DM Doug - Apr 16 - 2016
Recap of Season 5 and thoughts on Season 6.
Recap of Season 5:

Jon Snow is dead at the hands of his brothers of the watch and poor young psycho-pathic Ollie. Will Jon remain dead? Hmmmm.... Where is Thoros of Myr when you need him? If only there were a Priest of the Lord of Light somewhere nearby....
Samwell Tarly and Gilly were last seen heading off to Oldtown to study so that Sam might replace Aemon (Targaryen) as the new Maester of the Watch.
Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy (Reek) have jumped from the parapets of Winterfell - Hopefully into a deep snow bank, after having killed Ramsay Bolton's favorite bitch - Myranda. They are in enemy territory with little to no allies in the region.

Melisandre (The Red Woman) has come to realize that Stannis Baratheon is not the prophesied Azor Ahai, and has left him and his remaining army to return to Castle Black and the Wall. How could she have been so wrong? How can she re-interpret her visions from the fire? Who will be the champion of the Lord of Light?
Davos Seaworth is left at Castle Black as well, having been sent by Stannis for reinforcements, but with the return of the Red Woman, he knows that Stannis has been defeated. He has served his King well and honorably - What will he do now? Who will he follow?

Stannis Baratheon's forces have been utterly defeated by the Bolton forces out of Winterfell. When last we saw this daughter-sacrificing wacko he was being chopped down by Brienne of Tarth in the woods near Winterfell.

Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne missed their opportunity to save Sansa Stark but did manage to avenge Renly Baratheon by killing his brother Stannis. They are somewhere very near Winterfell currently.

Petyr Baelish (Little Finger) is off somewhere in the North - Likely hiding out in the Eyrie, in the Vale of Arryn, after arranging Sansa to be married off to Ramsay Bolton.

Ser Jaime Lannister, having journeyed with Ser Bronn of the Blackwater to Dorne to rescue his daughter Myrcella from the clutches of House Martell, is last seen clutching the body of his dead daughter as his ship sails back to King's Landing. Myrcella was poisoned by Ellaria Sand, Paramour of the late Prince Oberyn Martell and mother to four of his eight bastard daughters.

Queen Cersei Lannister has just finished her walk of shame through the streets of King's Landing and having been introduced to her champion - Robert Strong (A Zombified Gregor Clegane - The Mountain?) seems to have her eyes set on revenge against the High Sparrow.
Queen Margaery (Tyrell) and her brother Loras (The Knight of Flowers) are still imprisoned in cells beneath the Sept of Baelor by the Faith Militant and the High Sparrow. Cersei does not look like she will be helping them out of this situation as it was she who ultimately put them there. And poor, young King Tommen is too frightened and inexperienced to do anything about it.

Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi and Mother of Dragons, has apparently been captured by a horde of Dothraki, as a wounded Drogon has flown off to hunt. Will Dany turn this potentially dangerous situation to her advantage? It would surprise me if she didn't.
Daario Naharis and Ser Jorah Mormont are out hot on the trail of Daenerys - Somehow. Not sure how they track a flying dragon, but that's where we are. :)

Tyrion Lannister (The Imp) is left with Varys (the Spider) to rule Meereen in Queen Daenerys' absense. No doubt Tyrion will be tested.

Arya Stark is still in Braavos at the House of Black and White, serving the Many-faced god, and being trained by Jaqen H'ghar. She has been rendered blind as punishment for defying the Many-faced god (By killing Meryn Trant).

Brandon Stark and Meera Reed were not seen at all in Season Five, assumedly they are hiding out beneath a giant Weirwood tree with the three-eyed Raven and a few Children of the Forest, with Bran learning all about his new powers. They will be back in Season six though!

The Three-Eyed Raven and one of the Children of the Forest are in the North beyond the Wall. We're all unsure about the Three-eyed Raven's motives, but he told Bran that he would not walk again, but he would FLY seems to indicate that the ancient being will be teaching Bran about his Warging powers.

That's a bit of a recap of where all the main players are currently at the end of Season 5 without going into EVERY character in this massive MASSIVE cast of characters. Season 6 promises to be a real explosive season. In my next article I will discuss my thoughts on how I think some of these characters and plot points will progress during Season 6. Some of these are pretty exciting ideas. Feel free to leave comments.
Until Next - Valar Morghulis ... Valar Dohaeris
DM Doug - Apr 16 - 2016
DM Doug - Apr 21 - 2016
DM Doug - Jan 21 - 15
Original: Steve Buckley - May 28 - 07
DM Doug - Dec 23 - 2015
Original adventure - 1989
DM Doug - Jan 02 - 15
DM Doug - Nov 5 - 14
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