in complete control of military and policing matters (Following the laws of the town ..See above) without the interference of the council. Imposing any lawful sentance upon a citizen of Asbravn must be adjudicated by a magistrate, who is a citizen and has been democratically elected by the people of Asbravn, and who is separate and not a current member of town council, and who must be free of the burden of conflict of interest. Judiciary of all non-citizens of Asbravn, whether within the confines of town or surrounding lands or upon the wildlands and highways of the Sunset Vale, is expressly the responsibility of the judiciary authority of Helmshold, with Lord Watcher Torin Hawkwing being the highest such authority. 


3. It is agreed by both parties that Lord Watcher Torin Hawkwing and Helmshold's Military and Religious Leaders (Except those lawfully appointed to be on the council acting in accordance with the laws of Asbravn) will have no specific authority over matters of democratic politics, trade, and the general running and management of the town, Asbravn - which shall be the purvue of the Town Council (As long as they stay within the laws as agreed upon in point 1 above), and that they will keep their interests concerned with protecing and policing the community, farms and tradeways in and around Asbravn.


4. It is agreed by both parties that money from the towns coffers and money specifically earmarked by Asbravn for defence by third party interests will be used to aid in support of the standing military forces and upkeep of the fortress, Helmshold, to the sum of 450gp per month.


5. Such land as can be allocated as farming/ grazing land shall be assigned as Church/Helmshold land to be worked and kept by those of Helsmhold to support operation of the Keep and its defenders. The acreage so alloted and agreed upon is ???


Edward Tully

Councilmember - Steward of Helmshold


See his entry under Helmshold for more details

High Guardian Damon Trueshield

Councilmember - Vicar of the Altar of the Vigilant Warden


See his entry under Helmshold for more details

Iletria Thaur



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Halinor the Heavy Handed



Heavy set, broad jawed. Facial scar. Over 6' tall. Freakishly large hands

Adar Ruiz

Councilmember - Merchant


Middle aged merchant from Amn originally

Asgar Telingar

Councilmember - High Priest of the House of the Suffering god


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Ilblot Vek

Chancellor and speaker of the Council


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Tantain the Tall



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