Returning from campaigns abroad, the Lords of Argus and their heroic companions have returned home to a troubled world. There are decisions to be made, questions to be answered, and mysteries to be solved. The artifacts of power have fully awakened and the Black Shield has been found. All are living in the days of prophesy, whether they realize it or not.
The first concern was to call the High and Lord Knights of Argus and their commanders, Torin and the heroes of Tyrsholme, to a meeting to discuss the Shadow Prophesy and what they know collectively right now.
The group decided to try and track down the location of the original Obsidian Tower in long lost Hlondath. Using the knowledge of ancient Netheril that the Order of the Black Shield had gathered, they narrowed their search down to a specific region west of the Border Forest in the Anauroch Desert.
Journeying there they quickly came upon a travelling caravan of camels and were introduced to Ahamaoud, who took them to the tent city of the Binwabi Tribe. Politely accepting the welcoming traditions of the Bedine, and not being able to truly speak to them in their language, they met with a translator named Thomas - A Merchant from the Moonsea who has decided that he should just hang out with the Bedine until things cool down in the East. They asked him to look into any known ruins in the area, and after an afternoon investigating, he came back with news of another tribe that may have first hand knowledge of an ancient site being recently excavated within the last 2 years.
Spending the night just outside the Tent City (In a magical Magnificent Mansion), they set out on Phantom Steeds with Thomas to travel a day to get to the Owari Tribe. Once at the Owari Camp, Thomas met with his friend Rahoon, who invited the PCs into the Owari Camp. He wlecomed them with food and water and shared his fire with them. Rahoon introduced the PCs to two of his tribal brothers who had first hand knowledge of the ruins they sought.
The group decided that they would try and ascertain who controlled the excavation and where they took the stone tablet with the symbol of the Dark One on it. They learned of the "Black Robes" who the Bedine did not trust and their hooded master whom all of them were terrified of. They witnessed them take sacks of things out of the ruins and one thing in particular was a stone tablet with a strange mark on it, which the swords of power confirmed was the symbol of the Dark One. The Bedine could give no more information that was relevant to that event.
The group entreated Torin to seek knowledge from his god, Helm, through a powerful Commune spell. What they learned was quite frustrating as not even the powerful will of Helm could divine the location or identity of the being who excavated the site and took the tablet. There was some powerful protective magic concealing them from scrying and other magical methods of detection.
Flynn took it upon herself to use her persuasive roguish experience to see what she can learn by travelling to the Moonsea West and seeing what she could learn, while the rest of the Vanguard of Argus turned their attentions to other important tasks in their regions of the Realms - Since they seemed to be at an immediate dead end as far as learning about the who and what of what transpired at the ruins.
CORMYR (Drake, Trilidir, Var)
Purple Dragon Reinforcements have been sent by Baron Thomdor out of Castle Crag to help secure the eastern border of the Kingdom. This consists of 2 platoons of (20) Purple Dragons (F2's) lead by two Lieutenants - Ramar (LG hm F5) and Dramm (NG hm F4) and a Captain - Quinn Dragonblade (NG hem F7) who are Drake's to command.
Drake has himself begun to set up defensible waystops between Tyrsholme and the Thunder Gap. These waystops consist of a wooden structure within palisaded walls and are positioned one days walk away from each other along the East Way through the Hullack Forest. With the extra reinforcements, Drake has increased patrols not only along the highway but to the smaller settlements in the area as well, to make sure that they have all of the support they need for the long and dangerous winter ahead.
Both Var and Trilidir have offered their services to go on patrols sometimes as well, to make sure that their magical prowess can be brought to bear whenever possible to aid the people of Cormyr. They have also been requested to attend bi-weekly War Wizard meetings at the Magehall in Arabel (This is not optional). The mages of Tyrsholme have also inspected the evil black items taken from Mulmaster and determined that they should be destroyed lest they fall into the hands of others. When not patrolling, attending War Wizard council meetings or helping the people of Cormyr, their minds are bent towards their magical research and introspection.
Drake and Killian have worked together to commune with Wise Tyr to find out more about the objects and information found in the desert.
HAVEN (Killian, Xander)
Both Killian and Xander have made their way back to Haven to continue their duties there. Xander in particular is spending much of his time making himself known within Haven and spreading the word of Ilmater. He has also taken to travelling abroad to the smaller towns and communities in the area to ensure they know that Ilmater is with them during these bleak times and harsh winter ahead and helping where he can to ease their burdens.
Killian has traveled to the capitol of Sembia to meet with the Great Council and inform them of the coming dangers and about the prophecies. He also tried to lessen the tensions between Sembia and Cormyr - warning of a common enemy to both. He felt he had somewhat limited success but feels he did his best.
Torin has gone back to the North to continue his investigation of Reghed with Thorvoldd. There is not much to tell about this to the Vanguard other than he is following up on a lead in the North with another group of adventurers and it is nothing solid at the moment. He will keep them informed if it develops into anything. He is being ever vigilant for the Shadow and following every lead.
Killian and Var worked together to set up an alarming system (Improved Skull Watch) at each of the major towns in the area and some of the larger hamlets, so if the bandits show up at or near any of these places, an agent would activate the skullwatch, Var would be alerted to which one was activated, and the Vanguard of Argus would respond to help. Their main purpose is to make sure that some of the bandits escape, so that they can be tracked back to their lair.
Killian sent out agents into the region to gather specfic data about the attacks as well - When the attacks took place/ where they took place/ compass points for attack and exit directions for the bandits. This information may take some time to gather, but it should give a very good picture of what has been going on.
The group was soon teleported to just a few hundred feet from where the illusory entrance to the Cleft in the mountains was. They decided that everyone would be shrunk down and would be carried in a bag by Flynn as she snuck her way inside. Flying in with her bag of PCs, Flynn saw the enormous size of the Bandit Enclave and their operations here. She flew invisibly up to the side of the Keep which closed off the far end of the cleft. She used Pass wall to break through the outer wall and enter the interior of the keep.
She found a room with 2 dead corpses which led further into a room with emaciated prisoners chained to a wall. Stealthing through that room, picking the lock and moving out into the Hall beyond she encountered two well armed guards. She cast Hold person on the duo, but was only effective against one. She snuck up and backstabbed the other, but her blow missed his vitals and he was on the defense - fighting against an unseen enemy. Flynn kept stabbing at him, but his shouts eventually brought reinforcements. As the others rushed into the room, Var knocked the double doors that the two were guarding and as Flynn backed out the door she cast a Black Tentacle spell which wrought havoc amongst the bandits.

Thomas (TN hm Merchant) - Simply Thomas, is a Merchant from the Moonsea area who has spent many years dealing with the Bedine of the Anauroch. He has learned the Uloushinn language and it's many dialects. Recently he has decided that the temperament of the Moonsea is somewhat inhospitable to trade, so he has elected to stay with his friends in the Binwabi Tribe. He was contracted by the PCs to be their translator and guide.
Ahamaoud of the Binwabi (LG hm F2) - Ahamaoud is an elderly trader amongst the various tribes of the Bedine. He deals in textiles for the most part. He is honorable and somewhat more foreward thinking and accepting than others of his peers. The PCs met him while searching the desert and he politely agreed to lead them to his tribe, where he offered the PCs all of his hospitality and his family took the opportunity to try and make a sale of some fine fabrics to the women of the group. He and his family do not speak Common.
Rahoon of the Owari (LG hm F3) - Rahoon is a friend of Thomas and was contacted by him when the PCs arrived at the Owari Camp. He was able to put Thomas in touch with some of the men who had worked on an excavation that might interest his clients. Rahoon is very honourable and honest and prides himself on his hospitality. He welcomed the PCs as friends to the fire and offered them traditional Bedine cuisine.
Dawud of the Owari (LN hm F2) - Dawud (Bedine form of David) is a young Owari who had first-hand knowledge of the excavation that the strangers came for 2 years ago. He spoke of the Black Robes (The men from the east) and their mysterious master, who paid in gold for their services to excavate an ancient ruin. They witnessed them remove treasures from the site.
Fawzi of the Owari (LE hm F4) - Similar to the story given by Dawud, Fawzi helped the strangers excavate. He is very superstitious of the site and spoke of seeing strange, dark magics being used. He believes the place is cursed, but he is no woman - he will go back to the site to show the PCs.
Flynn's Contact - A Harper. FLynn, Drake and Killian met with him in Berdusk.
Cylyria Dragonbreast, High Lady of Berdusk (LN hef B26) - She is more often
known as The Silent Lady, because she now sings and speaks very seldom, and
her voice is soft. Cylyria has many friends among the elves, but is not known to have
a husband or lover of any race. She is gentle and grave, but occasionally merry and
pranksome, given to caperings and giggles when in such moods. Under her light
and largely covert rule, Berdusk is a member of The Lords Alliance. She spoke with Flynn, Drake and Killian at Twilight Hall and agreed to share information regarding anything that could pertain to the coming War of Shadows.
Meera of Daggerfalls (CG hef T6) - is a Harper agent that Flynn met in Dagger Falls while searching for answers about the strange tablet, the Zhentarim, and the Blood. She had been set up permanently in Dagger Falls as a wool merchant, to spy upon the Zhentilar who control the town and report back to her Harper contacts. She knew nothing of the things which Flynn was searching. She will make enquiries.
Graeme of the Sunset Vale (CG hm R13-M20) - is a Senior member of the Harpers and lives in a small hut about a mile outside of Corm Orp (He enjoys the small ffolk) in the Sunset Vale. He appears to be about 70 years old but is surprisingly spritely for a man of his years. Rumor amongst those in the higher ranks of the Harpers suggests that he could very well be many years older than 70. He is wise but curmudgeonly and knows the lands of the Vale and the Sunset Mountains like no one else. He is the unseen walking nightmare to the Zhentarim who would abuse the area.
Ramar (LG hm F5) - Lieutenant of the Purple Dragons - 23rd Infantry Platoon out of Castle Crag. Noble and honourable, Ramar seeks to do his duty to the Realm as well as everything he can for the people of Cormyr who are suffering during these dark days.
Dramm (NG hm F4) - Newly promoted Lieutenant of the Purple Dragons - 18th Infantry Platoon out of Castle Crag. Dramm has worked his way up through the ranks with his intelligence and brave actions in combat in the Stonelands while stationed at Tilverton. He is specialized with Spears and his strength is 18(49). He has a sarcastic dry wit and takes his success and compliments with a grain of salt. He does what needs to be done - that's all.
Sir Quinn Dragonblade (NG hem F7) - Eldest son of the Dragonblade noble house (Recently raised from the middle class) he was trained amongst the nobility of Cormyr and has worked very hard to ensure he does nothing to disgrace his family. In fact, his deeds have done nothing but given good standing to his house. He is a very well thought of, intelligent young Purple Dragon Knight. His mother was an adventuring Elf and his father was an established merchant of Arabel.
Joshua the Cobbler (NG hm F2) - Joshua was one of the bandits who attacked Proskur and was captured. He seemed to be a normal person who was under some thrall that made him work for the bandits. His memory of his time with the bandits was missing and he was compelled not to speak of what he did remember by some magical effect. Rather than have him hung with the other bandits Killian decided to keep him at Haven and to then eventually allow him to return to his family in Iriaebor. A few weeks later he returned to Haven to tell them how to get to the Bandit lair - somehow his thrall was weakening.
Rugdar of the Night Skulls (CN hm T6) - This is one of the contacts Flynn made in Iriaebor with the Night Skulls Thieves Guild. His personality needs to be fleshed out but Flynn can consider him an entry level contact to be developed at a later time.
Captain Roby (?? hm F6) - Captain Roby is the leader of the 30 or so human militiamen in Corm Orp. Roby did not really have much to contribute to the information the group was looking for. He seemed like an honorable sort.
Dundast Hultel (?? hm ??) - Dundast is the Lord of Corm Orp and also he trains and is the ultimate leader of the militia, above Roby. He is well thought of and his primary concern is the protection of the men and halflings of the town.
Boran Chull - Boran Chull is a Banoret Knight of the Order of Argus. He was sent north from Haven with his troops to help bolster Helmshold. His troops have been sent to Hluthvar to help reinforce the under-funded and dimishing troops there. He spends time in both Hluthvar and Helmshold, travelling frequently back and forth.
Asgar Telingar - Asgar is the High Priest of the House of Suffering God in Asbravn and is also on the Town Council. The Vanguard met with him when they were seeking information in Asbravn.






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Tyrsholme - The forces at Tyrsholme have been bolstered by Castle Crag. They have sent 2 platoons of (20) Infantry (F2) in chainmail with long swords, daggers and spears. They are led by 3 purple dragon officers from Castle Crag. The Holy Chalice has been sending Nicholas visions of the future and the past.
Haven - Haven's forces are immense with his returned army, but also from the men brought by their new Lord Night, Xander. An alarm system of sorts has been set up in the area with the help of the wizard Var Randuel - using Skull Watches - to alert them to bandit activity. On Nightal 4, Haven's warehouses and shipyards suffered devestating damage. They lost 6 ships and almost all of their warehouses. 13 lives were lost - all either sailors or dockworkers.
Berdusk - Killian, Drake and Flynn were introduced to the ruler of Berdusk and were allowed to visit the Harper's headquarters. Information was exchanged and pledges made to share information with each other.
Binwabi Camp - The Binwabi Camp is a large tent settlement of the Bedine in the Eastern Anauroch. They are abutted against a natural rock formation with a large Oasis and water source.
Owari Camp - The Owari are another Bedine Tribe that is encamped a couple of days north of the Binwabi. It is here that the group made contact with Owari who worked at the excavation at the Obsidian Tower Ruins.
Dagger Falls - Flynn stopped briefly in Dagger Falls to meet with a harper contact there (Meera) and learned nothing that helped with her current venture. She did not interfere with Daggerfalls at all, but did gain a new contact.
The Citadel of the Raven (Ravensgate) - Flynn stopped by the refuge camp outside of the Citadel of the Raven. She cautiously asked questions about her quest, but learned very little other than the Zhentish refugee's both blame the Zhentarim and Zhentilar for their current situation while they beseach them for help. Things are desperate there.
Zhentil Keep - Flynn spent several days culling the rumor mills and plying her trade in the Southern disctrict of the ruined city, but did not learn very much about the topic at hand. The people in general are not very willing to talk or get involved with strangers. She feels if she spent about a month there she might gain some valuable info, but it will take effort.
Corm Orp -
Asbravn (Helmshold) -
Iriaebor -