Finn's Journal #32 – Dec 27 – 2017
We rested in our chamber at the Inn, talking of the many strange events we had experienced and the leads we had yet to explore. We awaited the hour just before midnight and set out for the stockyards to try and get there and in position before the Wachter brothers arrived. Whatever mischief they planned with the carnival wagon would no doubt cause problems for the village, it's people and ultimately us. We needed to control the situation to be sure.
We approached the stockyard and before we could get fully into our planned hiding places, we saw that Nicolai and Karl were already there at the strange wagon and were heaving upon it, rocking the wagon back and forth. Angry, gutteral sounds could be heard coming from within the wagon, and at the sound of a sundering crash, the boys fled in terror from the wagon. They had, for their own unfathomable reason, provoked whatever was inside. It's angry thrashing and growling could be heard throughout the yard and we knew for a certainty that the creature within was moments away from breaking free of it's prison.
Uphir and Tetsuo moved forward to flank the wagon on both sides so that they could spring into action if needed. What they saw emerging from the battered and broken rear doors of the wagon was at once both impressive and terrifying. A giant black cat, rippling with taut muscles, huge clawed paws, and large, razor sharp fangs, bounded from the wagon to land upon the ground, glaring at both Uphir and Tetsuo in turn. It did not attack but rather seemed intent upon escape, bolting off southward into the night.
Without much discussion, Tetsuo and Uphir took off into the darkness after it, leaving the rest of us to investigate the scene. The great cat bounded through the village, first south-west, then westward, bounding upon roofs and sprinting through yards, trying to find escape. This was causing some commotion as frightened exclamations could be heard coming from some homes, lights flickered on, and the guard were being called forth. Finally the chase ended at the fenced in graveyard behind the Church of Saint Andril. The panting cat was found pacing back and forth among the grave stones and Tetsuo cautioned Uphir not to approach closer. Uphir used this opportunity to begin chanting the ancient shamanic ritual that would allow her to speak to the beast.
They hoped that there would be enough time, for even as Uphir chanted, Izek Strazni and his men-at-arms could be seen approaching the graveyard. To buy some time, Tetsuo moved forth to intercept them, explaining that they would speak to the beast and handle the issue calmly. Strazni seemed intent upon violence as his preferred choice, glaring evilly at Tetsuo as our monk explained to him the foolishness of his actions. He ordered his men into the graveyard to surround and contain the creature.
Uphir managed to finish her ritual and her voice reached out to the great cat in gutteral vocalizations and growls. There seemed to be an understanding between the two, as Uphir stepped forth into the graveyard and slowly moved towards the animal. Strazni looked on intently but did not interfere, and his guardsmen backed off while still holding vigilant. Uphir and the cat were growling back in a sort of conversation while Uphir led the cat out of the graveyard and towards the west gate. There was much confusion and curiosity at the west gate as they opened it's great doors to allow the animal to bound out into the darkness of the night beyond.
At last, members of our group had opportunity to speak with Izek Strazni himself. Uphir and Tetsuo were not able to glean much of the man as he interrogated them. Feeling it beneath them to try and play with the facts, they told their tale of overhearing the Wachter boys talking about messing with Rictavio's wagon and deciding to make sure they did not cause any major problems. They told how the two brothers tortured the beast in the wagon, fleeing just before it broke free. Strazni and his men went to the stockyard to investigate and got ther same story from the rest of the group. His last words to us were a warning to not leave town as there will likely be more questions to come, from the Baron. We did not know at the time that we would soon defy that order without a second thought.
Nim had gone after Rictavio, to wake him and let him know about the escape of his animal. Rictavio was quick to dress and begin searching the village for his animal (Not knowing that it had been led out the west gate). Nim took this opportunity to do a little snooping in his room. Little was gained other than reading Rictavio's journal, which provided no real insight into anything.We all retired to the Inn and our cozy room to once again try and determine how these new facts would impact us and our mission.
Some time later, Rictavio returned and Nim spoke to him in his room. Rictavio was hurriedly packing his things together to leave the town. He was determined to track down his missing beast and also, I think, was happy to avoid any lingering questions the constabulary would have for him. He advised Nim that the southern gates were usually not guarded, should we decide to leave town as well. If we had the opportunity, we could meet up with him at Khazin's Tower on Lake Baritok.
Shortly after Nim left Rictavio, Danika approached our rooms to tell us that the ritual at Yester Hill had begun. The decision for our next course of action had been made for us. We could get a good night's sleep and attack at dawn, or we could throw aside all else and rush to Yester Hill to save those poor children from a fate worse than death. Of course we chose the latter. We gathered our belongings and soon we were sneaking our way out into the dark forest surrounding Vallaki. I hope grim Izek Strazni will forgive our leaving the scene of the crime, as we heores must go where we are most needed.
We decided we would go to the winery first and stage our attack from there. We avoided the ambush area on the road west of Vallaki by going deep through the forest to avoid it. We found no clues to the identity or encampment of our hated assassin. It was slower going through the dense trees of the Svalich forest as we had to watch our step and be wary of attack at every turn. The sound of wolves was never very far away in this land.
We met Davian at the winery and he let us know what information he had of Yester Hill. The ritual had begun and the druids were buried in the ground near the cursed Black Banyan tree, gathering their strange power from the earth and the tree's roots. The children, rather than being interred into the ground, had been interred in the twisted trunks of black and rotten trees. We were told that Strahd himself was present for the beginning of these rituals and soon Davion had us be silent and we listened to the distant sound of pounding hoofs passing the winery on the eastern trail. We were told that Strahd and his dark riders were passing at that very moment, leaving Yester Hill.
Terror, undeniable and true, gripped my mind and body as I imagined the evil smile of the Devil Strahd as he passed, glancing knowingly with glowing eyes at the winery as he rode past. He knew we were here and was amused! I could feel that in my soul with certainty and it paralyzed me. The image of the Dark Riders was thrust to the forefront of my mind as well, reminding me of the horrible visions I have had since entering this hateful place. When my mind was released from it's horror, I knew we must act quickly.
We assembled and moved quickly over the mile or so distance to get to the hill. It was an impressive edifice in it's own way - rising four hundred feet or so above the land. Hundreds of rocky cairns ringed the hill in two ascending levels to the top of the hill. Lightining sparked through the darkness of the night to strike the hill itself, it's light revealing stone structures at it's top and a wide wall of evil mist further to the west of the hill. It seemed that we had encountered one of the finite barriers of this land, it's noxious, clawing cold promising a horrible death to any trying to pass beyond.
Nim scouted ahead of the rest of us as we followed him up the dirt track winding up the hill. At the top there was a low stone wall encircling an area with several broken and twisted trunks of black trees standing in a rough circle. To the south could be seen the immense Black Banyan Tree, it's hanging roots dangling and wrapping around a thick stand of trees surrounding it. It looked as if a massive oak had originally stood there, only to be overtaken by the strangling hold of the Banyan. Very little of the oak's rotting remains were visible.
We felt certain that the central stone ring held the interred bodies of the souless children and we made the decision that the biggest obstacle to overcome was the evil tree in the distance. If we could defeat it, then it would make our work saving the children and defeating the druids that much easier. As we moved to investigate, we could see gray shadows flitting amongst the trees ahead. Soon the anticipated attack from the trees began as a mass of Lost Ones (Wolves, Children and the larger children) erupted forth from the foliage. The wolves and the larger children came rushing forth while the smaller children stood back firing their perilous darts at us.
Our warriors met the charge as solidly as they could. Tetsuo and myself stood back a ways so that I could use my Fey Blasts to better effect and Tetsuo could light his torches and use his uncanny tactics of rapidly moving in and out of the melee. Akkiir began his enchanting dance, as green fire sprung forth upon his blade to strike his enemies. Janlynn fired columns of golden energy from the sky upon her foes and Nim fought deftly with his shield ready to help defend his friends when needed. Uphir swung her axe in crimson arcs through the mass of wolves and undead children. Our usual tight quarters, corridor tactics, would not be used this day as we were unfortunately without cover and in the open.
The darts from the ranged children were finding their marks with good effect. Tetsuo and I seemed to be working together as I concentrated on the larger children with my force blasts and he swept in to finish them with his pounding torches and fire, before darting back out of the melee. The large children managed to blast forth their noxious spores upon the group with some effect, but no immediate casualties. This battle would prove to be one of our most treacherous to date.
Finn's Journal #33 – Jan 03 – 2018
Our strategy for defeating the creatures was much the same as before - use fire to finish them off. As soon as they were falling before our attacks, they were being set afire like tinder, their dry and shrivelled bodies drinking in the flames. Green flame arced from Akkiir's enchanted blade and Tetsuo made it his mission to light as many fallen as he could with his usual uncanny speed and grace.
Uphir...She fought with such rage against these abominations that they were falling with every rapid blow of her great axe, rent limb from limb. Nim's blade and shield weaved in and out of the combat, stabbing into the lost ones with precision and using his shield to protect his comrades. Janlynn continued to harry the enemies with blasts of divine energy, holding her place in line with her fellows bravely, and I kept up my fey attacks against them.
Soon the melee was over and the wolves, and larger lost ones were defeated, however, the ranged lost ones moved to flank our group and continue to pepper us with their barbed darts. Our warriors moved to melee with them with a crushing series of attacks. It became apparent to me that the lost children had decided that I was the softest target and charged after me. I saw no path to my comrades that would not bring me into the clutches of the enemy, so I cast a spell of speed and charged off to the east, away from the battle.
Unfortunately that did not discourage them, as they continued to chase after me, puncturing me over and over again with their darts. Not even my enchantment could propel my legs once I had lost consciouslness and tumbled head first into the parched and dry grass of the hill, overcome from multiple wounds. My fellows were not far behind me and quickly finished off the rest of the lost ones. Beautiful Janlynn soon had me come to and patched up like new. I could get used to waking up to those ethereal blue eyes when I am wounded in battle. Perhaps I will faint the next time I stub my toe or get a splinter?
Our enemies smouldering behind us, we moved toward the giant banyan tree and it's grove. We could see a great axe had cut deeply into the trunk of the tree and it became apparent why it was left there as there was a skeletal body lying beneath it on the ground. He certainly had no more use for it, perhaps we would. Janlynn's detection spell made it difinitive that the titanite stone we were looking for was buried somewhere within or under the evil tree. Uphir pulled the axe free of the tree and I searched the body for clues, without luck.
We approached the banyan with caution, expecting some reciprocating action against us. Once we had gathered about the tree, Nim reached in between the cracks trying to get to the stone hidden within. All he received for the effort was rust colored, noxious sap upon his hand. We would need to kill the tree and then find the titanite stone buried beneath. We all used up our supply of lamp oil to heavily coat the trunk of the tree and lit it in several places. We were soon rewarded with a spreading fire which was taking hold and climbing higher up into the branches.
We backed off from under the immense canopy of branches and the surrounding copse of trees. We watched it burn for some time, willing the fire to burn itself deeper and deeper within the tree, hoping that the fire would continue to spread. Soon the canopy above began dropping cinders upon our heads, fleeing the smoke on the winds. There would be no stopping the fire now, it was certain, so we turned our attention to rescuing the children.
Just as we had decided on that course of action we turned to see several druids approaching from the north-east. Remembering that they like to use spells which affect an area, we spead ourselves out from each other as Akkir and Uphir charged directly into the midst of them. Akkiir survived several thundering blasts from the earth as well as almost being entangled in the grass beneath him, as it came to life. Spells flew from both sides as the battle quickly progressed, but having closed the distance our warriors were cutting through them like a sunday sugar cake. A couple of them moved to attack Janlynn but were soon cut down as well. The battle was over almost as soon as it began.
Something was distracting Uphir as we moved across the hill towards the central stone ring, as she lagged behind the rest of us. It was quickly determined that the black trees did in fact contain bodies, and muffled voices could at times be heard coming from within. I regret not having the strength to pry apart the trunks and save the people inside. We had to call for Uphir and her massive strength to succeed at this daunting task. It took about an hour of chopping, digging, and prying to free all six bodies. It saddens we to write that only four of the six were alive.
These were not souless children as expected. They were older, appeared to have souls, and spoke quietly and reluctantly in a strange language. We offered them food and drink from our packs and gave them blankets to cover themselves, as they were naked. They seemed to be sorely afflicted by the sap from their prisons and Nim prepared to heal them when Akkiir remembered the strange healing stone we had gotten from the hag and used that instead. This seemed to heal them all! It didn't occur to me at the time, but have they tried the stone on Uphir's poisoned wound? I shall have to find out.
Nim, through the power of Snelb, could communicate with them in a ponderous fashion, and we learned that they were members of the Druid's own tribe. While Nim was discussing matters with them, Uphir was driven to go investigate one of the black stone cairns by a strange emploring voice in her head. She went forth and reached in to touch a spear that the voice had told her would be there. Upon touching the spear it turned to dust and an unknown power moved from the spear into her Axe.
Finn's Journal #34 – Jan 08 – 2018
The children were further interrogated and we learned that they had basically been bred for this purpose and it was hard to determine if they were even grateful of us saving their lives. They seemed intent upon returning to their tribe and we were forced to bind them temporarily. We wanted to make sure that our job here was completed - the tree burnt, and the Titanite stone discovered before we set the children free.
Uphir described her strange encounter with a ghost from the past. A strong male voice was heard in her head indicating that it had been waiting centuries for a great warrior to come along. This voice directed her towards the cairn with the spear in it. It would seem that whatever strange force that was in the spear, and likely was the source of the eerie voice, had been transfered into her great axe. She did not describe any further communications, but we will all be watching her for any signs of possession.
The fire roared the rest of the night and by mid-morning nothing but ash, smoke, and small fires in debris piles was left of the giant Black Banyan tree. When it was safe enough, we moved in and dug around the ash and dirt at where the base of the tree used to be. Nim used his magic senses to locate and remove the acorn size glowing stone. We had done it!
We did not want to go right back to the winery with our prize, some felt we should hold onto the power of the stone ourselves, rather than returning it, to see if it could be used to battle the evil of this land. If the Martikov's simply bury it in the land to begin their next crop of grapes, it could easily be stolen again. We eventually decided we would spend our day in the Svalich woods north of the road leading from Vallaki to Krezk. This was the area of our ambusher.
We traversed the forest and gained the ridgeline from the west. We followed it along looking for any clues or tracks which would lead us to our target. Several areas in the trees along the ridge were perfect spots to lay in wait for an ambush on the road below. In the roots of one tree, we found a tightly wound bundle of fabric. Nim went forth to investigate and soon a cleverly disguised trap was tripped, shooting sharpened bolts up from the ground at our hobbit friend. He managed to avoid most of the pointy things, but cursed himself for not seeing the trap in time. More Black Banyan poison had been applied to those bolts as well.
Investigating further it was determined that they were in fact a pair of pants and shirt. My immediate thought was that a werewolf had stashed his clothing in secret so that he could prowl the forest in his mishapen half-wolf half-man state, looking for prey. Somewhat angered by my friend almost becoming a pin cushion, I must admit that this was not one of my finer moments. I defiled the crotch of the pants with my dagger and defiled the whole outfit with......egesta of the liquid variety.
We decided to set up a search pattern and began our mundane task in earnest. The person who left the clothing and trap had left no tracks to be found and it was proving futile. Soon a set of wolf tracks was discovered, heading west. All in the group decided we should follow these tracks to wherever they led and where they led was to the north-south running track from the Old Svalich road in the south to the Vistani camp in the north. We could tell from our map that the Tower of Khazin on lake Baritok was only a short trip along this road to the south, and decided rather than confronting the Vistani and/ or searching out the Dusk Elves to the north, we would see if Rictavio had ended up there after all.
A narrow track branched west off the main trail and we followed this a short way until we approached the edge of Lake Baritok. A long, narrow bridge led from the shore to a small island dominated by a ramshackle tower. The sound of wolves howling could be faintly heard from far across the lake and as we approached the tower we noticed a small covered wagon of vistani style was parked just to the side of the tower.
Dim candle light could be seen coming from the fogged glass windows on the third floor. A huge gash could be seen running down the western side of the tower near the top. There was a rickety scaffolding on the west side as well, leading from the ground to the damaged section. The ground floor door was on the south of the structure and had a plaque with strange symbols on it.
Tetsuo went to check out the west scaffolding and crack. He declared the scaffolding to be very unsafe and that there was not much to be seen within the crack. It opened into a dark interior with a squarish hole in the floor, with ropes dangling from the ceiling and down through the hole to the level below. The walls were covered with mildew and greasy mold.
The Wagon was inspected, but it proved to be locked and nothing could be seen through it's curtained windows. Uphir and Janlyn approached the door and as soon as they tried to knock, a bright flash of lightning erupted from the door as bolt after bolt of lightning coursed through their jerking forms. They were thrown back to the ground with smoke trailing behind them. It took some time for the lightning to die down. Luckily none were severely wounded from the ordeal, but no doubt felt somewhat chastised for not heading the magical glyphs upon the door.
One of the top floor windows opened up and a familiar voice called down. It was Rictavio! He said he would be down to open the door for us. It took several minutes before the door stopped discharging lightning and then the door was opened and Rictavio invited us in. Inside was a platform with connecting ropes trailing up into darkness. There were two large clay humanoid statues holding on to ropes as if they were going to come to life and hoist the platform up to the higher levels.
Well, that is exactly what they did. The statues used their animated arms to raise the platform to the top floor and in groups of two we ascended. This was remarkable, but caused many questions to swirl in my mind. Was Rictavio really a powerful wizard? How could he control the clay statues? How could he overcome the magic of the door? Soon we were all settled in at the top of the tower and found it to be quite homey in its own way. There was a comfortable looking bed, a warm wood stove with enough cut firewood to last some time, a small desk and chair, a cabinet and some suplies.
Rictavio assured us he was no wizard and that he was just really good at figuring these things out. We asked and he graciously offered to have us stay the night in his humble abode. We talked for some time, but really, I must confess, laying my head down to rest was of paramount importance for me.