Finn's Journal #54 – Jun 04 – 2018 (Crib Notes)
1. The group were discussing what they would do with Janlynn in her new situation. Nim spent his time reading through the now readable text in the Oath Celestial book. A long rest was definitely in order.
2. Finn was desperate to get through to his friend Janlynn. He and Uphir came close and removed the hood covering her head and removed the gag. If she tried to cast a voice activated spell, Uphir was ready to stop her. Janlynn was sobbing uncontrollably and it saddened Finn.
3. No sooner had the gag been removed then Janlynn reached out with her hand and cast a terrible necrotic spell upon Uphir for a ton of damage. Uphir was caught flat-footed, not expecting her to have gotten out of her restraints.
4. Everyone sprung into action and Janlynn was quickly re-captured and trussed up in such a way that it would be impossible for her to escape her bonds this time.
5. A detect magic spell revealed that she was in fact suffering from a charm enchantment, but we had no way of breaking through that spell, as Janlynn was the only one with a dispel magic spell.
6. Finn used his message spell to communicate directly with Janlynn in her mind - what he found there was a frightened Janlynn voice and also the mocking sound of Strahd's voice. Finn gave her encouragement to fight off the Devil's enchantment.
7. Finn went to try and get a message out to Muriel. She came to the chimney he was calling from and he gave her a full report of what they had found and learned within Arganvosthold. He asked if she knew of a way to defeat Strahd's hold upon her or of anyone who had such power. She did not.
8. Muriel confirmed that there were two Dark Riders upon the roof! We needed an escape route out of this place and she had already been giving some thought to that and thinks she can lead us on a route down through the cliffs and bluffs around the structure and back down into the ruins of Berez that would not be noticed by the Dark Riders. Thick vegetation and fog somewhat obstructs their vision and if exploited properly we might just escape. She was going to continue working on that.
9. Rather than leaving as soon as possible, it was determined that they would move to the room upstairs with the fancy windows of the morning light. Perhaps with enough prayer and the touch of the morninglord, she would have strength enough to fight off the enchantment. We were told by Muriel that the ghosts that guard the halls would be replenished at first light, but decided we would have to risk it and fight our way out.
10. When the morning came, Janlynn had in fact found the strength and broke away from the clutches of the Devil. She said that it happened when she died. Somehow Strahd was able to gain some measure of control over her during that time. He was manipulating her to bring us into hise clutches.
11. Now that we had Janlynn back, it was decided that we would go and meet this Vladimir Hornguard Revenant and see if we could learn more of what we must do to complete our task.
12. The ghost have in fact returned and we are fighting our way through them to get to the stairs to the floor above.
Finn's Journal #48 – Apr 23 – 2018
Janlynn held fast her concentration of her Spirit Guardians spell even as she fought off the vicious bites of the monstrous Shadow Mastiffs, casting Sacred Flames whenever an opening allowed. Akkiir began his dance and soon his green-fire blade was arching through the melee with precise strokes, biting deeply into the creatures. Uphir roared with primal fury as she stepped in front of Janlynn and smote death upon mastiff after mastiff with her blood drenched great axe. Nim and Tetsuo moved like snakes, coiled and ready just outside of combat, striking with surprising speed at the perfect moments.
For my part, elevation and tossing my fey blasts seemed the proper course, as it usually does. It is important to command the high ground so that you can be an effectice communicator of tactics with your comrades in battle; Yes, that is my story and I am sticking to it. I did notice, as I climbed, that about mid-way up the tree and continuing into the canopy above was a pervasive blanket of spider webs, coccoons, and various wiggly, crawling things - much more than could be natural. This part of the forest, and continuing on from here, seemed that it would take us deeper into an ever darker and more rotted region of the Svalich Wood.
Fey blasts, Sacred Flame, sword point, Green Fire, Swinging axe and pummelling fists and feet soon brought the monstrous mastiffs to defeat, and we watched the last of them evaporate into shadow-vapor before us. As my friends below began to catch their breath from the battle, I bore witness to the return of the evil, vile, murder-doll from House Ulric appearing on a branch near where I had found my perch. She looked at me with her dirty face and dead eyes, bringing her wretched finger up to her twisted and cracked lips in a shushing motion. She then produced from behind her a smaller, roughly made doll and set it carefully upon the branch between us, her gaze never leaving mine.
As if holding me mesmerized and frozen in fear, I could do nought but watch her slowly back away from her offering and, with a hard glint in her eye, she vanished into the shadows and was gone. I cannot adequately describe the icy feeling which gripped my heart and wrenched my entrails into knots at the sight of her communicating with me in this silent, purposeful way; away from the protection of my friends below. I'm unsure how long I sat transfixed, looking at and through the strange gift she had left me; mere moments I am sure, but it felt much longer.
The doll was made of sackcloth and roughly sewn together. It resembled a bloated zombie of some sort, with the rice stuffing leaking out of one of it's ripped seams. I tried, my words failing at my lips at first, to bring my friends attention to the strange zombie doll, as I struck it swiflty, sending it falling a dozen feet or so onto the forest floor below. Somehow, I finally got the words out and told them of what I had seen in the tree.
Janlynn's reaction was quick and permanent as she called forth the power of the Morning Lord to smite holy energy down upon the doll, briefly illuminating the immediate area in brilliant, radiant, rosey-gold light. Nothing now remained of the bloated doll other than some loose rice and small bits of sackcloth. If it was a device of evil, it would harm us no more. If it was possessed of any clues, only mysterious Nebelun would know of it now.
As if things could get no more strange, Uphir began complaining about beetles. Beetles were coming out of her magical Bag of Holding and crawling all upon her. She quickly took off the large bag and dumped all of it's contents upon the leafy forest floor. They seemed to be swarming out of her backpack and her investigations revealed a half rotted bone femur of some bovine animal had found its way into her backpack. She had not placed that bone there, and she quickly tossed it away and began dealing with her bone-beetle infestation. As she cleaned up, many in the group thought that this was the work of that evil, intelligent, cursed doll.
We moved north to reach the actual trail leading to Arganvosthold as the forest was continuing to become more dense and rotted. The trail made things a little easier for travelling, but now the boughs of the trees overhung the overgrown trail, providing a dark arched canopy above to choke off what little brightness the days bring to Barovia. The pounding rain and distant peals of thunder added to the choking, musty oppression of the forest. The entire area felt like the damp, rotted underside of a log, with crawling insects and worms wriggling about our feet and in the trees and their overhanging limbs above.
Soon we came to what looked like a small hamlet that had long ago succumbed to the rotted forest. It's sagging wooden huts were darkened from damp rot and the ones which were not collapsed looked as if they would do so at any moment. They too were covered with the wiggling, writhing bodies of small worms and insects, giving this oppressive, dead place a strange and disturbing sense of life and movement. Things moved and crept out of the corner of our eyes and we wanted nothing more than to leave this place behind and continue our journey. Everyone felt the taut feeling of intense agitation in this area.
We moved cautiously through the hamlet and soon were confronted by a new form of horror to add to our already exhausted minds. Large, bloated, maggot infested zombies began to shuffle out from behind some of the huts. There were almost a dozen of them in all. Writhing maggots could be seen crawling out of puss-filled wounds; the creatures mouths, noses and ears - some maggots could even be seem working their way around the sunken, milky eyeballs of massive undead creatures. Some worms simply fell to the ground in a trail behind them while others clung to the sagging flesh of the zombies. The likeness of these monstrosities to that of the rice filled doll was not lost on us at all.
I would be lying if I said the next few minutes went as any of us would have liked; in fact it was disasterous. There was immediate confusion as to what to do, with little time to argue about it either way. Akkiir called for everyone to hold back and use ranged attacks against the zombies, even as he rushed forth to engage them. Janlynn and Uphir felt that rushing past the slow moving zombies was the best option and promptly made a run for it. Uphir offered me a ride on the way by and I was happy for the escape, blasting forth a couple of fey blasts to knock some of the zombies, that were moving to intercept, out of the way. Tetsuo was looking for some concensus and, getting none, ended up moving to help Akkiir.
Janlynn rushed forth in a dash and Uphir and I came up right behind, hoping to evade the zombies who were moving in on the trail. The zombies that I attacked were soon rejoining their bloated friends and thousands of maggots were quite literally pouring out of the wounds I had made. We were attacked as we ran past, maggots sloshing from the wounded zombies and the unwounded zombies vomitted streams of worms as we rushed by. It felt disgusting having a damp writhing swarm of the things all over me. My discomfort soon turned to desperation as I felt several of them trying to burrow into my exposed flesh! Uphir and Janlynn were suffering the same fate as I was.
Akkiir attacked the left flank with Tetsuo and Nim. The zombies seemed to be felled fairly easily, but they too were experiencing the result of this as they dodged and fought against being overwhelmed by maggots. Akkiir was dancing and had cast a protection from evil spell upon himself to protect from the undead creatures. He was proving to be very affective at keeping their attention on him while not he was being hit by the zombies or their projectile maggots.
Uphir, Janlynn and I were fighting desperately against the zombies and their maggots. Our plight was worsened by the incredible pain of the large maggots eating their way through our bodies, heading for our hearts. Nim came over to help just as a swarm of flying insects washed over our battle. A thousand tiny wounds ripped across our bodies as we fought the last of the forward zombies, trying to retreat out of the swarm.
Janlynn cast her guardian spirits once again in an attempt to quickly squash the flying insects and the maggots. I could feel the remaining maggots on me drop off from the effects of the spell, but it did nothing against the worms already inside my body. I remember another group of Shadow Mastiffs pounced upon our group, just as the last of the zombies were being dealt with.
I remember sweating profusely and panicking as I felt the maggots worm their way through my body and crippling pain wracked through my chest as I felt them moving. With a hiss of air and coppery tasting blood gurgling up my throat into my mouth, I knew my lungs had been violated and I dropped to my hands and knees. Trying to call out only forced more blood to pour out of my mouth upon the trail, and there was no air to propel my voice at any rate. I looked up in desperation, hoping someone was on the way to help me and I saw Janlynn drop lifeless to the ground nearby and beyond her, Tetsuo dropped to his knees and collapsed face down into the ground, his arms limp at his side and unable to stop his fall. My final thoughts were of beloved Janlynn, and poor Uphir, who would no doubt succumb to the same fate as she was covered in evil maggots as well. Pain ripped through my chest and I knew that the maggots had found my heart, and then.....only darkness.
As I am writing the details of this, I am afraid I have spoiled the plot for you, dear reader. For this is indeed penned by Finnigan Cormac Lorcan Tadhg Fillydook - of sunnydale lane, Glimmerglade, in The Great Reaching Woods; and I have survived our current calamity, Praise the Morninglord in all his glory. I shall briefly describe what I have been told had transpired whilst I was away, and then rejoin with my story of wakening.
All of the remaining assailants were quickly dealt with, but the cost of our victory was a steep one. Tetsuo, Janlynn and I had all succumbed to the maggots infesting our bodies and no amount of healing could be applied that could revive us - We were truly dead. Uphir managed to avoid a similar fate thanks to the quick thinking of good Nim, who thought to use cure disease to rid her body of the infestation, and it worked!
Akkiir used his mastery of the Art and conjured a Leomund's Secure Shelter for the group to securely rest under while they decided what to do. Our bodies were brought in as well and my good friends mourned our death as good friends would. Beloved Uphir, staunchest of friends, was truly saddened and would not release Janlynn and my bodies from her tender grasp. My valiant comrades would not simply accept a little thing like death to waylay their righteous quest, so it was determined that a raven would be sent to the Abbot in Krezk, pleading that he come forth to give the healing he had promised. They had no way of knowing if the Abbot would receive the message, or even if after receiving it he would even come that distance to help. The abbot did not let us down, and within a few hours he had come and used his powerful magic to call us back from death to our mortal flesh once again.
I could write a whole other book about my experience in the realm of the dead here in Strahd's realm, but not here. I will say that of all of the horror I have witnessed in this realm, none of it compares to the experience of being a soul, going through it's natural course to travel to the Golden Hills, only to find its way barred by a visualization of the same mists that surround this blasted land. A soul yearns for its proper afterlife with a passion and force of will not seen in the mortal realm of the living.
It rails, screams and claws desperately to escape but is always rebuffed by the icy touch of the cursed barrier and above and beyond it all is the sensation that Strahd is watching and enjoying each and every moment of suffering that the soul experiences. He hunts and terrorizes these poor spirits and a feeling of hopelessness settles heavily upon every trapped sould in this land.
Janlynn seemed especially traumatized by her experiences in the afterlife. I can only assume that the experience would be all the more visceral to someone as devout as she is. We were all grateful to have been revived by the Abbot and I cannot speak for my friends, but I cannot imagine a more terrible fate than to be a soul lost in Strahd's Realm. I do not want to experience that again, nor do I wish that fate upon anyone. I am more determined than ever to break the curse of this land and free the people from Strahd's tyranny, and finally allow those sad souls the journey they have been desperate for - to their proper afterlife.
An argument broke out between Akkiir and Uphir - both accusing the other of causing the fate that had befallen our group. Uphir was outraged at Akkiir for choosing to attack when she though they should have fled. Akkiir was angry that no one listened and they fled directly into the arms of the enemy. A loud and often aggressive discussion of tactics erupted .
Finn's Journal #49 – Apr 30 – 2018 (Crib Notes)
1. The group agreed that they should try an get out of this dangerous area, and that all the arguing was just attracting more attention. More and more maggots were piling up all around the dome.
2. Uphir suggested that if in the heat of the moment, if even one person calls retreat or not to attack, then we should side with them. We have not heard Akkiir's rebuttal, but decided we needed action.
3. Nim noticed someone looking through a crack in one of the huts at us.
4. Finn suggests we use Muriel and her crows to scout ahead so we can make our escape plans.
5. The ravens and the owl went forth (Uphir used her beast sense to see through the eyes of a raven) and when they returned they said the way was clear except for three Wode's guarding the trail. and it was a fairly straight quarter mile to get to Arganvosthold.
6. We cleared away most of the maggots from around the dome with weapons and fire. We decided we would make a run for it - well....make a sneak for it with Tetsuo's help.
7. Akkiir decided to send his owl to investigate who was spying on us. Just before he pocketed his owl he saw three women who we believe to be one of the other types of Hags. They were likely the ones who cast the insect swarm upon us.
8. We stealthed away and made for the edge of the hamlet. As we were stealthing away, two Shadow Mastiffs walked out on the road to block our way. We didn't even slow down, killing both quickly as we went by. No real alarm was raised so we continued to stealth.
9. Came to the area of the Woads and bypassed them thru stealth.
10. Finally we came to Arganvosthold. Large structure with towers and battlements. One large tower climbing high above the structure. The east side of the building is completely collapsed, including it's towers. There is a ruined barn structure just east of the main building. On the North-west corner of the building is a graveyard with a large mausoleum.
11. upon the path, near the main entry stand a large stone statue of a dragon, looking upon the house. Nim climbed upon it and investigated. Found that the jaw was hinged and that inside the mouth was a spout. Checking the stairs leading up to the entry, Nim found several trap activators likely that would set off the dragon trap.
12. Finn suggested we find a way up to the roof of the building and use Akkiir's last Leomund's hut to sleep for the night to recover. It worked like a charm. We were not bothered by anything at all up there.
13. In the morning it was time to investigate the roof area. A large part of the center of the roof running its length from east to west was a collapsed wooded peaked roof. We could use this for access to the interior.
14. Investigating the collapsed east side of the structure, Nimble Nim went out on a wooden spar and could see into the ruined area and it was covered in giant spider webs. nSomething strange happened while he was out there. The doll appeared and handed him a paper. Nim showed Uphir and they went to discuss it in private, not letting anyone in on what was going on or where the paper came from.
15. Finn passive-agressively kept trying to find out why they were keeping secrets - Janlynn wanted to know as well.
16. Finally Uphir gave in to the pressure and she and Nim told us what was on the paper - A child's drawing of a monster, with Janlynn's child scrawled name at the bottom. Janlynn confirmed that it looked exactly like one she had drawin in her youth.
17. Uphir began bringing forth strange behaviors that Janlynn had been displaying, especially since coming back from the dead. Janlynn had been writing in a secretrive journal and she had been noticed talking to a person who was not there. No one else but Uphir is witness to this.
18. Janlynn accused them of lying and keeping secrets, but realistically it was only for like 8 minutes or so. Much tension. Janlynn had no answers for anyone. Someone is not telling the truth. After much debate, no one was getting anywhere. We decided to find a way in and watch Janlynn (And Uphir) closely.
19. Taking one of the small minaret towers the group descended into a long east west corridor with several doors.
20. While most of the group was in the stairs and Nim and Tetsuo were ahead scouting, half a dozen ghostly guardians appeared in twos down the corrider. They called us trespassers and began to advance. We declared ourselves for Arganvolsthold and the grim order but they were unmoved. When they reached Nim and Tet, they did not attack, but continued calling them out.
21. Janlynn stepped forward and turned 5 of the 6 of them. and the last was defeated quickly. We moved into some sort of prayer room with a door across the room.
22. Opening that door led to another long corrider much like the other and stepping out activated 6 more ghosts. Once again Janlynn turned 5 of them and the last was destroyed.
23. Just then the other 5 returned and they were fought and killed. Right now the team is waiting and setting up for the return of the last 5.
Finn's Journal #50 – May 07 – 2018 (Crib Notes)
1. The 2nd turned group soon returned, coming through the walls at us and they were quickly defeated.
2. Explored the east north-south corridor. Explored some rooms leading into collapsed side of the building - crumbling floors/walls. Dangerous to search.
3. Found room with treasury room off of it (Which was lead lined). All treasure is gone.
4. Found a note from Arganvost (Last statement before he went off to his final battle).
5. Found old crumbling book titled "The Oath Celestial". Finn will work on transcribing.
6. Found a slashed painting of the mansion with the top of the chapel tower glowing. Finn took out of frame and rolled up to keep and restore. Finn has also been collecting various collored cloth tapestries, so that he can make a grim order banner to fly from the roof.
7. Found the dragon bedroom? impression on floor looks like from a large creature laying there over a long time.
8. Came across what looked like an audience hall, but the way in was mostly filled with rubble. Send the owl in to investigate. Rusted weapons and shields lay upon the floor. There is a throne facing three large windows. Armored skeletal remains lay slumped in the throne with one of it's hands still laying upon the pommel of his sword.
9. War Room. Heavy table with 6 high back chairs. Skeletons in armor sit at table. Nim notice3d that there was a discoloration on the wall in the shape of a shield - as if a shield was hung there for a long time and is no longer there. The skeletons attack.
10. These ancient warriors attacked with amazing strength and agility with those in melee quickly taking down Akkiir before he could even get his defenses up. Multiple attacks each. Plus ranged bow attacks from those unable to attack in melee. Uphir stands in the door to fight.
11. I forget who all went down in this fight, but it was a fight we were unprepared for as all we could do is keep reviving those who fell and quickly realized we needed to retreat. Managed to kill one of the creatures, but it quickly regenerated back into the fight.
12. Full on retreat with smaller folks being carried by the larger. Finn cast spell to make Akkiir goi faster,. Akkiir hung back and protected the retreat of the rest. We fled to the roof again, and the enemies did not follow.
13. We healed up and took a short rest. We now must decide how we want to continue exploring the ruins. Check out the graveyard and mosoleum, try to get into the chapel high tower, enter the front door, or go back in the way we already had, from the roof.
14. We tried to go to the chapel high tower from the main roof, but were assailed by ghostly archers from the towers watching over that area. We retreated behind protective parapets and remained on the main roof area.
Finn's Journal #51 – May 14 – 2018 (Crib Notes)
0. Janlynn did a Tarokka Reading to see what we need to do to light the beacon.
a. First Card - Tells of History - The Illusionist; 7 of stars - She received no answer
b. second card - Tells of powerful force of good/protection/hope - The Shepherd; 4 of glyphs. She received no answer.
c. Third card - Tells of power/ strength - The Wizard; 5 of stars. She received no answer.
d. Fourth card - Tells of who can aid - The Horseman; High Card of Death. She received no answer.
e. Fifth card - The Raven; High card of Mysteries. Her eyes roll back in her head and she speaks in different voices...
Janlynn -
A flutter of dark wings against the sky
Janlynn -
A vastness of stars, then blackness once more.
Janlynn -
A bright flash of light.
Young Man -
A huge picture, glowing with magical energy begins to wane as a halberd slowly slashes the picture nearly in two parts. Time speeds up and the motion reverses, the painting once again begins to glow as it quickly heals the damage, the blade receded out of my vision.
Janlynn -
A bright flash of light.
Woman -
Silvery light coming from the beacon in the now restored picture of Arganvosthold
Male -
A blurry dragon wyrmling comes into view , a statue yet begins to whisper in my mind:
When the dragon dreams it's dream - within it's rightful tomb
The light of Arganvost will beam - and rid this land of gloom
There is a light, glinting off small round lenses, a man with an elaborate mustache, Rictavio!!!
The image fades.
Deep male voice -
Dark stains cover the floor, large oak tables, scarred and beaten, lay scattered like discarded toys about the room. Their wood crushed and splintered, their replacements made of human bones. The walls and the twenty foot high vaulted ceiling are sickly yellowed.... they too are adorned with aged bones and skulls arranged in a morbidly decorative fashion, giving the room a cathedral like quaility. Four enormous mounds of bones occupy the corner of this ossuary; garlands of skulls extend fromthese mounds to a chandelier of bones above a long bone table in the center of the room. Ten bone chairs, festooned with decorative skulls sit at the table's edge. resting atop the table is a bowl shaped center piece, it too shaped from bone. Two doors at either end of the room are sheithed in bone, leaving a set of steel banded double doors unadorned. Above the steel banded doors is mounted a large dragon skull for all to see.
Janlynn -
A bright flash of light.
Janlynn was knocked unconscious for some time.
1. A large swarm of bats was seen heading in their direction so the group decided that they would investigate the 2nd floor and leave off dealing with the strange throne room and the powerful undead knights until later. They carried Janlynn with them.
2. The second floor had balconies looking down upon a large chamber below. The walls were dressed with many ancient shield and polished stone busts of various important looking knights.
3. Investigated rooms closest to the collapsed side of the building and found nothing of interest except dangerous, crumbling floors and lots of webs. While investigating - attacked by many giant poisonous spiders.
4. Finn used shatter spell to do serious damage to the group of them. They were tenacious but the group defeated them without sustaining serious injury.
5. Exploring further, nim looked behind a long tapestry to find a niche with a cloth draped object atop a pedestal. Lifting the cloth, Nim saw his own severed head looking back at him. When others lifted the cloth off completely, it was revealed to be another bust of one of the knights of Arganvosthold.
6. Finn trying to confiscate fine cloth tapesty for his collection.
7. Exploring further, came to a upper balcony area overlooking the chapel. Large stained glass windows beyond altar. Large magnifying glass hanging from above so that light shines at particular section of upper wall where windows are. Some glass broken in large windows and thick fog rolls in from there. Entire floor covered in thick fog, mostly concealing pews and the forms of 4 kneeling undead knights, who kneel before the altar.
8. Unsure how we would approach this. Set up defensable position, send someone to try and communicate with them and if they are hostile, run back and we would ambush them?
Finn's Journal #52 – May 21 – 2018 (Crib Notes)
1. The group decided that rather than engaging with these 4 undead knights, it was thought better to explore the rest of the second floor before trying something so frought with peril.
2. Came to a room with the sound of dripping water beyond. It led to a room with water dripping from the ceiling and forming a dark poolm which in turn was slowly dripping into a hole inj the floor. Stone shelves adoned the walls about the room. Investigating the hole carefully, it could be seen to lead down into a dining room area of some sort.
3. They came to another red velvet curtained alcove and it held no strange mysteries.
4. The next room they investigated had 2 beds with a rug in between and a sooty fireplace with a hissing sound coming from it. A black dragon wyrmling came charging out of the fireplace, past everyone and up the stairs to the third floor.
5. Uphir tried communicating with it in draconic, but it did not stop. Knowing that the stairs led up close to the area with the dead knights who kicked our butts, we did not follow.
6. While searching the halls we tripped a trap which caused a stone wall to spring up in front of us, cutting Nim off from the rest of us, as he was scouting. He was attacked by many many hallway apparitions and was desperately trying to find an escape route.
7. Janlynn dispelled the stone wall and the rest of the group were able to enter the hallway and aid him in the fight.
8. Uphir took the brunt of damage not only from battling the melee opponants. but also took a ton of damage from those who were shooting ghostly arrows. Janlynn cast a mighty health transfer spell and greatly healed Uphir by giving her some of her own life force. Janlynn sagged against the wall in exhaustion and pain.
9. Janlynn and Finn cast spells from around the corner while the rest battle the aparitions in the hallway.
Janlynn using sacred flames and Finn cast faerie fire and then fey blasts.
10. This was a long fight that consumed alot of our resources and healing, but it was won without anyone seriously injured. They took a short rest to gather strength and then got back to it.
11. They checked the other tower at the end of the hall and found a small hidden coffer with 4 potions of invulnerability.
12. Our way was soon once again blocked by a magical stone wall and we had no more dispell's. We began breaking through one of the windoiws in the tower and soon Tetsuo was clambering to the roof. He saw a Dark Rider up there who reared up to charge and attack. He quickly rushed back and into the tower once againl. The rider did not follow.
13. Nim did something and the stone wall came down so that we could explore more.........
Finn's Journal #53 – May 28 – 2018 (Crib Notes)
1. The group had searched all they could on the 2nd level and decided that they must not go down the grand staitcase to the 1st floor foyer. Large. 3 alabaster busts - the 4th destroyed. 6 x double doors.
2. Found a ransacked den with a sarcophogus (Egyptian looking) with a queen's effigy on the lid. It was standing up. A magical image of a fiery dragon appears in the fireplace and says "My Knights have fallen into darkness. Save them if you can. Show them the light they have lost." Then it dissapears. sarcophogus was being used as a wine cabinet. Everything inside broken.
3. Found a dark mouldy storage room with barrels. Encountered a tall thin humanoid in a dark robe. He was a dusk elf named Savid. He said he had been sent by the vistani with a goup to hunt for the missing Vistani chief's daughter - Arabella. (10 - 12 years old). He had lost the rest of his comrades to the lost children and had been in this mansion for 2 days resting and tending his wounds. Janlynn heals him and Finn gives him water and rations. Finn does not trust him. Pledged to help him part of the way home, when they left as they were headed that way.
4. The next couple of rooms on the east side just opened to the outside and the mass of spider webs.
5. Came to a Dining Hall. It had a hole in ceiling above a magically lit chandelier, dripping water into this room from the storage room above. 5 sets of double doors, one of which was glass and led into the chapel. There were 2 statues in alcoves, of knights with dragon helms and shields.
6. Decided to investigate other doors before chapel doors. Found kitchen completely ransacked. A bat flew out of a pot hanging above the hearth. Archway leads to servants' quarters. Door leads to another long east-west corridor.
7. Came to a parlor with a cool mural on ceiling and drapes. Nothing interesting.
8. Feeling we had investigated all the rooms. Decided to go and engage the 4 dead knights in the chapel (From the balcony above) in conversation and be prepared to fight/retreat if necessary.
9. Janlynn begins "By the name of the Morninglord and the piety of his servants, St. Andril and St. Markov, I bring thee forth from darkness inth my light." They did not attack. They demanded to know who we were and why we were there. We were forthcoming and told them that we were members of the Grim oeder and provided them with proof. Janlynn seemed really aggressive in talking with them.
10. They spoke about the history of this place, Arganvost, and how they came to this lasnd and were eventually destroyed by Strahd's forces. It was no mmistake Arganvosthold was build where it was, for it was nearby to the Amber Temple, which they had sworn to protect from the forces of evil. The Amber temple was a place of great evil power. High in the mountains beyond the pass.
11. Arganvost's 2nd in command was Vladimir Hornguard and when the dragon was destroyed, his body cut into pieces and hauled away by Strahd's forces, such was the force of his will and loyalty that he and his loyal knights were brought back after death as Revenants to seek revenge upon Strahd. They slew many, many of Strahd's forces, eventually coming to the very gates of Ravenloft. They were told of Strahd's death and his fall into darkness as a Vampire and Hornguard finally called all of his Revenant knights back to Arganvost to serve him here. Let Strahd suffer the dark fate he had brought upon himself.
12. Most of the Revenants have forgotten who they were and have turned to darkness. Only these 4 Revenants have retained some of their soul and memories and guard the temple of the Morninglord. If Hornguard (Who is the skeleton on the throne above) could be convinced to give up his hold on vengeance and take his rest, the knights would be freed to join their tru afterlife.
13. We spoke wise and righteouos words to these poor knights and vowed to make right the ills of this foul land.
14. Janlynn seemed determined to bless the knights and even wanted to go down to them below. Nim and Uphir were particularly concerned about this and physically stopped her and tried to interrupt her blessing of them. Uphir pulled her back from the balcony railing and Janlynn revealed that she was sick of being treated this way - "The next person who touched her would pay".
15. Akkiir thought he was being funny and touched her shoulder. In anger she touched Akkiir back and blasted him with an inflict wounds spell for 18 dmg. She spoke these dark words "You can't stop him"....Finn tried to break it up, to stop the violence among friends. He pleaded with Janlynn to stop and she looked frightened and unsure, but in an instant her visage changed to one of hatred. All hell broke loose as Uphir and Akkiir grappled with Janlynn. She hit Akkiir for another 18 dmg! She was eventually captured, tied up, gagged and a bag put over her head.
16. The group decided that they would put up a Leomund's Shelter and rest and try to figure out what is going on. Uphir was managing Janlynn and keeping her from lashing out at people.
17. Nim noticed piercing blue eyes looking at him from an adjoining room and went forth cautiously to talk with the evil doll. The Doll pantomimed a message - indicating washing her face with a cloth and the opening of a book. Eventually it was determined that she wanted the ever wet cloth we had found earlier to wipe up the Book of the Oath Celestial. Of course! Wiping the cloth over the blank pages revealed the hidden words therein. The book spoke of the various monsters they had fought and their methods for dealing with them. Telling various stories of the order.