The group decided to try and track down the location of the original Obsidian Tower in long lost Hlondath. Using the knowledge of ancient Netheril that the Order of the Black Shield had gathered, they narrowed their search down to a specific region west of the Border Forest in the Anauroch Desert.
Journeying there they quickly came upon a travelling caravan of camels and were introduced to Ahamaoud, who took them to the tent city of the Binwabi Tribe. Politely accepting the welcoming traditions of the Bedine, and not being able to truly speak to them in their language, they met with a translator named Thomas - A Merchant from the Moonsea who has decided that he should just hang out with the Bedine until things cool down in the East. They asked him to look into any known ruins in the area, and after an afternoon investigating, he came back with news of another tribe that may have first hand knowledge of an ancient site being recently excavated within the last 2 years.
Spending the night just outside the Tent City (In a magical Magnificent Mansion), they set out on Phantom Steeds with Thomas to travel a day to get to the Owari Tribe. Once at the Owari Camp, Thomas met with his friend Rahoon, who invited the PCs into the Owari Camp. He wlecomed them with food and water and shared his fire with them. Rahoon introduced the PCs to two of his tribal brothers who had first hand knowledge of the ruins they sought.
Their names were Dawud and Fawzi and they helped excavate the ancient ruins about 1/2 a days ride to the north. They spoke of black robed men and soldiers and an ominous cloaked figure who oversaw the whole operation. They saw the Black Robes take many sacks of treasure out of the ruins and one particularly strange item that there was quite a bit of excitement over - A black stone tablet with a strange sign engraved upon it (We have since determined it is an ancient sign of the Dark One),
The next morning Dawud, Fawzi and Thomas gathered camels together for the group and they led the PCs to the site of thhe Ruins. The area was found and the PCs journeyed into the sandy ruins. The narrow halls let to rooms with no comprehendable purpose and there were many signs that looting had taken place in the past as ancient skeletons looked as if they had been ripped apart unceremoniously to look for treasure. The ceiling and walls in many areas are in various stages of collapse. Some tunnels are completely collapsed and blocked from passage.
Some of the rooms were decorated in strange embossed images on the walls and one room, which looked as if it's brass doors were blown in by a huge force, had strange stone tables with hollowed out ovals, a brass inlaid oval in the center of the room with brass-lined grooves leading to the edges of the stone tables. They found strange, carved stone ovals that apparently fit into the recessed ovals on the tables.
Another room is surrounded by eight large ovals recessed in the floor around the edge and a small pillar in the center. It is believed that the pillar once held the stone tablet the Bedine described. It was decided that Trilidir would go above ground and begin identifying the stone ovals in earnest while the rest of the PCs continued to search.
Probing into the rubble of one hallway showed that it could be passed with passwalls and continued beyond. Doing so, the PCs found tunnels and rooms that look as if they were not disturbed by the recent excavators. The 2nd room beyond the collpase looked as if it were a mess hall of some kind, one skeletal body still slumped at his last meal. Magci was detected on some of his items. As it was being inspected, a horrifying feeling of terror ripped down the spines of the PCs as a translucent, green glowing skull, surrounded in green mist, appeared in the room accompanied by the sound of a thousand tortured spirits.
The PCs fought a somewhat desperate battle against this misty many tentacles being as it slowly advanced across the room and they had to retreat with each slow advance. Magic seemed to be useless against it and it took highly magical weapons to even have a chance to hurt it. It's terrifying presence was constantly at war with the Psyche's of the heroes as they fought, tempting them to flee in terror. Soon the beast had crossed the room and driven the PCs into room 7 where they finally defeated the creature with a massive blast of light from a wand of Illumination.
They found some very unique low magic items in room 8 and amongst the skeletal remains they found in the hallway beyond. From scratched writing in ancient Netherise upon the walls, they learned the story of the survivors who were trapped down here with no way out and no rescue came (Presumedly after the destruction of the Obsidian Tower above). They died off one by one until there was only one left to tell the tale. He lived for some time through the magic found in room 8 and eventually committed suicide to end his long suffering.
Identifying the items reveals them to be somewhat minor magics from an ancient time where magic was prevalent throughout their society. The stone ovals were revealed to be communication devices of some sort. Taking them back to Room 4 and placing them in their concave recepticles they managed to get them working somewhat. By saying a specific phrase in Netherise and speaking the name and focusing on another individual with a stone, 2-way communication could be established. The group decided that there was not much more for them to do here and need to decide their next move.

The group decided that they would try and ascertain who controlled the excavation and where they took the stone tablet with the symbol of the Dark One on it. They learned of the "Black Robes" who the Bedine did not trust and their hooded master whom all of them were terrified of. They witnessed them take sacks of things out of the ruins and one thing in particular was a stone tablet with a strange mark on it, which the swords of power confirmed was the symbol of the Dark One. The Bedine could give no more information that was relevant to that event.
The group entreated Torin to seek knowledge from his god, Helm, through a powerful Commune spell. What they learned was quite frustrating as not even the powerful planar servants of Helm could divine the location or identity of the being who excavated the site and took the tablet. There was some powerful protective magic concealing them from scrying and other magical methods of detection.
1. Can the symbol the Owari workers saw on the tablet be found in Faerun? YES
2. Can it be found other than on the Tablet? YES
3. Does the person who took it still possess it? LIKELY YES
4. Is this person still in Faerun? UNKNOWN
5. Is the tablet a source of magic power? YES
6. Is the tablet used to communicate with the Dark One? NOT DIRECTLY
7. Is the tablet outdoors? UNCERTAIN
8. Is the tablet in a temple? UNCERTAIN
9. Is the tablet protected from being detected? YES
10. Is the tablet symbol found on buildings? LONG AGO
11. Is the tablet symbol found on clothing? LONG AGO
12. Is the tablet used to summon the Dark One? NOW - YES
13. Has the tablet been used to summon the Dark One since it has been removed from the ruins? NO
14. Has the tablet EVER been used to summon the Dark One? NO
15. Are they close to being able to summon the Dark One? TIME IS SHORT
16. Can the tablet be located through scrying or magical means? NO
17. Does Thom know more about the location of the tablet or person who took it? YES
18. Does anyone in the Owari tribe know more about the location of the tablet or person who took it? NO
1. Does Thom know more about the location of the tablet? NO
2. Does Thom know the location of the person who took the tablet? NO
3. Does Thom know the INTENDED location of the tablet? NO
4. Does Thom specifically know the person who took the tablet? NO
5. Is the tablet used for communication? NO
6. Is the type of magic of the tablet Necromantic? NO
7. Is the type of magic of the tablet Divination? YES
8. Is the tablet a holy (unholy) artifact of the Dark One? YES
9. Does the tablet have powers other than Divination? NOT ORIGINALLY
10. Are more than half the nine blood active in the Realms? LIKELY YES
11. Is B'aalzemon free and active in the Realms? LIKELY YES
12. Is T'Bokken free and active in the Realms? YES
13. Is Shayol Nor free and active in the Realms? LIKELY YES
14. Is Shazooth free and active in the Realms? LIKELY NOT
15. Is Kiitai free and active in the Realms? LIKELY NOT
16. Is Drentar Kobboth free and active in the Realms? LIKELY NOT
17. Is Talon free and active in the Realms? LIKELY YES
18. Is Gor Radool free and active in the Realms? LIKELY YES
1. Can T'Bokken be located through scrying? NO
2. Can T'Bokken be located through other magical means? NO
3. Did one of the Blood remove the tablet? LIKELY YES
4. Was it T'Bokken who removed the Tablet? UNKNOWN
5. Was it an agent of the Blood who removed the Tablet? LIKELY YES + ONE OF THE BLOOD
6. Is T'Bokken in contact with the other Blood? LIKELY
7. Are the blood concentrated in the Moonsea? CANNOT LOCATE
8. How is it known T'Bokken is definitely free and active in the Realms? NICHOLAS...CHALICE
...................End of Commune......................
Flynn took it upon herself to use her persuasive roguish experience to see what she can learn by travelling to the Moonsea West and seeing what she could learn, while the rest of the Vanguard of Argus turned their attentions to other important tasks in their regions of the Realms - Since they seemed to be at an immediate dead end as far as learning about the who and what of what transpired at the ruins.
She Travels back to the Oasis, then the Citadel of the Raven and Zhentil Keep to find out where the tablet went and who has it. She also wants to ask about the Symbol, as it can be found elsewhere in FR. Are there any new cults possibly using this symbol? Or worshiping the dark one? What was happening in the realms immediately after the Tablet was removed from the ruins? What was happening at the 3 locations I visit, around the same time. Anything out of the ordinary or weird?
1. Two years ago would have been somewhere around the Time of Troubles.
Find the two people who helped with the removal of the items from the ruin. Pick their brains for any information that would offer a description of the robed people who took the items. Identifying features, symbols, or if they over heard any conversation that would help in pinpointing where they were going to. Then check with the rest of the desert people if they have anything to add that may assist us in the tablets location.
Flynn made contact with Thomas again at the Binwabi Tent City and reconnected with the Owari Tribe to see what else they remembered.Following all of the traditions of the Bedine as best she could, after a couple of days talking with the Owari Tribesmen who helped excavate the site (There were about 10 more people in the community who she questioned besides the first two that Thomas introduced the group to - Dawud and Fawzi).
1. There was nothing particularly relevant going on with the Bedine at the time, the Dursalai and the Ruwaldi tribes were fighting and there was much disturbance among the tribes because of this, but nothing that is beyond the normal. Especially for those two tribes.
2. The other tribesmen confirm that it was the Black Robes (Zhentish agents) and their soldiers who were controlling the excavation. The Owari are not trusting of the Black Robes, in fact they would normally not work with them at all if not for their Sheikh, who had struck a deal with them. It was profitable to their tribe, but the Black Robes are dark magic users and evil, manipulative men, so the workers were wary and fearful most of the days working with them. Their ruler was always shrouded in a dark hooded robe. One worker (Raminji) said that the vile sorcerer looked at him once, and his bowels turned to jelly in fear of those glowing ice blue eyes that he saw under that hood.
3. One of the workmen (Mahoul) said he did hear a conversation among some Black Robes - he had started to pick up some of the common tongue. He heard "This is just one, but more will be needed", "The Black Heart...","...The Great Altar".
4. None of the other Bedine that she talks to have any more information about the strange symbol, the tablet, the hooded man, or where they went to after the excavation of the ruins.
Ask around, find a thieves guild present the same questions, looking for information on the tablet and any one who would have information as to the robed people who recently took it from the desert ruin. IE: who do they know, who would know them, where would they go.
1. The citadel itself is the main feature of this great stronghold, which rests in the center of 10 miles (16 km) of interconnected fortresses on the western end of the Dragonspines. It is a well-fortified and well-protected fortress under the control of Zhentil Keep. The citadel supports a small community of refugees from Zhentil Keep around its outskirts. This community is called Ravensgate.
2. Those living in Ravensgate are supported by the Zhentilar but it still looks like a refugee camp at best. Using her talent of information gathering, Flynn is confident there is no burgeoning thieves guild present in the community and most of the people are uncertain and frightened citizens of Zhentil Keep. Flynn is fairly certain that the eyes of the Zhentarim are upon this place though - she can feel it like a cold chill down her spine.
3. After spending a few more days building up some trust among some of the refugee's she learns what little she can. From what she is asking about, it seems likely that the Zhentarim are behind it (They are always digging up something dark and evil and meddling with the lives of everyone), and if so - Manshoon was involved. It is a not so secret secret that he is the power behind the Zhentarim. There are no rumors of Manshoon having glowing eyes beneath his cowl though, but he is powerful, and said to be always masked to hide his identity. If the Zhentarim have it they could have brought it to the Circle of Darkness -The Temple to Cyric or the Black Altar to Bane, or it could have been squirreled away in one of Manshoon's many hiding places.
4. Two years ago would have been around the time of the Godswar. Bane had fallen from the sky destroying the Black Altar before rebuilding it again to his glory. Zhentil Keep and everyone's lives changed dramatically. Now another god has brought destruction and despair to their lives. The Moonsea has never been more dangerous than it is now.
Ask around about the bloods, the tablet and names and location of the robed people who were in the desert ruin 2 yrs ago. I will use my info gathering skill and what ever funds it will take to garner useful information.
1. Zhentil Keep is a mostly destroyed husk of collapsed and fire-gutted buildings surrounded by a partially sundered, many towered outer wall. The southern merchants quarters were left virtually untouched by the Dragon and Goblinoid armies that attacked Zhentil Keep, and it is full to overflowing with survivors and those trying to re-establish some form of order. There is a presence in the northern city, but it is sporadic and consists of Zhentilar patrols and those who are trying to find shelter and plunder. The Zhentilar are trying their best to control the large north city and have conscripted many to help sift through the ruins.
The merchants have continued as best as they could and a semblance of trade can be found in the southern sector. This is the place that Flynn has set her sights on. If there are any people of import left in this blasted city, they will be found in the south sector.
2. This place must be walked very carefully. Flynn knows that Zhentarim spies no doubt have eyes around every corner and from initial evidence, the Worms (A Sinister Thieves Guild) are still very much active in the city. The motives of this guild are hard to determine, but they have previously proven to be brutal and deadly as these thieves spy (in all inns and taverns!), kidnap, slay, perform arrests and impersonations, and arrange evidence to the highest bidder. But what are their specific motivations now? Flynn's attempts to ingratiate herself with the Worms has not worked out well. They are paranoid and more dangerous than ever now. No one knows of the symbol or any new cults or any being using the moniker "Dark One". Trips to the desert are pretty low on peoples minds right now and at any rate, she's found no one who knows of it yet.
3. Flynn already knows that she would be extremely lucky to find the information she seeks soon. Weeding her way through this complex web of uncertainty will take some time, but this is likely her best chance. So far no one she has spoken to knows anything about the "Blood", but everyone has speculations on what their old Masters are up to now. Rumor has it that Lord Chess is dead, Fzoul has gone into hiding and has not been seen since the fall of Zhentil Keep. Word has it that Manshoon was well prepared and his dark network is still fully operational and he has moved his base of operations to the Citadel of the Raven. It is going to take more time to get deep enough into this snakes den for the answers she needs, but that is not unexpected.
CORMYR (Drake, Trilidir, Var)
Purple Dragon Reinforcements have been sent by Baron Thomdor out of Castle Crag to help secure the eastern border of the Kingdom. This consists of 2 platoons of (20) Purple Dragons (F2's) lead by two Lieutenants - Ramar (LG hm F5) and Dramm (NG hm F4) and a Captain - Quinn Dragonblade (NG hem F7) who are Drake's to command.
Drake has himself begun to set up defensible waystops between Tyrsholme and the Thunder Gap. These waystops consist of a wooden structure within palisaded walls and are positioned one days walk away from each other along the East Way through the Hullack Forest. With the extra reinforcements, Drake has increased patrols not only along the highway but to the smaller settlements in the area as well, to make sure that they have all of the support they need for the long and dangerous winter ahead.
Both Var and Trilidir have offered their services to go on patrols sometimes as well, to make sure that their magical prowess can be brought to bear whenever possible to aid the people of Cormyr. They have also been requested to attend bi-weekly War Wizard meetings at the Magehall in Arabel (This is not optional). The mages of Tyrsholme have also inspected the evil black items taken from Mulmaster and determined that they should be destroyed lest they fall into the hands of others. When not patrolling, attending War Wizard council meetings or helping the people of Cormyr, their minds are bent towards their magical research and introspection.
HAVEN (Killian, Xander)
Both Killian and Xander have made their way back to Haven to continue their duties there. Xander in particular is spending much of his time making himself known within Haven and spreading the word of Ilmater. He has also taken to travelling abroad to the smaller towns and communities in the area to ensure they know that Ilmater is with them during these bleak times and harsh winter ahead and helping where he can to ease their burdens.
Killian has traveled to the capitol of Sembia to meet with the Great Council and inform them of the coming dangers and about the prophecies. He also tried to lessen the tensions between Sembia and Cormyr - warning of a common enemy to both. He felt he had somewhat limited success but feels he did his best.

Meeting the Great Council of Sembia
Killian stood motionless in front of the assembled council, like a resplendent Mithral statue. A low thrum of whispered conversations and the shuffling of documents slowly subsided, stopping completely as he began to speak."I realize I have no standing here, I am but a mere supplicant conveying a message to the grand council of the great nation of Sembia, but as a servant of Torm the True who stood steadfast against the oppression of Bane during the Time of Troubles, I have stood unwavering as the Tuigan horde broke against the strength of my Order, I have held the gate to Faerun, turning back Xvim the son of Bane, and now the convergence of fate and prophesy has placed me at the forefront of what is likely to be my greatest test, the return of the Dark One and his nine Blood.
"I am not here to request any assistance, as I have prepared my entire life for the coming years, but unfortunately this test is for the entire Realms and as ready as I am, Faerun seems abysmally unprepared. History tells us that before the Dark One's arrival there will be droughts, blights, plagues, natural disasters and unexplained darkness. Each of these omens have come to pass since Marpenoth as well as an increase in humanoid and monstrous attacks, massive glacial encroachment in the North and the unexplained disappearance of many of the Realms most powerful Wizards.
"The great minds of our age agree that the Second Great Shadow War is now upon us. Prophesy tells us that the Dark One and his Blood will set neighbour against neighbour, using nations as pawns in his greater scheme. We are already seeing open warfare in Sespech, and there is no question that the rhetoric is increasing between Sembia and Cormyr. I am here to beseech you to not fall victim to this manipulation, to call upon your better natures to thwart

those who would seek to use Sembia to their own advantage and make every reasonable effort to strengthen neighbourly bonds during the darkness to come, especially when you have every reason not to. This will not only serve to see Sembia safely through the darkness, but your patience and light could be seen as example to all, written indelibly into the annals of history."
More paper can be heard shuffling and a low cough breaks the silence which seems to be minutes long, but is only seconds. A heavily accented sembian voice comes from the center of the long semi-circle as Overmaster Elduth Yarmmaster speaks. "Thank you for bringing this information before this council. The fighting prowess of your order is well known to this council, and we have seen that you have fought with us in the battle against the Tuigan and most recently you have aided the Kingdom of Impiltur in their recent issues. Your worthiness to Torm is great. This is known."
"What you say, this council can see that this is a remarkable tale that you share and this council can see that you are strong in your belief, Torm be praised." He shifts in his chair and takes a drink from his glass. The rest of the assembled council remains silent and waits for him to continue.
"You speak of history and a Dark Overlord. This council wonders what is this history, for of such we are regrettably ignorant? This council agrees that there are in fact all of the things you speak of - Drought, blight, plague, darkness and cold. This is known. This council agrees that this fits well with what you have said. Why has this council not been aware of this history of prophesy you speak of? Who are these great minds who all agree?"
"This council does not suggest disrespect to your Lordship, but there are many stories, myths and religious allegories that not only this council, but most in the realms have heard of. Could it not be that this is such a case?"
*** Need response from Killian so that I know exactly what else has been shared
*** After Killian's response
"This council thanks you, Lord Killian, for your earnest interest in the welfare of Great Sembia. This council will take all that we have heard here this day and put our wisdom towards it. May you ever walk with the favor of the gods."
Without another word Killian is obviously dismissed from the council as they begin speaking to one another and appear to be ready to move on to the next topic of discussion. Killian leaves the council wondering if behind their polite facade, had they truly bought in to what he was telling them? They showed no real emotional expression and all of them wore a staunch mask of seriousness that he believes they probably would show while discussing any other matter of business.
Torin has gone back to the North to continue his investigation of Reghed with Thorvoldd. There is not much to tell about this to the Vanguard other than he is following up on a lead in the North with another group of adventurers and it is nothing solid at the moment. He will keep them informed if it develops into anything. He is being ever vigilant for the Shadow and following every lead.
Killian and Var worked together to set up an alarming system (Improved Skull Watch) at each of the major towns in the area and some of the larger hamlets, so if the bandits show up at or near any of these places, an agent would activate the skullwatch, Var would be alerted to which one was activated, and the Vanguard of Argus would respond to help. Their main purpose is to make sure that some of the bandits escape, so that they can be tracked back to their lair.
Killian sent out agents into the region to gather specfic data about the attacks as well - When the attacks took place/ where they took place/ compass points for attack and exit directions for the bandits. This information may take some time to gather, but it should give a very good picture of what has been going on.
The team went about their business and waited and finally on the 11th of Uktar, the Bandits attacked Proskur. The team showed up with force and battled the bandits to help the town. They followed the fleeing Bandits, who reconnected up with a larger force of about 40 riders. They followed them to a strange engraved stone platform, which teleoprted the bandits away when they rode onto it. Drake tried to invisibly use the platform to transport himself hopefully to their base, but it did not work. The team defeated the 15 or so bandits who had yet to go through the strange portal.
Var and Tril immediately began trying to figure out what the device was and how it worked. Xander stayed with them at the site to protect them while the rest of the team went back to Proskur to see about things there. The wizards were about 1 hour into the purification process when they were suddenly ambushed. An absolute silence fell upon the area and as Xander was patrolling the camp, he was stuck by a powerful lightning bolt which then arched into the tent to strike Tril and Var.
Tril was blasted to the ground unconscious and Var had to think quickly. The silence would prohibit him casting while within the silence, so he gathered up Tril and headed out the back of the tent. Once he was free of the silence he teleported away with Trilidir (To Tyrsholme) - just as a fireball streaked in to consume the tent area. Xander had entered the tent to aid the wizards and was ground zero for the fireball. He used the power from his helmet to teleport him to Haven, emerging with the flaming remnants of the tent dropping away from his armor.
While they were working on the Identify spell and being ambushed - Drake, Killian, and Flynn were back in Proskur interrogating the captured bandits. One of them died during interrogation (Some malady striking his mind - causing him to bleed from his eyes, mouth and ears before expiring). Most of the rest were unwilling to have that happen to them, so they refused to talk at all. One seemed like he wanted to talk, but could not. Something was magically influencing him and he also suffered memory loss of his entire time with the bandits. The Knights wisely chose to separate him from the others and keep him at Haven.
When the Order finally reconvened the next day in Proskur, Trilidir and Var had been completely healed and were ready to return to action. They went back to the spot and as they suspected, the strange platform was now missing. They noticed that they were being scryed and used a detect scrying spell to determine that the person scrying them was named Varool Draguun and was operating out of the Sunset Mountains in a place called the "Cleft of Shadows".
Suspecting that this nemesis was operating out of Darkhold, they teleported to Corm Orp to investigate. Ultimately they learned nothing about the Cleft of Shadows, but an aged Ranger (Harper) named Graeme had heard the name Varool Draguun before. That name belongs to a vile and dark evil wizard who operated in the area around Iriaebor about 20 years ago. He was an adventurer and had been quite successful in his ventures, but also had earned a dire reputation in his days there.
The Vanguard travelled to Asbravn to meet with the leaders there and after a short stay at Helmshold they learned only that the Dwarves of the Far Hills have no knowledge of Varoon or the Cleft of Shadows. Flynn spent some time in Iriaebor working with the Night Skulls to find out all she could about Varool Dragoon. He hadn't been seen in the city in 20 years and there was no more information to be found immediately.
Having no real clues to follow, a few week later they heard from the bandit whom they had been keeping (and since had returned to his family) that he was able to speak now of things he couldn't before - The block upon his mind seemed to be weakening somewhat. He could remember how to get to the Bandit enclave! Var worked with his mind through ESP and now has enough information to be able to bring the rest of the group to the Bandit camp.
The group was soon teleported to just a few hundred feet from where the illusory entrance to the Cleft in the mountains was. They decided that everyone would be shrunk down and would be carried in a bag by Flynn as she snuck her way inside. Flying in with her bag of PCs, Flynn saw the enormous size of the Bandit Enclave and their operations here. She flew invisibly up to the side of the Keep which closed off the far end of the cleft. She used Pass wall to break through the outer wall and enter the interior of the keep.
She found a room with 2 dead corpses which led further into a room with emaciated prisoners chained to a wall. Stealthing through that room, picking the lock and moving out into the Hall beyond she encountered two well armed guards. She cast Hold person on the duo, but was only effective against one. She snuck up and backstabbed the other, but her blow missed his vitals and he was on the defense - fighting against an unseen enemy. Flynn kept stabbing at him, but his shouts eventually brought reinforcements. As the others rushed into the room, Var cast Knock on the double doors that the two were guarding and as Flynn backed out the door, she cast a Black Tentacle spell which wrought havoc amongst the bandits.
In the rough hewn cavern of a room she backed into there were 4 spearmen similarly as well armed as the others that she dodged around invisibly. Another one of those teleport pads (Supposedly) was in the south east corner of this cavern. After the 4 guardsmen began helping defeat the tentacles, the tentacles vanished and 2 armored individuals entered the room shouting orders - The man in plate and shield and the woman in full plate and shield with a mace. Flynn cast a dimension door to transport beyond the 2 armored (Leaders?) and out into the hall. Once there she spied 2 invisible people, one which was likely a mage. Flynn stealthed past them deeper into the Keep.
Soon the group found themselves upstairs and exploring the living quarters of some of the (Leaders?) of the keep. They spend some minutes in this secured area - barring the door and searching all of the rooms within. They found a room that possibly belonged to the female (Priest?) that had a dark shrine within. After some time and searching they eventually came to a room where some shuffling sounds could be heard within. Just as they broke in and saw a robed and cowled being (Eating?) a human beings head and face, a shout was heard and another door leading out to the stairs area burst open ready to send in more villains to the fray.